reply to post by stonedogdiary
I am no professional when it comes to dating. However I have learned a few things along the path of life when it comes to relationships.
Upon observing others, and their failed attempts at relationships I quickly learned not to rush into it.
Relationships are built upon trust, humility and attraction. Attraction all around is difficult because one may be physically attractive, yet not
intellectually and vice/versa.
Compromise is crucial. No two people will ever agree on EVERYTHING. Sometimes it is best to agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Respect for one another leads to compromise, leads to trust, leads to better understanding. Keep in mind that there is a difference between
respecting an individual, and respecting the commitment you share with them.
When one or the other is not connected on the same level, it is easy to slip in communication.
I believe when two people are ready at the same time in their life that they can come together focused on the ideas of what they are looking for in a
partner, and where they would like to go in the relationship. If both parties are on the same page, and there is mutual attraction... Game on!!
I met my girl last November. Never before have I encountered such grace and understanding in a woman. She's great looking, intelligent, and for the
most part is emotionally stable, lol! We have our differences that we accept, as well as common goals towards our journey together. All in all we
have the acceptance of one another both as individuals and as a team.
In truth it takes two to make it work. She may or may not know what direction she would like to move in with you. On one hand it sounds as if you
are providing things to her and her child that she obviously would not have otherwise. It is unfortunate to know that the Childs feelings are going
to be effected if you indeed do not work out. It can also be seen as a positive if in fact your staying together may just produce resentments. In
the long run it is about YOU.
Stay strong my friend. Things will indeed play out as they are supposed to in time.