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Ignore It And It Will Go Away...

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posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:43 AM
If you didn’t crash to earth in a glowing, highly radioactive spaceship under an hour or so ago odds are you have experienced someone’s demon spawn screaming up and down every aisle at Wally World. If you haven’t, shoot me an email because I am moving to your neck of the woods.

You’ve been there. I’ve been there. You’ve heard it. It’s like 80,000 decibels hammering your eardrums and your nerves with tiny ice picks. You can literally hear the screams getting closer to you as it becomes a mission to stay 3 aisles ahead. But alas… you didn’t move fast enough. Screeching banshee screams seemingly round the corner just feet before the buggy harboring this public nuisance does.

By all rights the child should be covered in blood with a bone or two potruding from several areas on his body. Maybe even an eye dangling from the socket… Because sweet Jesus with a feral hamster, he has screamed for 30 minutes like he had his legs blown off ala Lt. Dan.

Instead of the above, you see NOT a baby, but a 6 or 7 year old with his mouth open wide enough for woodland creatures to camp out in.

BUT WAIT… there is something even more sinister that you DON’T see. The little curtain climber’s eyelashes are as dry as Ben Stein’s humor. That’s right… not one solitary tear has rolled off of his cheek during this fiasco.

What else is missing?

A parent with enough common sense to breed, but not enough to actually parent. They have walked through the entire Store like a modern day Helen Keller. HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR THAT? The child is still screaming and the parents are staring blank faced at the 50 varieties of mac and cheese like they can’t recall what kind they have bought for the last 10 years. Maybe they peirced their own eardrums in an attempt to escape the hellion hell that they have created for themselves.

I know some will ask why this is such a big deal? Why is it so wrong? Not only is listening to it comparitive to water boarding, it is also just plain disrespectful to the rest of the planet.

There will come a time in that child’s life that they will come to the quick, painful, and embarrassing, realization that they can not do what they want where they want or when they want. What favor did you do for them then? Did you do your job or was it easier to just let it slide? Are they thankful that they learned self control in front of 200 co-workers at the ripe old age 0f 30?

It is hugely disrespectful to everyone around you to act like you can not hear the blood curdling screams. Today you have a howler monkey toddler, tomorrow you will have a spoiled, disrespectful, mouthy, teenager.

It does take a village to raise a child. Unfortunately, there are too many parents that firmly believe their children can do no wrong. Nobody thinks they are as cute as you, as talented, as smart, etc. It may be helpful to remember that, if you are one who let’s their crumb toter ride the big wheel into everyone’s ankles at Kmart.

When I was younger, we could walk all over the whole town. If a neighbor 3 streets over saw you doing something even remotely stupid,he would roll out of that house and beat your arse. On your way back home, you cried even more… not because he hurt you, but because you KNEW someone had already called your mother and told her what happened. And then… You got the mother of all arse beatings simply because someone else HAD to whip you. You had enough fear put in you,that you would try real hard to not get in trouble.

Was it fear because you were literally beat? Not at all. They were average whippings. The whipping and disappointment together did it. There was also respect and I see little of that lately.

Now don’t get me wrong… you shouldn’t go all “No More Wire Hangers” on your kids. There is middle ground, but it takes work. And these days it is just easier to let it slide. I know. There are plenty of times where I just get sick and tired of correcting my 14 year old. It would be far more simple to just stop. However, it would not be the right thing to do, or what I signed up for. Most importantly, it is not teaching her crucial life skills that she needs.

You still need motivation? How about the fact that you are raising the future leaders of our country. They will leave the house and forge their own way in this world. You can help make it an easier transition for them. You can raise children whom other people will like and want to be around, children who do not weep rivers of tears when they are denied their every waking whim. Not the children where people draw the blinds and turn off the lights in their house if they see you walking up the drive. Moreover, you will raise adults who are self sufficient, who don't expect a free ride, and respect others around them.

