Just a bit of self disclosure, I am close to 40 and have been interested in the world of conspiracy research since I was a kid and first heard of Big
Foot and the Loch Ness Monster. In my teens, I was obsessed with UFO and Alien topics and read every book I could get my hands on and so began a life
long interest in these types of subjects.
But in the last year, after traveling down many rabbit holes and reading, researching and going through much personal growth and constant evaluation I
had the thought....
"What if none of this is real? What if conspiracies are part of the conspiracy?"
I recently watched the trailer for Mirage Men and it made me think of this again. Check the trailer
Now hear me out and Ill try to explain this in the easiest way I can.
Robert Anton Wilson, in his book "Prometheus Rising", wrote that the human mind had two parts, The Thinker and The Prover. "Whatever the thinker can
think, the prover can prove" he wrote. This greatly affected me.
The human mind is such an amazing thing and when put to the task of researching and proving it is a great tool...but is it always correct?
Do we think there are aliens and therefore find the evidence all around us for them?
Do we think there is an afterlife and therefore see and feel the presence of the paranormal around us?
Do we think there is a grand conspiracy to enslave us by the elite and therefore find the clues to prove it to ourselves every day?
Now, I'm not talking about real events such as manipulated political moves, false flags, dirty tricks, etc. Those are real. I'm more talking in the
realms of fantasy.
Is it in the best interest of those who are manipulating us to have us believe in these conspiracies? If we spend all of this time chasing our alien,
planet X, reptilian, hollow earth, satanist, occult, etc theories, we do not spend time on ourselves. We do not live in the present moment, working to
become better people, better neighbors, better community members. Is this not part of the plan?
Most of the time, conspiracies are brought to us by the same people we vilify, the government! Government insiders who used to work for the CIA, FBI,
NSA, UN, etc who now have become whistleblowers and are giving us the real truth. How can we trust them?
I think it may be as simple as this - humans have always been afraid of the unknown. What is the greatest unknown? Death. Most everything we do comes
out of this fear and I think the conspiracy theory is no different.
We feel like we do not have control in our lives so we invent a supernatural elite that are controlling and trying to kill us. We do not have to take
self responsibility.
We fear the unknown of death so we invent aliens who are here to guide us and help us (or kill us), or we move more "new age" and believe in the "God
consciousness" and feel better knowing we are part of everything and therefore can never really die.
We also know that governments use fear, especially fear of the unknown to easily manipulate mass opinion. If we are spending all of our time waiting
for the other shoe to drop such as 2012, the next war, the coming alien invasion, the rapture, the second coming of Jesus, earth moving into a new
frequency range or 4th or 5th dimension, etc we are held in suspense, held in fear, constantly waiting, waiting, just like in a horror film for the
killer to burst out of the closet and attack the babysitter....but it never comes. We never get the release, it just builds and builds, stress, fear,
fatigue, sickness. Is this not what we have become?
I definitely do not have the answer to this but am intrigued by the question. Just something to ponder, I know sometimes we can get really obsessed
with conspiracies and stepping back and keeping an open mind about even the possibility that maybe we are wrong or don't know it all is just as
helpful as trying to prove it all right.
Thanks for taking the time to read this....
edit on 4-6-2012 by wrdwzrd because: (no reason given)
I think we're dealing with a matter of semantics here, and your thread should more properly be clarified as aiming at....fantastical
Conspiracy exists, that is simple fact - if you planned to commit a crime, and spoke to or coordinated with anyone else about it, the various levels
of governmental law enforcement will be MORE than happy to charge you with conspiracy - it happens pretty much daily.
And I think it's more than a little ludicrous to believe that the rich, powerful, and highly-connected for never conspire with one another or anyone
else to commit crimes of varying degree.
However, terms aside - I think you are probably right as I have no doubt disinformation on all sorts of subjects exists and is used merely as a
distraction or cover for various other things.
Bigfoot and Loch Ness aren't "conspiracy theories", they are unsolved mysteries.
For some odd reason, when people hear the words "conspiracy theorist", those 2 characters pop into people's minds. I don't understand the
Hidden advanced technologies, free energy suppression, alien visitations kept on the down low... those are conspiracy theories. I've personally seen
black triangle craft that are extremely advanced compared to what we're told exists currently, so for me and many others who've seen them, they are
conspiracy facts.
What if those that knew the secrets revealed some?
Looking into the Illuminiti on TOR and such, and thats kinda of whats implied, I was surprised by the "anonymous" type attitude to their
Sorta like those who wish to know will seek the knowledge and find it type of deal.
Alot of the stuff Ive read seems to point to a "knowing" something, Kinda sounds like the Conscious observer thing effecting reality is true which
in my theory is what they are claiming to know.
Good ideas.
Its the self fulfilling prophesy sort of.
