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FEST (Foreign Emergency Support Team)

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posted on May, 31 2012 @ 12:38 AM
Along the lines of secret bases, there are organizations of a somewhat spooky nature based at rather ordinary facilities. [AKA, hiding in plain site.]

Let's start with FEST. FEST is the Foreign Emergency Support Team.
OK, so FEST isn't a secret. But that page doesn't tell you much about the physical presence of FEST. They use C-32Bs based out of McGuire AFB.
So McGuire is a cargo and tanker base, but it also hosts the somewhat spooky FEST. So there is more to New Jersey than Bruce Springsteen.

The FEST C-32Bs are very bland. Tail number 00-9001:
Tail number 99-6143:
Tail number 02-4452:
I haven't found a photo of tail number 98-6006.

So FEST has a few big jets. Tell me more. OK, well now we are going into gray areas. The claim is these C-32Bs, which are really just Boeing 757s, have refueling inlets.
Eh, looks like reasonable photo evidence to me, but I've never seen a good photo of the top of a C-32B to really confirm this.

Now delving into grayer areas, it seems that there are some civilian 757s that might also be associated with FEST. Investigations into "extraordinary rendition" revealed a number of civilian aircraft used by the CIA. But it isn't clear that all the aircraft in the investigation were used for snatching suspected terrorists. Probably only the business jets were used for that function. Two civilian 757s turned up, namely N610G and N226G.
Of course there is no proof these planes are part of FEST. They might have other spooky functions.

But the internet rumors don't stop here. Some people believe that these civilian 757s are really the USAF C-32Bs with quick paint jobs. It isn't exactly likely to find all these planes parked together somewhere and prove that rumor invalid, but here again, nobody is provided proof positive N610G or N226G are really Earl Shibe conversions of the USAF jets.

Now to top it off, and I can't reveal my source, but N610G was recently at the Tonopah Test Range.

But wait, there's more. If there is a FEST, then certainly there must be a DEST (Domestic Emergency Support Team).
DEST sounds a lot like FEST, but without the State Department running the show. Possibly they use the same aircraft.

DEST and FEST has some nuclear experts to call on, namely NRAT.

If needed, NEST can also be called up.
NEST is well known since it has been in a few movies, with "Broken Arrow" the one most readers have seen. The "Remote Sensing Lab" at Nellis AFB is related to NEST. I don't see an official website for the Remote Sensing Lab, but it is located on google earth at
36.241582° -115.018902°
They have a small hangar for their aircraft and a somewhat private parking area. The facility in a way resembles the set up at McCarran for the Janet flights, which had lead some people to believe this facility was the original airlift facility to Groom Lake prior to the McCarran site. Reality? Who knows.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 04:26 AM
Good read. Didn't know about these birds till this. Now I'll never look at a 757 the same; heh thanks.
Good hi-res image and interesting video of the C-32 mid-air refuel in action.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 03:33 PM
I wonder if that was a training mission. I can't see much need for AAR on the C-32B normally, but rather it is a capability for emergency use.

I have photos of two of the DOE planes as they landed at Nellis.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by gariac

Some Air Force & DOD documents related to the C-32B Gatekeepers.


-FY 2004/2005-

--DERF Budget Estimate--

--DOD ANG Equipment Report--

--ANG Weapon Systems Modernization Priorities--
(C-32B Upgraded Satellite Communication System with Secure Ku Bandwith)
(C-32B Communications Management System (CMS) Replacement)

(What I find interesting here is their description of the C-32B.)

C-32B: The C-32B provides dedicated rapid response worldwide airlift to the Department of Defense, through the Commander, United States Special Operations Command, in support of the United States Government crisis response activities, both domestically and abroad. The 150th Special Operations Squadron of the New Jersey Air National Guard operates the C- 32B from Joint Base McGuire-Dix- Lakehurst, NJ and is the only U.S Air Force C-32B.

(They specifically point out that as of this 2012 ModBook there is only one operational Air Force C-32B.)

--2004 USAF Model Designation of Military Aerospace Vehicles List--

--2003 GAO Report to Congressional Requesters--
COMBATING TERRORISM Interagency Framework and Agency Programs to Address the Overseas Threat

(Specifically points out the C-32B as the replacement of old Gatekeeper aircraft (C-137 I believe.) and its use by FEST. Also stating two in the inventory. Also has a good read on FEST as well.)

-Current as of May 08-

-Current as of Nov 08-

The C-32B has a UARRSI receptacle located approximately 15 feet aft of the nose and 9 feet behind the cockpit windows on the aircraft’s centreline.

