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Foster home or Gay couple.

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by Six6Six

Either throw your kids to the lions in foster care and possible abuse or do the same and throw them to the gay couple.

Are saying that when it comes to boys or girls being adopted?

Like,would it be wrong if a girl was adopted by a lesbien couple, or a boy being adopted by a man couple .which one did you picture first to say> 'Either throw your kids to the lions in foster care and possible abuse or do the same and throw them to the gay couple'.

Bigotry has no common sense.

You're trying to get blood out of a stone with that one.

It isnt that serious,like really !

Getting tired of all the gay news and the stuff they say,just trying to get a veiw as to why...why so much hate!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:30 PM
Lesbians get around the "no gay adoption" rules by having there own babies through in-vetro.

Not allowing Men to have the same type of joy of a child is not just wrong, it's also sexist.

If Gay men can't adopt then Lesbian women shouldn't be allowed to keep the kids they have.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

What I am saying is that we have had the gay agenda FORCED on us for a while now and the reputation of foster homes is well know.

However, the record for children being raised by gays is quite alarming too. Higher rates of suicide, higher rates of mental disorders.

Higher Suicide rate!!

Suicide is the second leading cause of death - following motor vehicle accidents - among teenagers and young adults. On average, adolescents aged 15 to 19 years have an annual suicide rate of about 1 in 10,000 people. Among youths 12 to 16 year of age, up to 10% of boys and 20% of girls have considered suicide. Gay and lesbian adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Suicide rates are 5 to 8 times higher among First Nations and Inuit teens.

Higher Violence rate!!

1. Higher Incidence of Violence There is a higher rate of violence in lesbian and homosexual relationships than in married, heterosexual relationships. A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined conflict and violence in lesbian relationships. The researchers found that 90% of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31% reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse. This is verified in a number of other studies. According to the homosexual authors of Men Who Beat The Men Who Love Them, domestic violence affects half of all gay couples. The vast majority of violent crimes against homosexuals are committed by homosexuals, and are not considered hate crimes. According to the leading US gay magazine The Advocate, 75% of its readers admit engaging in violent sex, 20% in sadistic sex and 55% are using painful objects.

In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child. This leads to much confusion in life as it is actually an unnatural way of living. A gay raised child only sees a family from the perspective of sexual love not love for the purpose of creating life together through procreation.

Plus we were unlike some animals, were made to live with a mate of the opposite sex in order to advance our species via procreation. However, gays spread aids like wild fire and there are many TRUE stats to prove this case. just read the CDC statistics on it.

I DO NOT agree with gay couples raising children!!!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Seriously, it gives the impression that you're all out on the trailer porch at 5 am shooting off your rifles in thanks that God blessed you with the sun for another day, rushing to the town hall to choose a virgin to sacrifice for the harvest.

I have a problem with this little tirade. Are you implying that any of us actually get up at 5 AM? Sir this kind of nonsense will not stand.

Is this actually only an issue in America? I somehow doubt it. I think there are bigoted jackaninnies (I don't know if I've heard that before or if I'm drunk) in every country that would only have children raised by well to do white couples of the heterosexual persuasion.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

I would blame that more on media than gay parents. If you look at the other side of the equation, how many gay parents KNOW their child is doing that? How many are encouraging it?

You are displaying biased evidence. Perhaps you should Google what you need to know instead of what you want to know...

"How Gay Parents Are Bad" vs "Pros And Cons Of Gay Parenting"

I have done the research, and the pros heavily outweighed the cons. I don't do other peoples' work however, so it's up to you to choose between ignorance and understanding.

In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child.

Assuming the child doesn't observe other families in action? All you prove here is that the child is taught to be more open and accepting of other lifestyles, instead of judging based on petty details. That's a good moral lesson, I should think. Quite healthy for an impressionable child.

Having come from that sort of background, I fully agree with the educational benefits. You have no such background, and therefore no such understanding. I hope, one day, you will be able to have that understanding. It makes a world of difference.

edit on 30-5-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

Thanks for your honest opinion, did not see those statistics and it is very disturbing to see those trends.

I remember back in the 80s, I had a girlfriend who had eight uncles, six of them were gay, and all of them died of aids within 4 years of finding out. Every gay person I knew died of aids, but the people who were not gay lived longer for some reason.

From a male point of view I wouldn’t mind if I had a daughter, and a woman’s couple adopted her ,but to have my son being adopted by 2 males is not good to me, because im straight.

My personnel barber for 20 years is gay, he tried something with me when I was young the second day of first meating him through the neighborhood kids.

I was sleep and I felt my zipper going down, and when I woke I put gun to his temple and asked him wtf are you doing, I didn’t know he was gay until he started pleading for his life and my friends woke up and pleaded with me not to shot him. later they laughed as they forgot to tell me that ‘he will try you’ and that he is gay.

But he is cool as hell ,funny dude, good friend despite what happened and we are friends to the end.

