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Will Europe Help America In WW3? Should They?

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posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:19 AM
It is no secret that the rest of the world has quite a low opinion of the United States. I think their are many reasons for this. Many find American culture to be abrasive bizarre.

Anyway,if your friend got into a fight would you help him? If it was a fair fight? I would not. Not only would I not help,I would be insulted that my friend would dishonour me by trying to offer. I would also think less of him for ganging up on another human.

So why should any Nation help America when they face China very soon? Why should we? We would be dishonouring them by helping. Of all nations, surely America can handle itself. I love how Ireland did not get involved in WW2. I know that may offend many British but it was not the beef of the Irish. Not their fight. And its not like England has ever been any great friend to Ireland throughout history. That stays with a country. I think Ireland gave some Aid and thats fair enough.

Switzerland managed to remain neutral in WW1 and WW2. That is awesome. They protected their people as much as they could. If Europe is drawn in to the conflict,there will be devestation. And for what? So America can keep the Reserve Currency even though they cant run their economy? Is it worth it? America must pay its debt or go to war. It must fix its economy or go to war. Its doing neither of those things.

America will not stop government overspending. They will not pay their debt. They will not fix their economy. They will go to war. China and America are going to face each other at some stage. The next GFC with the fall of the euro will see the collapse of America. China and Australia and nations like that were not harmed so bad bad the last GFC. Our standing on the world stage actually got a bump because of it. It was good for us in many ways. If you comfort yourself by telling yourself China needs America,you are wrong. They do not. America needs China.

So war is on the cards soon. Why should the rest of us be drawn into it? Do we want to be? America claims to be our saviour but are they doing a good job? The world is a mess. They have failed the world as superpower. It is time they stood down. They wont though. They will ignore their humiliating Credit Downgrade. They will ignore all that National debt. They will ignore the fact that they are not running their countries as well as other nations and are only third happiest OECD nation despite having the largest undeserved bloated no value economy.

China is predicted to take over the US as the worlds largest economy in just a few short years. War will come before that. It is not a matter of if but when. China and the BRICS have their own Bank and are just waiting to take advantage in the next GFC and present themselves as the new sole superpower.

So why should Europe help? I like Julius Caesar but the way he conquered was by fear. He would turn Gaul tribes against each other with fear and present himself as the saviour. I am ashamed of the gauls for buying in to it. Not all did but enough. America rules the same way. They claim to have saved us from nazi even though we all helped. If anything,America sat back until just the right time and swooped in for all the glory. The prize was the Reserve Currency. It is still the prize. China wants it.

Anti American sentiment is always high around the globe in places like Europe and Australia. It isnt a hate,so much,but more that people find American culture to be off putting. There is a great clip here of some American propaganda claiming that European MSM is biased against America. I find it hilarious. Americans are deluded. Sure some happy chap is always going to pop up and say "Im Australian and most of us love America and blah blah blah.....) its just not true. It is quite the opposite. Of course we have no problem with American individuals and we are not 'anti-american,its just that American culture is obnoxious and abrasive for the most part. Also the American Government is hated for starting unjust wars. And many Americans hate the US Governement for the same reason, so it is not anti-american to have a problem with your unjust wars. many Americans will claim that it is NATO and the UN. Well America funds the UN and NATO the most by far and the rest of us only throw in because of political pressure. The UN works for the American Government. You now see that since China and Russia have more clout they feel in a strong enough position to veto. As a result America are going around the UN and trying some fine print Humanitarian bs. The days of the UN and NATO are numbered because America does not like its own rules anymore. Mark my words.

So why help America? It will only hurt us. Australia for example is in a strong position of diplomacy and could remain nuetral easily. China does not want to deal with us if it does not have to. We are great friends. They are very insulted that we have allowed US Troops to increase numbers in the NT. America knows we have no problem with China yet they are willing to cause tensions to rise for no reason. Are they good friends to have? Do they care about risking our economy? Do they offer 'protection' or do they invite attack from out great friends the Chinese? Many of the Chinese make up our population. We are their second best friend. We rule this side of the globe. If Australia made an alliance with the BRICS we would be unstoppable. Yet coward boot lickers want beg for protection from America. What are we? Cowardly Gauls? Harden up. We can protect ourselves. Who puts boots on foriegn soil? America. Nobody else. These is no threat. And we all have our own security to deal with their phantom War on Terror. We are all fine.