But most of all, I would just really like to complete one trip to Wal-Mart or have one serene dinner out without dreaming of calling in a preist for an exorcism. So gather up Emily Rose, and Rosemary’s baby and tell ‘em - Times… they are a changin’.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Well there is your problem, trying to shop at walmart. That's like going to the DMV and expecting prompt capable service.

But I agree with your rant. I think part of the problem is parents have been taught to ignore the tantrum and not respond. That's complete crap, if it doesn't work within 5 minutes, it's not going to. Do the respectable thing, leave your cart, and take your kid home.

I'm not suggesting you beat the kid, I'm against that. But you need to discipline your kids. If you take this hands off spare the rod approach, your teenager will be an a-hole.

Have some common courtesy for those around you and remove the child from the public area until they can contain themselves.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

I knew someone was going to say that! Equating Wal-Mart with the DMV is about as dead on as you can get!

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:03 AM
*applause* Well said, op.

Sometimes, I am afraid that I am TOO strict with my child. I worry that I do not let her truly "be a kid", because she does not really test her limits. Because I have set limits. And she follows them. Of course, she only tried to act ugly ONE time in a store like that. We left immediately. She has never done it again. She is quite pleasant to go to the store with.

People say, "She's so well mannered, blah blah blah"... but it also concerns me that:

1. She will get eaten alive by the hellish little brats once she starts school
2. Once she becomes older, she will rebel like crazy
3. Is she having a fun childhood? Is being too strict going to crush her soul?

Just my two cents on your rant.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:09 AM
S&F! Just because that was a fun read.

This is what happens when people become parents, who still need parenting themselves. They have little social empathy or skills, so how are they going to pass that on? These are also the same people who can't hear their own dog barking for 6 hours non-stop.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by MojaveBurning
*applause* Well said, op.

Sometimes, I am afraid that I am TOO strict with my child. I worry that I do not let her truly "be a kid", because she does not really test her limits. Because I have set limits. And she follows them. Of course, she only tried to act ugly ONE time in a store like that. We left immediately. She has never done it again. She is quite pleasant to go to the store with.

People say, "She's so well mannered, blah blah blah"... but it also concerns me that:

1. She will get eaten alive by the hellish little brats once she starts school
2. Once she becomes older, she will rebel like crazy
3. Is she having a fun childhood? Is being too strict going to crush her soul?

Just my two cents on your rant.

I did the same with mine. She is 14 and acts as normal as any other kid. I always felt like they needed limits to know they are loved. If a parent doesn't ever care what their child does, why should the child feel like the parents care about them at all?

I worried about school like you do now if only because my daughter was an only child and I was worried she wouldn't take up for herself if she needed to. I found that she could tolerate it to a normal degree, but did indeed know when she had enough.

And don't we all worry that we may crush our children's souls and send them to therapy for years with some of the things we do in our parenting? I think just you worrying about it, means that she is fine and able to be a normal child. It's those who never question their parenting that worry me more.

Originally posted by Klassified
S&F! Just because that was a fun read.

This is what happens when people become parents, who still need parenting themselves. They have little social empathy or skills, so how are they going to pass that on? These are also the same people who can't hear their own dog barking for 6 hours non-stop.

Thank you!
Good points! I also hear you on the dog thing. That is enough to drive you mad as well. I sympathize with anyone who has had to sit through that day after day.

edit on 5/31/2012 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:14 AM
The problem we face to day, is that people are afraid to spank their child, or even remotely discipline their child. That simple fact is leading to the crazy ignorant and lazy children you see to day. (note some people do go to far in disciplining their child, thats called beating and its bad...) It has gotten so bad that if a teacher or another adult hears a child talk about getting a spanking SRS is shoved so far down the parents throats they speak hoarse for a week, if not longer. What happened to the days when you could raise your children by your own rules? and not the rules of some crusty hippie? Time outs don't work, especially in a store, but god forbid you tell your kid to shut up, if you do your a horrible person and giving your child a complex.

I personally was raised with spankings as a child, I never got into hard drugs, sever trouble, or anything of the like. I knew that there were consequences for my actions from an early age. I was never spanked for no reason and my parents always talked to me about why i was being punished both before and after so even as a child i could comprehend what was happening.