In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child.

Thats very interesting,never thought about that.

edit on 30-5-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

It was always my fantasy after about twelve to be adopted by a lesbian couple.

Having lesbian foster parents would had been just as cool I think.
edit on 30-5-2012 by LilDudeissocool because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by Six6Six

In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child.

Thats very interesting,never thought about that.

That's the way I looked at it growing up.

edit on 30-5-2012 by LilDudeissocool because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by detachedindividual

Seriously, it gives the impression that you're all out on the trailer porch at 5 am shooting off your rifles in thanks that God blessed you with the sun for another day, rushing to the town hall to choose a virgin to sacrifice for the harvest.

I have a problem with this little tirade. Are you implying that any of us actually get up at 5 AM? Sir this kind of nonsense will not stand.

Is this actually only an issue in America? I somehow doubt it. I think there are bigoted jackaninnies (I don't know if I've heard that before or if I'm drunk) in every country that would only have children raised by well to do white couples of the heterosexual persuasion.

You have to get up by 5am... to be fully awake to watch Fox and Friends by 6.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I think the choice would be ludicous and ill-conceived and quite frankly, prejudiced if the choice was made SOLELY of whether the couple was gay vs. splitting the children up in foster homes. Here's why:

There are gay and lesbian couples that fight and brawl like heterosexuals, there are gay and lesbian couples that use drugs like heterosexuals ... and there are those who do NOT fight or use drugs, again, like heterosexuals.

FURTHER, homosexual couples I know do NOT ALWAYS have a male and female role model relationship.

So, to blindly choose a couple, whether homosexual or heterosexual based on their gender preferences alone would be a predjudiced act!

Choose based on the people themselves ... and let the children have a voice in the choice ... it's their lives too!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six
In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child. This leads to much confusion in life as it is actually an unnatural way of living. A gay raised child only sees a family from the perspective of sexual love not love for the purpose of creating life together through procreation.

I suppose hetero couples who have no intention of procreating are only together for the sex then, too? I'll be sure to inform my partner that we're obviously only together for the sex, and that we're warped as well, since we aren't going to be popping out offspring. Brilliant.

I don't even understand the purpose of this thread, besides pot stirring.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:15 PM
hmmmm... I need more details. How old is my kid , is it a boy or a girl, is the gay couple male or female? I mean hey, if my kid is a teenaged boy and gets to live with a couple of lesbians, he'll LOVE it!! A couple of gay guys, maybe not so much...unless of course my kid is gay, then it may be good for him to learn from a good stable gay couple instead of learning stuff in the back alley...
Now if my kid is a girl and the gay couple are guys, she won't have any trouble, they'll take her shopping, do makeovers, it'll be a ball for her. If they're lesbians, we all know that lesbians don't molest kids at all, so that should be ok and maybe she can help them learn how to cook and they can show her some auto maintenance so she won't be so dependent on clinging to some grease monkey thug she falls for in high school.
I guess I'd send them with the gay couple since that's a nice, stable family life and they'll get individual attention instead of being stuck in a group home. Makes a lot more sense to me.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by tw0330
Lesbians get around the "no gay adoption" rules by having there own babies through in-vetro.

Not allowing Men to have the same type of joy of a child is not just wrong, it's also sexist.

If Gay men can't adopt then Lesbian women shouldn't be allowed to keep the kids they have.

If they're not going to take kids away from the fundamentalist evangelical cultists, why in the world would they take them away from nice, supportive lesbians? That's just silly! Heck, everybody knows lesbians never molest kids, they all become social workers and stuff, it's those evangelical preachers you have to watch out for!!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

Ultimately it depends on the character of the people....I would rather them be in a permanent loving safe forever home so that would be my choice.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Domo1

Oh my god...Domo, I needed that laugh!!!!!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by LastProphet527

What I am saying is that we have had the gay agenda FORCED on us for a while now and the reputation of foster homes is well know.

However, the record for children being raised by gays is quite alarming too. Higher rates of suicide, higher rates of mental disorders.

Higher Suicide rate!!

Suicide is the second leading cause of death - following motor vehicle accidents - among teenagers and young adults. On average, adolescents aged 15 to 19 years have an annual suicide rate of about 1 in 10,000 people. Among youths 12 to 16 year of age, up to 10% of boys and 20% of girls have considered suicide. Gay and lesbian adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Suicide rates are 5 to 8 times higher among First Nations and Inuit teens.

Higher Violence rate!!

1. Higher Incidence of Violence There is a higher rate of violence in lesbian and homosexual relationships than in married, heterosexual relationships. A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined conflict and violence in lesbian relationships. The researchers found that 90% of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31% reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse. This is verified in a number of other studies. According to the homosexual authors of Men Who Beat The Men Who Love Them, domestic violence affects half of all gay couples. The vast majority of violent crimes against homosexuals are committed by homosexuals, and are not considered hate crimes. According to the leading US gay magazine The Advocate, 75% of its readers admit engaging in violent sex, 20% in sadistic sex and 55% are using painful objects.

