reply to post by Jordan River
reply to post by truthseeker1984
The cravings will come! And they will be monstrous, especially the first time! When someone is used to 5 or 6 thousand cheap calories per day, and
they cut back to 1500 or 2000, and when their body is used to simple sugars all day, and they cut back to complex or fat or protein, then it feels
great for a few days, and then your body gets pretty demanding about what it WANTS! Your enzymes and processes have aligned themselves for your usual
diet, and all those things are standing by with nothing to process, while other less efficient processes are being overworked, and your body will send
signals to make you fix what it sees as a problem. They sugar cravings can be VERY INTENSE!
To combat them you have to trick yourself by drinking lots of water and eating often to stabilize the insulin and keep your belly full. You also have
to find interesting tastes that will stimulate your taste buds. Hot Sauce, crunchy things, salty things, etc. (NOT artificial sweeteners, that only
makes the cravings worse.)
As the body adjusts its processes and enzyme levels to keep on hand the stuff it needs and discard the stuff it is no longer using, then the cravings
start to get easier and easier.
For me, about 3-5 weeks into eating healthier is when my body really decides it is going to DEMAND some sugar. I can appease it with a little honey
in my coffee, or some dark chocolate frozen and shaved off in small bits.
I have to admit though, I fell off the wagon real bad for the past 3 weeks, gained back 5 lbs, and felt like shyte. I have now been eating healthy
again for 2 days, and I'm already feeling better.
ALSO, important to note, when I eat healthy, my whole family eats healthy. When I eat bad, my whole family eats bad. I usually prepare the meals,
and I usually pick the restaurants. Sometimes it isn't just ourself we have to worry about. Sometimes we need to stay disciplined to serve as an
example to those around us.
edit on 3-6-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)