posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity
Oh, I wouldn't discount that either. I'm sure somewhere, someone is doing exactly that. Look at bands like ELO. They used a few backwards speech
messages. Their album "Secret Messages" was filled with em as an acknowledgement of the backward masking phenomenon. Now, I'm not saying Electric
Light Orchestra was out to brainwash anybody..but I'm sure someone is.
For that to work though means that we could hear backwards speech, receive it, and somehow subconsciously analyze it for reversal of its meaning. Or,
perhaps like I said, maybe the original thought and intent is still encoded whether the speech is normal or reversed.
Wish there were some linguists out there who were interested in this stuff. But, I suppose it also borders on neurochemistry and psychology at the
same time..and probably paranormal to boot.
The only thing I can suggest is getting yourself a mic and some recording software (windows should have one) and just experimenting and playing around
with the reversal of words and sounds (which seems to be what you're already doing). I like trying words and sentences in different ways. Like
stressing accents in different places and saying them in different tones and attitudes.
So far, no results!
edit on 31-5-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)