(C-32B AAR Data from the RAF. Above quote is just a snippit, very detailed info of its AAR.)
edit on 6/7/2012 by DesertWatchdog because: Added USAF C-32B OPERATIONS PROCEDURES

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by gariac
I wonder if that was a training mission. I can't see much need for AAR on the C-32B normally, but rather it is a capability for emergency use.

I have photos of two of the DOE planes as they landed at Nellis.

Those two tail numbers popped up in a few DOE documents.


In 1998, CalQuest satellite communicators were installed on the Andrews- and Nellis-based B- 200s (N185XP – November 1998, N6451D – January 1998) to provide continental voice and fax communications for command and control for emergency response missions.

Seems Energy Secretary Abraham used this bird quite a few times for his travels.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 05:32 PM
I know that this is a stupid question but what dos FEST do?

I know what NEST does but what is FEST's charter?

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
I know that this is a stupid question but what dos FEST do?

I know what NEST does but what is FEST's charter?

The FEST primarily is an advisory team and serves as the single point-of-contact for the ambassador in coordinating all U.S. government support during a terrorist incident. The FEST will not enter the host country unless requested by the ambassador, with the host government’s permission. Depending upon the type of incident overseas and the host governments’ capabilities, the FEST can be tailored with expertise to manage the crisis. The FEST can tailor its team to include experts on managing specific types of WMD incidents, such as nuclear, biological, and chemical threats. For example, the FEST can provide (1) guidance on terrorist policy and incident management, (2) dedicated secure communications to support the U.S. embassy throughout the incident, and (3) special expertise and equipment not otherwise available, including a professional hostage negotiations adviser. - Pg.182

Also look at the link from gariac's original post.
edit on 6/7/2012 by DesertWatchdog because: quick edit

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:03 PM
So they seem pretty badass. They would no doubt be composed of or temporarily in command of the best and brightest, most experienced in all fields terrorist related.

So SF groups like Devgru and Delta probably have heard all about these guys, maybe even accepted orders from them once or twice? Is my logic following or am I way off?

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
So they seem pretty badass. They would no doubt be composed of or temporarily in command of the best and brightest, most experienced in all fields terrorist related.

So SF groups like Devgru and Delta probably have heard all about these guys, maybe even accepted orders from them once or twice? Is my logic following or am I way off?

Gariac would probably be the one to answer that. I'm more into the aviation aspect.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by DesertWatchdog

I don't know about elite teams being under order of FEST. They tend to use their own aircraft for infiltration. This is just speculation on my part.

I noticed that the procurement documents indicate the planes are used by FEST and DEST, so that clears that up. DEST I assume uses some legal dance to get around posse comitatus, or the DoD simply does transport and leaves the operations up to the FBI.

I'm not sure why the documents say there are two C-32B aircraft since we have tail numbers for four.

Given the C-32Bs have one operating base, it should be easy to determine when one goes "missing."

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by DesertWatchdog

I'm not sure why the documents say there are two C-32B aircraft since we have tail numbers for four.

Given the C-32Bs have one operating base, it should be easy to determine when one goes "missing."

Well, it tends to lend credence to speculations that they have other c/n and N#s reserved for use with the two C-32Bs and they simple swap the numbers out on the aircraft when they want to. Every document I have found all say there are only two with the exception of the 2012 ModBook which states only one is in the AF inventory; which makes sense; I saw a post somewhere saying one was sold off to an airline or DOD didn't renew the lease, something along those lines. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time because I hadn't found the ModBook doc. I also found an old 2007 scramble post with a guy saying he took some photos of 86006 (98-6006) back on Feb 26, 2000 at Ramstein. but he never got around to posting the photos. I've sent him an email trying to get the photos.

I guess it could also be that they were shifted to a different branch; or they simply aren't being acknowledged.

Only way to really know is to find visual evidence of them all together or get photos of at least three on the same date around the same time in different locations. Maybe check the dates of the photos on the net already and see if by chance there is proof of more than two like that. If the rumors about swapping c/n and N#s are true, then going by those just wont work.

--Quick Update--
The 2012 SOCOM Budget Estimates call for two C-32Bs to be funded. _FY_2012.pdf

Hard to tell anymore; like usual.

(Fun fact: Donald Trump's 757 has a UARRSI receptacle for air to air refueling.)
edit on 6/8/2012 by DesertWatchdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by DesertWatchdog

I can't find a decent photo of N757AF to see if it has a receptacle. Where did you get this information?

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by DesertWatchdog

I can't find a decent photo of N757AF to see if it has a receptacle. Where did you get this information?

