posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 11:27 AM
I see your point, but you are limiting your viewpoint. There are many, many people that can travel in the astral plane while awake. With enough
training, practice, and meditation, people can "zone out" in the middle of the day and astrally project. They are aware of everything and can
conciously return whenever they need to. Sure they may be in a sleep-like state in a deep enough meditation, but I don't think it's the same thing
as sleeping. There are also a lot of people who remember everything after their experience, and others who can physically tell where certain things
are located by travelling through the astral plane. If it were nothing more than a dream, the mind would not be able to know these things, unless
dreaming in and of itself is precognitive. It is also thought that the government itself hires people like this to get intel. and predictions.
Scientifically speaking, I believe it is real. The human brain uses only 15% of what it is capable of, and during sleep and deep meditative states, I
believe that the brain is able to unleash itself and use slightly more of it's power. During these states your body isn't of use, so your mind can
be more active. If you think about it, information and data flows to our brain through waves and we interpret it and form it into concious thoughts.
Technically, if we were "smart" enough wouldn't we be able to utilize the true power of our brain and see beyond just what our body sees. I think
that data is being transmitted all over the place, (ie radio waves, micro waves, etc, etc) If our brain is honed enough we could pick up on this
stuff and know what is going on at greater distances. During astral projection, I think this is possible. Even certain things like a global
concious, and possible knowing what others are thinking, becasue technically it's all just brain waves and what you yourself can interpret. Imagine
what we could be capable of if we could use even 50% of our brain's power...
[edit on 3-10-2004 by Ajax]