In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child. This leads to much confusion in life as it is actually an unnatural way of living. A gay raised child only sees a family from the perspective of sexual love not love for the purpose of creating life together through procreation.

Plus we were unlike some animals, were made to live with a mate of the opposite sex in order to advance our species via procreation. However, gays spread aids like wild fire and there are many TRUE stats to prove this case. just read the CDC statistics on it.

I DO NOT agree with gay couples raising children!!!

You need to cite those sources because I think they are made up!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Higher Violence rate!!

1. Higher Incidence of Violence There is a higher rate of violence in lesbian and homosexual relationships than in married, heterosexual relationships.

Disingenuious study
Studies find that more females drink than elderly males...therefore females are drunks.

See...expand out one group and compare it to a narrow group.
Compare homosexual married couples to hetrosexual married couples, or homosexual couples to hetrosexual couples...then we move into an actual study...but to compare homosexual couples (we have been dating for 3 weeks now) to hetrosexual -married- couples (we have dated for 5 years before we married, if he would have hit me, I would have left) is simply wanting to create a false impression.

My question to you...
Why did you put this "study' forward? Were you unaware what they were trying to push and so claim ignorance, or are you purposefully trying to distort truth here in order to...erm...slander people you find yucky.

I suspect you simply didn't catch what they are doing...but who might be one of those dirtbags whom will lie about someone or an entire group of people based on personal disgust.

In my view, gay marriage is more to do with sexual relations than procreational reasons therefor they project a warped view of family life upon a child.

But your view may be created by false, its arguably not even your view..just someone elses distortion

This leads to much confusion in life as it is actually an unnatural way of living. A gay raised child only sees a family from the perspective of sexual love not love for the purpose of creating life together through procreation.

Yes, gay couples raise children whom like sex.
unlike hetro couples whom always raise the most moral of children..did you know, 96% of all porn is viewed by only people raised by gay parents.
Didn't know that? oh..well, thats probably because I just made it up..(aka, don't use it in the next thread to make some weird point)

I DO NOT agree with gay couples raising children!!!

I don't agree with religious couples raising children...its like indoctrinating a child to be delusional, then set em loose on society.
Tell you what...lets meet allow gay people to raise kids (statistically a more healthy relationship according to -actual- studies) and religious people can also raise kids (you know...spare the rod/spoil the child crowd...nothing says good parenting like beating a child whom can outwit you at the age of 8)

Sorry about going off on you just now..but I really get peeved when people use that pure crap study as something other than a complete insult to facts it I auto-target whomever uses that as something relevant.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:47 PM

I have done the research, and the pros heavily outweighed the cons. I don't do other peoples' work however, so it's up to you to choose between ignorance and understanding.
reply to post by AfterInfinity


The stats are statistically correct. Gay raised children have far greater problems than their hetro counter parts per person basis. These stats are recorded by all the medical agencies the CDC the WHO the UK NHS etc.

Reading some crap like Gay parenting vs hetro parenting is always biased towards the gays ALWAYS>

I have done the research to and more often than not choose not to read from Google like YOU you amateur but from journals of scientific not whimsical nonsense like what you are displaying.

You are obviously pro gay adoption and all that so your view is warped and tainted, Plus the spread of AIDS amoung gays is far higher than in hetro relations...again not biased BUT FACT!!!!!!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

You need to cite those sources because I think they are made up!

No, they are real..seen it before...
it compares brand spanking new dating relationships to married couples (long term marriage at that).
So, the information is correct
and it demonstrates more that single people are more prone to relationship issues than married couples...

which is a sort of no crap sort of statement..otherwise everyone would marry the first person they dated...

religious disingenuous crap..its liars for jesus trying to pretend they are doing a study.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
I think the choice would be ludicous and ill-conceived and quite frankly, prejudiced if the choice was made SOLELY of whether the couple was gay vs. splitting the children up in foster homes. Here's why:

There are gay and lesbian couples that fight and brawl like heterosexuals, there are gay and lesbian couples that use drugs like heterosexuals ... and there are those who do NOT fight or use drugs, again, like heterosexuals.

FURTHER, homosexual couples I know do NOT ALWAYS have a male and female role model relationship.

So, to blindly choose a couple, whether homosexual or heterosexual based on their gender preferences alone would be a predjudiced act!

Choose based on the people themselves ... and let the children have a voice in the choice ... it's their lives too!

Oh now, don't be silly. You know good and well that gay couples don't do the same things that heterosexual couples do!! They have sex 24/7, dress in chaps with no underwear, ride in parades every single weekend of the year and have orgies. They don't hold down jobs and pay taxes and buy groceries, it's all just sex, sex sex, that's all gay people do isn't it??? / sarcasm off

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