People wonder why today we have rampant drug abuse, teen pregnancy, theft, and violence, it stems directly from how these kids are being catered to by their parents and society as a whole. This kids are being taught that if they do something wrong they can sit in a corner or their room for a period of time and all is well. Where is the learning experience from that??? Now don't get me wrong minor offenses do not require a spanking and there are other ways to punish your kid but when your kid F's up royal you should think about it as opposed to giving them the same punishment you would if they accidentally broke a vase or something.

just my .02 take it or leave it.

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Excellent rant...S&F.

These are also the same parents who will stand idly by, as their perfect children rip into packages of whatever they want to nibble on in certain isles of the store. I can't tell you how many times I've seen kids running down an isle, cookies in hand screaming...I want these. Leaving behind, several torn open packages in their wake. What is wrong with *some* parents these days is they have no sense of responsibility for the actions of their own progeny.

Have you ever walked down the toy section to see the ripped open packaging littering the floors....I know these parents aren't blind. They just don't care because they don't have to pay for the destruction left by their little angels, and the kids are entertained at the store's expense.

I've ofter thought to myself. If I were to open a store as a business, I'd have a no children policy. And advertise it loud and clear for the adults who would like to shop in peace.


posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

I for one would shop at your store assuming the prices were reasonable. Lol The prices drive people to walmart and thus they bring there hellspawn with them. I honestly thing that if a child over the age of oh lets say 1 opens a package in the store be it a toy, food or otherwise the parent should be responsible for paying the full retail price of the item opened. just my opinion

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by crimsongod21

It's morning in my neck of the world. I would greet you at the door of my store, thank you for dropping in, and wish you a pleasant shopping experience.

I hate going into a walmart. It's like going into an uncontrolled kid battle zone. It's no longer just a place to shop, it's replaced going to the park, playground. It's the free babysitter, and temporary toy box rolled into one. I get in and out as fast as I can, or plan my shopping around the witching hours of after midnight just to avoid the noise and chaos.

I do see good responsible parents often. They are the ones who have learned to say no to their child, or, if a kid is, as the OP said, screaming like a banshee, will take them out of the store. That's how it was when I was a kid. Screaming kids were taken out of the store or restaurant. Now it seems, more and more parents turn a deaf ear to their kids, thinking the rest of us will just do the same.This attitude only fosters more out of control behavior on the kid's part.


edit on 31-5-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 09:08 AM
All I can say is that most animals discipline their young.
Mother dogs will nip their young, wolves do the same, cats, birds...etc.

We are no exception, as ALL children need discipline whilst growing up.
When I see a child running rampant or screaming their head off, I worry.

I worry about when that child gets so spoiled, it doesn't learn the word "NO".
So when that child becomes an adult, it has serious issues with authority.

Hence, becoming criminalistic....

What really grinds my gears is to see fat children, abnormally fat, spoiled and screaming.
As if they already don't have enough...their parents give them more.

And don't ever try to correct the parents...oh no! They'll say:
"Don't try to parent MY child!" (because apparently I am doing a terrible job)

Ignorance is an acquired trait.

Which is why I stay away from Walmarts.

edit on 31-5-2012 by havok because: So is spelling...

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 12:05 PM
Well because of budget I do shop at Walmart. I do however try to go right after work and try to limit it to once a month. I get off at 3:00 pm most afternoons and it's not as bad then. I rarely go on a weekend.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 12:25 PM
Well, I'll be expecting you in a month or two.

In the Wal-mart I go to, I've never experienced these things that I constantly hear about. I've never seen wierd people or very unattractive women putting their naked chest on the groceries or things like that. I have heard a child crying, and not a six or seven year old, but that still seems to be the rare thing.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
Well, I'll be expecting you in a month or two.

In the Wal-mart I go to, I've never experienced these things that I constantly hear about. I've never seen wierd people or very unattractive women putting their naked chest on the groceries or things like that. I have heard a child crying, and not a six or seven year old, but that still seems to be the rare thing.