And no America did not save anyone in WW2. They sat back,then swooped in. I mean no disrespect to America by saying that but it is the truth. Rissia won the decive victory of WW2 with Stalingrade. America did not save Australia from the Japanese in WW2. Look into their strategy and into Yamamoto. I have been through this time and time again with members. America did not save Australia. We helped you after you were attacked at Pearl Harbour. The Japanese knew military invasion of the Australian mainland was "impossible" and it is. They were right. They were never goling to invade us,only contain us so we could not help the US. Yamamoto wanted to draw the US Navy into a decisive Naval Battle and decimate it early because he knew Japan would lose a prolonged war with America because of Americas ability to pump out battleships. The Japanese navy was the match of any when they entered the war.

You have an awesome navy,you can land on Australias indefensible shoreline. But we have a massive continent. It was impossible for japan to invade. Not to mention,our good mates New Zealand have our backs. Nobody can invade Australia. The Japanese said "Impossible". They were correct. America saved did not save us. In addition to that, we think dugout Doug MacAther was a coward,not a hero. MacArther is hated in Australia to this day.

Anyway,the world does not need to be scared of China. Mao Zedong has been dead for a long time. The Chinese dissident is cheap political nonsense. China is over populated,they need a one child rule. If you are a wealthy Chinese family,you can have more than one child. It is sensible. China is not the monster that the American media like to make it out to be. They are always fair with Australia and they are our great friends.

edit on 2-6-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

+19 more 
posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:27 AM
Well... we shouldnt.

We should watch from outside, and then go in when its over, deal with the left overs, save the day, and then make massive profits from rebuilding the nations involved and get ourselves into a golden age...

You know, pretty much what the US did in ww2...

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:35 AM
Sorry but this thread feels a lot like da ja vu. I've read many a thread with similar tone. If not now it will be soon when the reply's start coming. Is your plan to entice new thoughts or arguments & division? Boring topic been done to death IMO
edit on 2-6-2012 by feelingconnected because: (no reason given)

one question how can you be so very certain Australia can't be invaded? Me I'm not 100% on that one.
edit on 2-6-2012 by feelingconnected because: (no reason given)

+8 more 
posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:37 AM

Europe is so broke right now they can't even win their war on spending so how the hell could they help anyone else?

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Outofcontrol
Well... we shouldnt.

We should watch from outside, and then go in when its over, deal with the left overs, save the day, and then make massive profits from rebuilding the nations involved and get ourselves into a golden age...

You know, pretty much what the US did in ww2...

Sounds familiar

Europe will jump ship is my prediction.

Europeans correctly associate the US with the IMF. hate for America is getting worse. Not all Europeans cant see past Germany. Many know whats going on. Most I suspect. Look at the elections over there. It is a rejection of the IMF, a rejection of Germany and ultimatley a rejection of the US.

I think America will ahve to stand up for itself.

In Australia for example we recently had half our nation threaten to become Asian because our Federal Governent is ripping them off. WA is great friends with China. China will not have to annex us. We will annex ourselves.

America or Americans dont give a crap about risking our economy,that is clear. WA would not even let the daiai lama visit when he offered for fear of offending China. Which is good since he is an obnoxious old fool that has been and probably still is on the CIA patroll.

Western Australia will not want to risk itself for America. They want to be Asain. So Do I Australia is pretty much Asain. China is our future. Its only a mateer of time before the Australian public demands a Federal Government that will ask America to leave and stop risking our economy and our lives.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by neo96

Europe is so broke right now they can't even win their war on spending so how the hell could they help anyone else?

I know. And America is broke.

Yet all the BRICS nations are flush witha brand new Bank. Scary stuff.

America must stand alone. From your own damn country.

+12 more 
posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:45 AM
Americans were asking the same questions when Europe was being run over by a blood thirsty dictator or two back in the 1940's. Your thread makes me regret the 'why should we?', group did not win that debate.
edit on 2-6-2012 by Iamschist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:46 AM
The next one will be too big for anybody to sit out.
Especially if you're in an alliance.

And no matter the cause of the war, you don't leave your allies alone. It's not right.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:48 AM
It wouldn't be WWIII without Europe.

Race you to the flag!

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

You say everybody hates America, when really everybody hates their government.
You say Australia cannot be invaded when that is pure bs. We are divided and can be conquered, in ww2 darwin was bombed, mt isa was next (mineral/economic hub) and then it was down to the east coast. We are nowhere near as infallible as you say we are..

