reply to post by TechUnique
My main issue, where the sort of promotion you are advocating is concerned, is that it goes against the whole ethos of the site.
It is true that moderators can give applause to individual posts which bring insightful comment to a thread, which is a good measure of a posts
quality as far as I am concerned. However, the measure of a THREADS quality is supposed to be the amount of actual flags it aquires, and the amount of
veiws and opinions that flow through it.
It is fundamental to the way that all the threads here on ATS are measured in terms of thier qualitative value, that if more members visit one thread
over another, that thread is considered the more worthy of attention. If you begin to queer the pitch with moderator backing, then you open up a
massive can of worms.
I would not dare to speak on behalf of the august body which makes up the moderation community here, because they have thier own voiceboxes, and know
thier collective mind better than I ever could, however, I would have thought that they are already plauged with accusations of bias as it is, through
thread closures,and the handing down of Bans and T&C violation warnings. For the moderators to begin to influence the content which gets displayed on
the front page, would be a pretty damned poor showing in terms of the impartiality of the mods, and would raise valid questions about thier
Frankly, my opinion on this suggestion you have made can be explained by this simple example.
If you live in a town with a Library full of books, but a ten thousand strong populous only half of whom can read, then there is something wrong with
the people, not the damned library!
In the same way, if people who frequent this site are not prepared to trawl the boards for the gold they seek, then they deserve to walk away without
a nugget.