Congratulations! You've found the only Walmart that exists in the twilight zone....

Most wally worlds are in child heavy areas, the planning of building a walmart is based around placement in family heavy locations. You've been extremely lucky in your timing of shopping. Try shopping on a Friday, after 5:00, or any big holiday. Christmas is quite an experience, I promise you.


posted on May, 31 2012 @ 03:48 PM
I have, and, well, nada.

I guess I must be around good people.

On the other hand, Something Wall mart This Way Comes.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by crimsongod21

Great post. Times have changed a lot that's for sure.

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Excellent rant...S&F.

These are also the same parents who will stand idly by, as their perfect children rip into packages of whatever they want to nibble on in certain isles of the store. I can't tell you how many times I've seen kids running down an isle, cookies in hand screaming...I want these. Leaving behind, several torn open packages in their wake. What is wrong with *some* parents these days is they have no sense of responsibility for the actions of their own progeny.

Have you ever walked down the toy section to see the ripped open packaging littering the floors....I know these parents aren't blind. They just don't care because they don't have to pay for the destruction left by their little angels, and the kids are entertained at the store's expense.

I've ofter thought to myself. If I were to open a store as a business, I'd have a no children policy. And advertise it loud and clear for the adults who would like to shop in peace.


I actually worked at Wal-Mart years ago for a bit and this drove me nuts then too! We had to take all the torn packages we found stocking during the night and put them in one buggy at the end of the shift....It usually filled more than one buggy. I can only imagine the expense because the packages were usually so damaged that they couldn't be taped back. And who buys them like that anyway? I don't!

I will gladly come to your child free store!
It looks like someone should have thought about doing that before....with something other than the tobacco store.

Originally posted by havok
All I can say is that most animals discipline their young.
Mother dogs will nip their young, wolves do the same, cats, birds...etc.

We are no exception, as ALL children need discipline whilst growing up.
When I see a child running rampant or screaming their head off, I worry.

I worry about when that child gets so spoiled, it doesn't learn the word "NO".
So when that child becomes an adult, it has serious issues with authority.

Hence, becoming criminalistic....

What really grinds my gears is to see fat children, abnormally fat, spoiled and screaming.
As if they already don't have enough...their parents give them more.

And don't ever try to correct the parents...oh no! They'll say:
"Don't try to parent MY child!" (because apparently I am doing a terrible job)

Ignorance is an acquired trait.

Which is why I stay away from Walmarts.

edit on 31-5-2012 by havok because: So is spelling...

Excellent! I wish I could star your post more than once!
I never thought about it that way, but you are absolutely correct in comparing the species and discipline. As for the overweight kids, that grinds my gears as well/ If it isn't a medical issue, then there is no need to have an obese child. We, as a society just give, and give, and give to our children. There has to be sanity somewhere!

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
Well, I'll be expecting you in a month or two.

In the Wal-mart I go to, I've never experienced these things that I constantly hear about. I've never seen wierd people or very unattractive women putting their naked chest on the groceries or things like that. I have heard a child crying, and not a six or seven year old, but that still seems to be the rare thing.

U2U me the zip code STAT!!
Or you could just film a trip there one time so the rest of us can see how "normal" folks shop at Wal-Mart!

The babies crying doesn't get to me, as that generally can not be helped. Toddlers though...

Let's trade Wal-Marts!

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:39 PM
This Wal-Mart is in Yreka, California.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
This Wal-Mart is in Yreka, California.

That's on the complete opposite side of the US from me! Maybe that's why?

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Kangaruex4Ewe

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
This Wal-Mart is in Yreka, California.

That's on the complete opposite side of the US from me! Maybe that's why?

I'm in the deep South...where walmarts have replaced drive-in movies.....


posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

And you see, that's just one of the things I love about discussion forums.

You can talk to people from all over the country and even the world.

You can't really do that in a small town, and even in a big city, well, birds of a feather tend to flock together, if you know what I mean.

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