I don't care what party he's from, he is an IDIOT!!!
Unfortunately, it's the satus quo for DC!!
It doesn't matter what party they're from, every last one of them are crooked, nasty idiots!
The government itself needs a serious overhaul. They keep all us at each other's throats with the partisan politics, as long as we're fighting with
each other, they get to just keep doing what they're doing. It really needs to end somewhere.
I'm calling on ALL Democrats, ALL Republicans, ALL Teaparty-ers, ALL Independents to find a way to work together and put an end to all this
ridiculous party bickering. We have to stand up and make some changes through mutual respect and cooperation.
The average IQ for ATS members is probably around 110 where the general population is around 100. (Many here are well in the genius range, no doubt
about it). The people here are more enlightened and intelligent as a whole. WE are the "top tier" in many aspects. Why can't all the people here
work together and restructure from the ground up? I'm not talking a revolution, I'm not talking overthrowing the government, just working together
to make the changes that need to be made so our country can be a better place for us, our children and our grandchildren. It really does have to start
somewhere, and if it has to start somewhere, I'd rather have it start with an "intelligent group".
I'm serious in this, making a change, working with individuals from every party as American citizens, not as democrats or republicans or independents
or anything else, but as PEOPLE.
I've got a thread going with no negativity on it, no fighting or arguing, just looking for some basic answers and figuring out what to do with them.
Negativity may blow off steam, but it doesn't solve problems and we need to solve some problems.
If anybody would like to contribute, in a positive way, please join in, you are all very welcome and very wanted.