this thread, beezzer linked to
this article about PTSD symptoms beginning to show
up among people within the Occupy movement.
After I'd read the initial linked blog post, however, I came across two comments attached to it, which I found extremely disturbing; I would almost
say terrifying. The reason why these comments were so disturbing to me, was because of the amount of reading I've done about Germany under Adolf
Hitler, and also about the political/social prerequisites which are necessary for the development of a fascist state.
We have Heros who survive War, years and years of combat, who actually have problems. These vile little commie rich spoiled entitled brats are so
bold as to claim that they have suffered and are "victims" comparable to those who deal with death and real fear on a regular basis. This makes me
sick. It has become time to give these Communists a taste of actual fear. Beat them in the streets, pound them into the Earth. Break them, destroy
them, turn their violence back on them.
(Emphasis mine)
The last sentence of this comment is particularly interesting. Breitbart's depiction of Occupy seems to have been successful in convincing
conservatives that Occupy are an exclusively violent group. The perception among conservatives seems to be, that Occupy literally
hold a
single event, ever, without it being an orgy of violence.
I've made the statement before, that I am aware that Black Bloc groups
have tried to affiliate themselves with Occupy, and that yes,
they have been violent; but I've also seen video footage of a number of Occupy events which didn't consist of much more than people quietly standing
around; they weren't violent at all.
As I've said before, this seems to be a case of conservatives seeing what they
want to see, irrespective of the actual reality; and what
they want to see, is that Occupy are domestic terrorists.
Well said. PTSD is a real thing. God Bless Our Troops that actually deal with stress that should make everyone that does not serve, humbly
grateful. Our problems pale in comparison to what they face on our behalves. These greedy, ungrateful occupier pigs are fighting for handouts while
our troops graciously fight to preserve their right to protest and whine like little spoiled brats.
In light of the recent Memorial Day holiday, my view is that EVERY DAY IS MEMORIAL DAY so long as even ONE AMERICAN SOLDIER is doing their noble duty
to protect us all. Every day an American Soldier laces up and goes knowingly into harms way is a day we all should be thankful.
Let me repeat. EVERY DAY IS MEMORIAL DAY. Every day we owe it our heroes to reflect for at least a few moments on their service, dedication,
honor, professionalism and their humility and grace as they put themselves at risk for freedom. They ask for nothing, do not complain and set an
example of civic virtue.
EVERY DAY IS MEMORIAL DAY. Every day that we breath free air we are spending the fruits of the sacrifice of millions of American Soldiers. From
the Revolution that created this great nation, the War of 1812, the Mexican American War, The Civil War, The Great War, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, The
Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq and every other conflict Great and Small that Americans have fought deserve reflection by every American Citizen. Your
sacrifices are the reason we are the greatest, most free and prosperous nation to ever exist. Let us not let this Great Nation and beacon of freedom
for all the world fade. Our Soldier are the shining light in darkness that brings freedom to the world.
Thank You. Thank You. We should all hope to live up to our duty as American Citizens to honor your sacrifice.
This second comment, is probably the single most terrifying political statement that I have ever seen made by an American, anywhere. To explain why,
I need to quote you one of the points from
The 14 Defining
Characteristics of Fascism.
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. Ruling elites always identified closely with the military and the industrial
infrastructure that supported it. A disproportionate share of national resources was allocated to the military, even when domestic needs were acute.
The military was seen as an expression of nationalism, and was used whenever possible to assert national goals, intimidate other nations, and increase
the power and prestige of the ruling elite.
I don't think the American public really understand, just how lethally dangerous, in social and political terms, the level of worship of the troops
expressed in the above quoted comment, truly is.
The military as an organisation, do not exist for any fundamental purpose, other than to commit violence. As a result, any society
which worships its' military more than any other element of it, is likewise going to worship violence, by extension.
The other problem with worshipping the troops to such a degree, is that soldiers, by definition,
do not think. If there is one thing
which is discouraged by military training, from what I have seen, it is active, fluid intelligence. Although this certainly is not true for the
command structure, anti-intellectualism is prized among common soldiers; and while this rule, like all rules, has exceptions, it has also long been a
truism that in inherent terms, intelligence is usually inversely proportional to physical strength. I witness on a near daily basis on this forum,
the tragic spectacle of soldiers who consider themselves intelligent, and to have informed political opinions, when the reality is the exact
While to a certain extent that might be a necessary evil within a military hierarchy, it is disastrous for civilians, as it destroys their capacity to
critically assess the actions of their government, which is vital for the maintenance of a free society.
If there is one thing I am beginning to observe about Americans, it is that the grotesquely exaggerated, cartoonish militant mindset depicted among
the military within the film
Avatar, and in the
Gears of War and
Call of Duty games, is beginning to exist in real life, and it
is also apparently beginning to permeate the entire American population.
America is becoming literally, and visibly, fascist. The disease at this point is exceptionally visible and blatant. Among other things, this proves
one, crucial point.
The great mass of the American public are not as powerless as they think.
They are choosing their government themselves, and they are doing so by exhibiting, and thinking and feeling, the level of hatred, aggression, and
militarism shown within the comments of the above linked blog post.
Do not fear your level of inability to direct the nature of your government, Americans. Whether you realise it consciously or not, you
are making choices, and you are getting what you have chosen.
You might want to start choosing a little more wisely.
edit on 3-6-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)