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Allen West: Syrian Intervention Could Trigger World War III

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posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 11:49 AM
Just as Iran is sending troops to Syria, one American political figure who understand the conditions in the ME has come forward about America’s role. Despite his reasoning, it’s refreshing to see Congressman Allen West, member of the House Tea Party Caucus, come out in support of non-intervention in Syria. This is a far cry from neo-cons like Senator Lindsey Graham who a YEAR AGO was calling for US intervention in Syria.

West said intervention in Syria would be “starting WWIII” and that is an outcome we don’t need.

“On one side you have the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Russia and also Bashar al-Assad,” West explained. “On the other side, you have freedom fighters. You have al-Qaida and radical Islamists. And also you have the backing of the state of Turkey.”

He pointed to recent experiences with Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood, is now threatening to bring Sharia law to the country, and Libya, which has been plunged into chaos since the death of dictator Moammar Gadhafi late last year.

“If you start to interject yourself in a means other than diplomatic whose side are you on? We don’t need to put our military in a situation where they’re caught in a cross-fire,” insisted West.

As more people like Congressman West come forward, maybe those who don’t see a difference between neo-cons (Graham, Bush, McCain, possibly Romney et al) and TP conservatives (like West, Pence et al) will wake up. Not everyone with and “R” in front of their name is a neo-con. As a matter of fact, we want to rid the party of neo-cons!! America needs to stop intervening in the ME. We need to let these bozos blow themselves to bits if they choose. If they cross the line and overtly attack our interests then there should be a declaration of war from US congress. Without it, we should mind our own business in this situation.

What say you? Do you think Obama is going to intervene despite the ramifications of an intervention in Syria, Iran's biggest ally?

edit on 2-6-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by seabag

What say you? Do you think Obama is going to intervene despite the ramifications of an intervention in Syria, Iran's biggest ally?


its a matter of Zionist vs Islam....

so its a choice of which agenda to support to achieve global balance.
I think Obama will support the Zionist on this one. The war machine will drive on

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by rebellender

Well, let’s hope he’s booted from office before he has a chance.

The way things appear to be escalating with all this tough talk out of DC about Iran AND Syria I don’t think we’re going to be that fortunate. However, they’ve been talking smack for quite a while now and nothing’s happened. I hope Obama’s desire for re-election (if nothing else) will keep him from acting out militarily again.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by seabag

World War 1.........."The Great War"
World War 2......... "The War To End All Wars"
World War 3......... "For All The Marbles"...."This Time We Mean It"

I think that we will not get involved in a World War until it has a proper title.

On a serious note.
This big blue rock that we live on is not that small. If the middle east is overtaken by powers that hate us a little more than the groups we are backing it will effect everyone in the USA and Europe. Sticking our heads in the ground and pretending that we have nothing at stake is can completly short sighted. We are already dependant upon Middle Eastern crude oil as a planet, like it or not it's our reality. So either sceniaro stinks but washing our hands of it is still going to have an impact on our daily lives. I say we go down swinging!!!

Love Red

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by redzareptile

This big blue rock that we live on is not that small. If the middle east is overtaken by powers that hate us a little more than the groups we are backing it will effect everyone in the USA and Europe.

Everyone in the ME already hates US!

The only fear I have about the ME is the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood because they are "12ers" who wish to impose Sharia on the world and, even scarier, they believe that the Mahdi, or 12th Imam, will soon return. These people are fanatical nutjobs who are intent on ushering in the end of the world. As of right now they are not capable of anything but attacking their neighbors. It's something we need to keep our eyes on at least.

Sticking our heads in the ground and pretending that we have nothing at stake is can completly short sighted. We are already dependant upon Middle Eastern crude oil as a planet, like it or not it's our reality. So either sceniaro stinks but washing our hands of it is still going to have an impact on our daily lives. I say we go down swinging!!!

The American people aren’t ready to deal with the REAL issues over there (fanatical Islam and oil dependency). Until they are there will be no “swinging” (or at least no SUPPORT for swinging)!

edit on 2-6-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 03:19 AM
I think the CIA has totally F@#ked up with their Arab spring campaign plot to destabilize the middle east .
It has left a vacuum that is being filed by extremist Muslims.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by pillock
I think the CIA has totally F@#ked up with their Arab spring campaign plot to destabilize the middle east .
It has left a vacuum that is being filed by extremist Muslims.

I believe that was the desired effect that was sought. It gives us more and more reason and validation to go to war. Sometimes things are just how they seem.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by pillock
I think the CIA has totally F@#ked up with their Arab spring campaign plot to destabilize the middle east .
It has left a vacuum that is being filed by extremist Muslims.

Didn't we discover that the Muslim Brotherhood were behind the Arab spring?

I thought I read that...

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Flint2011

Agreed - destabilisation is the desired result, in order that the US has legitimate grounds to go in wherever they please - to chuff it up even more, and to gain a foothold that can lever them into conflict with the Iranians (until one of the big players like Russia decides enough is enough).

World War 3 is not only the likely outcome - it is the desired outcome.

Simply put, the USA is the iron fist in the velvet glove belonging to the Elitist global cabal, who act in the shadows, and play us all for fools while they lick their lips at the prospect of a New World Order.

Susan Rice confirmed, on May 30th, that the USA intends to 'strike' Syria. Lighting the blue touchpaper.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 02:28 PM
c'mon, really?...allen west? to me anyway, this man is not playing with a full deck. either that, or he refuses to give credence to any other information that might conflict with a very narrow-minded line of thinking. i have heard this man speak, and he seems more interested in being a provocateur, rather than being a problem-solving member of congress.
edit on 3-6-2012 by jimmyx because: spell

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

c'mon, really?...allen west? to me anyway, this man is not playing with a full deck. either that, or he refuses to give credence to any other information that might conflict with a very narrow-minded line of thinking.

He's got the mentality of a typical conservative military officer which may be why I tend to favor him and you don't. 

i have heard this man speak, and he seems more interested in being a provocateur, rather than being a problem-solving member of congress.

Maybe so but with the exception of NDAA, his voting record is in line with my views. He voted against extending the patriot act, against funding Libya, against funding planned parenthood, against nuclear arsenal reduction, etc. He's voting the way the people he represents want him to. You can't ask for much more than that from a politician. 

To each his own....I like the guy. 

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 05:23 PM
Just in case anyone hasn't been paying attention, the douche bags in charge of our little planet have been working very, very hard trying to start WWIII, thankfully they seem to be having a hard time lighting this one off. Since this is a conspiracy web site, I offer the posit that Alien benevolent forces are hindering these evil, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove sociopathic scoundrels.

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