I ran across it while looking for info on 757s with the AAR system. I was deep into the search results and didn't really note it. Didn't really think much about it.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 01:33 AM
I'm told two of the FEST 757s are at Elgin. This could be a 757 at
30.492245° -86.500666°
on Google Earth.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:51 PM
We have the C-32 listed in the air refueling dash 9, along with the other Boeing planes like the 747 and even the 737's that the upper guys use. I saw a C-32 long ago in the dessert painted like the traditional Air Force One color scheme, and it had a receptacle. We even got a chance to take a tour of the inside. Nothing secret in the one we were in. In the back there was a large office for somebody important, several airline style seats, and it the front two different "operators" had stations with various devices that had cardboard on them to keep people from seeing what they were, but I think they looked like comm equipment.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by boomer135

I was hoping you would chime in. I've seen photos of those C-32As. Basically white with blue on the bottom.

I see the secdef on my mode-s receiver when he goes home for the weekend or back to DC. He always uses a C-37, but not the same one. I have logged 11-0550 and 06-0500. Probably more. I don't exactly stalk the guy. ;-) Once in a while I catch the E-4B. I'm not really sure if the doomsday plane is all that necessary these days since the current secdef doesn't use it all the time. Gates and Rumsfeld used the E-4B a lot. It is freakin' expensive to fly. [Every once in a while I get to fly in a 747. What a treat.]


The 2nd link has that AF-1 look to it.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by gariac

Here's a good shot of 25001 which shares the same colour scheme as 96143. 09001 and 24452 do not, they're all white.

and a bad shot taken departing Eglin in the twilight last October is in here

Here's 86006 (image reversed!)

There's a thread on where we are counting antennae to try and identify any serial swapping and re-stickering to COMCO.
Since this thread died, I believe that 96143 popped up at Stuttgart with 12 windows again....

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:05 AM
Straight out the manual...

IMPORTANT: Read in conjunction with Appendix 4 – Common Warnings, Cautions and Notes and Appendix
6 - Foreign AAR Receivers Technically Compatible with USAF Heavy Jet Tankers
7ZE-5 AAR Data C-32B
C-32B on KC-10
a. General Information
(1) The C-32 has a UARRSI receptacle located approximately 15 feet aft of the nose and 9 feet
behind the cockpit windows on the aircraft’s centreline.
(2) There are no external floodlights to illuminate the receptacle area but the receptacle has
adjustable integral lighting.
• (ALL) The C-32 does not have lead-in stripes or receptacle markings on top of the aircraft.
During night AAR, the nose section of the aircraft appears to be a flat surface while in reality it is
raised. This illusion may cause depth perception errors prior to making contact.
• (ALL) Prior to AAR with the C-32 at night, the boom operator should refuel the C-32 during
daylight to become familiar with the C- 32 UARRSI.
• (ALL) During night AAR missions, both tanker and receiver aircraft will use all available
external lighting. As a minimum, one of the following external light conditions must be met:
Boom Nozzle Lt (BNL) – INOP/Off BNL - On BNL – INOP/Off
Tail Mounted Floodlight (TMF)- On TMF – On TMF – INOP/Off
Receptacle Lts – On Receptacle Lts –INOP/Off Receptacle Lts - On
• (ALL) Except for emergency conditions, AAR operations should not be conducted when other
single and dual failure combinations associated with these lights exist. During AAR with less
than optimal lighting, extreme care should be taken due to reduced depth perception and lack of
visual cues on the C-32 aircraft.
(3) (KC-135) Four units of boom trim are preferred, as it expands the lower envelope. During
EMCON 1 or 2, notify the receiver of the boom trim setting and lower elevation limit. Notify
the receiver any time boom trim settings are changed. During EMCON 3 and above, use 4 units
of boom trim

And just a quicky, E-4B/vc-25 or Air Force One...

edit on 11-6-2012 by boomer135 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by boomer135

The 2nd link has that AF-1 look to it.

yep thats the same color scheme I saw in the dessert. Got something interesting for you I just found out from a boom friend of mine at Edwards. I'll PM you tomorrow about it to see if you've heard anything. Might intrigue you a little...

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:33 AM
Also, I believe the Navy P-8 is based on the 737 and it has a receptacle as well, but never got to refuel that one. looks like an airliner with missles. pretty cool website here sorry its a pdf so cut and paste or the hyperlink wont work. Actually if you look at the bottom it lists some of the planes that Boeing has built for the military including the c-32, which it lists four by the way...
edit on 11-6-2012 by boomer135 because: (no reason given)

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