posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 07:28 AM
I like reading RT but they're politically motivated to turn people against their 'enemy', just like every other news station.
If Israel attacks Iran it will kick start world war three and they know it.
On one side we have Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, N. Korea and a handful of weaker nations.
On the other side we have the USA, NATO, India (They might join just to strike at Pakistan), S. Korea, Australia, The EU.
Israel, although it has some serious firepower, can't possibly stand up against the likes of Russia or China and hope to win so it attacks them via
proxy (Namely Iran and Syria) and hopes to lock them out of the oil rich Middle East.
The US also have an agenda to gain a strangle hold over the Middle Eastern resources and are using Israel to play 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' in the
Iran and Syria have massive stockpiles of weapons capable of bombing Israel hence the reason to destabilize them. The need to destroy the Anti- West
regimes is one of severe importance for the US and Israel if they are going to have any chance of punishing China and, to a lesser extent Russia.
If that war kicks off then it is going to be very, very interesting for me seeing as how my nation won't get involved unless attacked first in which
case we will utilize everything we have which can make or break nations.
I don't want to sound arrogant but if I can quote Louis XIV 'Ireland has an astounding ability to produce the finest warriors'.
Oglaigh Na hEirinn.