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by feelingconnected
Sorry but this thread feels a lot like da ja vu. I've read many a thread with similar tone. If not now it will be soon when the reply's start coming. Is your plan to entice new thoughts or arguments & division? Boring topic been done to death IMO
edit on 2-6-2012 by feelingconnected because: (no reason given)

one question how can you be so very certain Australia can't be invaded? Me I'm not 100% on that one.
edit on 2-6-2012 by feelingconnected because: (no reason given)

It is not impossible.

but as far as WW2 is concerned and the claim that Australia was somehow saved by America is absurd and insulting,.

China could invade but if I was them I would nuke Sydney and Melbourne. That could happen. America set the precedent by defending Hiroshima. Now China can nuke us all and claim they did it to save lives

And my take on this is unique.

If you dont like the thread,the polite thing to do would be to keep it to yourself.

Perhaps its over your head

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:51 AM

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:51 AM
Western Australia will not want to risk itself for America. They want to be Asain. So Do I Australia is pretty much Asain. China is our future. Its only a mateer of time before the Australian public demands a Federal Government that will ask America to leave and stop risking our economy and our lives.

Are you already Asian Living in Australia ? I Don't know many Australians that share this view, mm maybe I live on the wrong side of the country.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Outofcontrol
Well... we shouldnt.

We should watch from outside, and then go in when its over, deal with the left overs, save the day, and then make massive profits from rebuilding the nations involved and get ourselves into a golden age...

You know, pretty much what the US did in ww2...

Europe should help in WW3 against USA. They will pay historical debt.

edit on 2.6.2012 by bokonon2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by feelingconnected
Western Australia will not want to risk itself for America. They want to be Asain. So Do I Australia is pretty much Asain. China is our future. Its only a mateer of time before the Australian public demands a Federal Government that will ask America to leave and stop risking our economy and our lives.

Are you already Asian Living in Australia ? I Don't know many Australians that share this view, mm maybe I live on the wrong side of the country.

Where do you live?

did you not see in the news Western Austrlia wants to break away and become asian? And ever been to Sydney? If you didnt know you might think you were in China. hot Chinese and other asians everywhere.

where do you live? Who do you mix with?

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by satron
It wouldn't be WWIII without Europe.

Race you to the flag!

Ha! I guess you are right.

Thats what we can avoid

I say,let China and America duke it out if America cant pay its bills.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:58 AM
As an American, a conservative as most would label me, and historian. Looking at the past as I do with a historians eyes, you will always see patterns. The rise and fall, the wars that define our history. I was a staunch opposition to the bail outs of GM and other companies because it was anti-capitalistic. Big things need to fail and fall down sometimes. Including America.

What I say may sound treasonous, but Thomas Jefferson wanted a rebellion every 20 years to remind us of what we have, and how awful we could get. America should stop being the unwanted police of the world. Democracy should not be the new Christianity being spread with the sword. It should only be a shining beacon in the night, that lost souls will come to on their own accord.

As an irish american, I know the struggles of "Na Troboli" told first hand. And the struggles that have followed to this day.

I don't ask any help of any other nation in our final battle, because we are Americans and with out the Government we are strong. Whoever decides to attack us may win but they will surely know they were in a fight.
If our light goes out, know it was a funeral pyre to freedom. But it be a wake up call once again, like 1776, that tyranny will always have an enemy, the free mind and free heart.

Sic vis pacem parabellum.....

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

"over my head" really ???. You are continually banging the same drum. Ok we get it you want to be Chinese .You are entitled to you opinions as am I. But you seem to have a self proclaimed idea that you speak for all !!! You keep banging the drum.

+11 more 
posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

You're not a warrior, so don't worry about it. When and if it goes down It'll be dealt with. You can just sit back , observe & make threads on ATS critiquing the actions of others.

In this world you can either Lead, Follow, or GTFO of the way.

edit on 2-6-2012 by EyesWideShut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Dembow
The next one will be too big for anybody to sit out.
Especially if you're in an alliance.

And no matter the cause of the war, you don't leave your allies alone. It's not right.

I think alliances are cowardly and should be a thing of the past.

I also dont think America should put its friends at risk. What kind of a friend are they? Not stand up guys at all. What do you do when you get into a fight? Call for your friends? Not me.

And we could sit it out easy as I have explained. China is our friend. We could avoid attack through diplomacy.

Then America,would attack us. I know they would. They are jerks of a government and a gullible, deluded population for the most part.

Also,they could avoid war by handing over the Reserve. They will lose it anyway. America will go to war because they have failed as a nation.

Thats not our fault or concern.

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