Do we as a species have the power to change the outcome of an event just by being aware of certain theories?
I would say its possible.
So would quantum theory-the Heisenberg uncertainty principle I think its called.
The outcome of an event is changed simply by viewing or being aware of the event..sort of.
I think subconsciously we are wired to " find " evidence for conspiracies and make it " fit " our theories, whereas in reality, likely as not,
true conspiracies are well executed, go undetected, and are very rare.
.Just my thoughts on the matter...
P.s I was going to use 9 / 11 as an example, but thought better of it ! Don,t want to get folk fired up on that subject, do we ?
Originally posted by DeadSnow
What if TPTB left too many signs behind to ignore? What if????
What if they're secret societies?
What if those that knew the secrets revealed some?
No use the solving part of your brain? Solved it yet?
I hear you but what if (that is the game we are playing) we thought about it like this -
Yes, we know of secret societies. We know quite a lot about them actually so they are not secret
Yes, people have revealed secrets. Do we trust them at face value? Have they themselves not be lied too?
Signs left behind? Again, are we looking for something that is just not there?
Also to reiterate again, I am taking about more fantastic theories and sure unsolved mysteries, as I said conspiracies do exist, more of the criminal
political kind. Lets not get caught up in semantics people...
All I'm saying is, we really don't know. It all can fake just as much as it can be real. It just depends on how real we want it to be for ourselves.
Just cause you see a UFO (and Ive seen one) doesnt mean its from outerspace.....
I think we're dealing with a matter of semantics here, and your thread should more properly be clarified as aiming at....fantastical
Conspiracy exists, that is simple fact - if you planned to commit a crime, and spoke to or coordinated with anyone else about it, the various levels
of governmental law enforcement will be MORE than happy to charge you with conspiracy - it happens pretty much daily.
And I think it's more than a little ludicrous to believe that the rich, powerful, and highly-connected for never conspire with one another or anyone
else to commit crimes of varying degree.
However, terms aside - I think you are probably right as I have no doubt disinformation on all sorts of subjects exists and is used merely as a
distraction or cover for various other things.
I would have written the exact same thing but you said it much better than I could. I do think there are some out there theories that distract from
the truth. However, take something like cloaking and mind reading. A few decades ago, this would have been considered nutty ideas but right now the
tech exists.
I didn't read any of your stuff. This whole thread is too ridiculous to read. So I posted my own response pointing out the absolute pointlessness of
this thread.
And of course, you take me seriously. Predictable.
Hello all. I am an amature astronomer and from my experience with astronomy I have realized the answer to disseminating fact from fiction. One of the
largest objects in the universe the black hole is unable to be seen
physically but by it's perturbation of other objects we can find that they do indead exist! I believe the same can be said of conspiracy theories!
Though we may not have enough evidence to see whether it may be true or not. We can see the effect that these acts have on other events. As an example
the presidency and whether our elected leaders are just a puppets. Well for one we see that most of the same people in bush's staff to also be in
Obama's staff! We see many of the same policies continued by obama! next example; the 911 attacks and the results of those attacks! We went to war
with nations that were not even responsable. We lost alot of our freedoms. We find the intelligents agencies to be more centralized. We are losing our
right to protest. to desent.
to disagree with our leaders! Our right to live a just life beyond unreasonable state controlled oppression!
this is just the tip of the iceberg. At first i could not believe how many of these things are true. whether in part or not there is no denying that
there is a group of wealthy individuals who choose the direction of our lives! these men are without moral fortitude whom meet in private to discuss
things that will not benifit the majority!
How do i know this? because if it was to benifit our world they would not hide these meetings from us!
As for the massive amounts of propaganda that we have to read through to deseminate truth from fiction!
I believe this is to keep us guessing, to bring all CT into the non fiction catagory, to waste our time and keep us talking while this minority
poisons us, enslaves us, drugs us and divides us!
We need to stand up against these men, our government and anyone else who chooses to oppress and tyrannize our world! Like Bush said after 911
"either your with us or on the side of the terrorist!"
Even though the context was wrong the message was right! It's time to choose where we stand! Though this is not a call to violence cause any violence
that is percieved by the sheeple will just alienate them!
We need to unite and peacefully revolt until that day comes where they make this impossible!
if we continue to ignore these truths we will never have freedom, security or a future!
Our time is running out cause soon it will be every man for themselves!
Is this the future you seek for your descendents?
There's an old saying that "truth is stranger than fiction."
It's also a well known concept that many myths and legends are stories based on real life events that were inexplicable at the time they occurred.
I would say that many things, no matter how far fetched and improbable are still possible. Some of the most outrageous subjects like God, aliens or
planet x. They still have a basis in reality and evidence that supports some of the theories needs to be examined and explored.
We may never prove their existence in our lifetimes. But that does not mean they don't exist.