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Ancient Photographic Evidance of Angels. The Real Anunnaki

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

What do you think of this LP527 ?

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 11:55 PM
LastProphet527, you were speaking about Athene noctua bactriana and then you bail.

lil Hutton goes hoo hoo, but who gives a hoot.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 07:11 AM
Sorry to burst ya bubble but Nephilim are "Sons of Neptune"... African Giants

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Jordan River

In many of these illustrations, I always see two things. In one hand they carry the pine cone and in the other they carry the magic lunch box. People always comment on the pine cone, but rarely does anyone comment on why they need to carry that little lunch box around. Power source, life support, or maybe the pine cone needs some sort of containment vessel in order to protect or enhance it's power.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 04:07 PM
Nice post

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:25 AM
S&F great post,hands down 1 of my favorite subjects are the summarin/annunakki/nibiru myths

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 06:27 PM
you are on to something

KING JAMES BIBLE chapt 18 :2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

says in an earlier chapter there was a war in heaven and Micheal and his Angels fight the devil and his angels ,who are cast out of heaven,the heavens roll back like a scroll and they fall to Earth like a fig tree casts forth it's untimely figs. This is yet to happen

so these beings compare with birds and when this war happens they will all end up here! in one day and in one hour. there is also some Bible prophesy where in the 'birds'are called to eat of the flesh of kings and and armies horses and their riders.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 08:47 PM
I'll have to give you an A+ on ancient religion theory for the orgin of the Angels theme. Agree!!

S&F 4 U.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
I'll have to give you an A+ on ancient religion theory for the orgin of the Angels theme. Agree!!

S&F 4 U.

now i can go to harvard yay (lol()

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Jordan River

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
I'll have to give you an A+ on ancient religion theory for the orgin of the Angels theme. Agree!!

S&F 4 U.

now i can go to harvard yay (lol()

For that one, Harvard may have to come to you.

Since you seem to admire the Jordan River, did you take notice that it rather loaded with Boron minerals?

Likewise the Vinyard of the Gods at Mt. Carmel is also high in Boron. Boron is used by lots of fruits and grains as an essential mineral. One that removes fluorine from the body and the Pineal Gland. Plus strengthens bones, makes the mind function higher, and builds testosterone and strength.

Ever seen the same theme with the sprouted grains for bread and wine for the Last Supper as being special, once you notice that. Of all the places the gets John the Baptizer excited, it was the Jordan River.

edit on 27-6-2012 by MagnumOpus because: One of those other special things to note.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

As another user already pointed out, the primary image is of an Apkallu, specifically Aššur-nāṣir-apli the 2nd, from the Neo-Babylonian Assyrian empire. He was a human king, ruling from 883-859 BC, and could not have been an angel. As an Apkallu, which is an Akkadian term meaning sage, he was protecting the lives of those in the royal family, similar to the Lamassu and Shedu chimera. He was not acting as a spirit in the service of some higher force, as an angel does.

The second image is, again as pointed out, of Eriškigal, the Sumerian Queen of the Underworld, sister of Inanna, and important figure in the Descent of Inanna mythology. She has no relation to Lilitu, or the Jewish Lilith. Eriškigal serves as the opposite half of human nature. Where Inanna is lively, bright, and full of fertility, Eriškigal is mysterious, dark, and barren. To associate her with Lillith is a mistake. She is a much fuller mythological character than Lilith ever was.

And last, but not least, the Anunnaki have nothing to do with angels. The Apkallu, Lamassu, or Shedu are closer to angels than the Anunnaki are. The Anunnaki serve as intercessors on the behalf of trials and tribulations. They are judges and juries essentially. There are separate groups serving both Enki on the Earth, and Eriškigal in the Underworld. Each group usually numbers 7, but can be more depending on the situation.

Anyway, I know your mind is set on your own thoughts. Just wanted to reinforce that your thoughts are not at all supported by the archaeological finds concerning the people you're making the claims about.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by Jordan River

As another user already pointed out, the primary image is of an Apkallu, specifically Aššur-nāṣir-apli the 2nd, from the Neo-Babylonian Assyrian empire. He was a human king, ruling from 883-859 BC, and could not have been an angel. As an Apkallu, which is an Akkadian term meaning sage, he was protecting the lives of those in the royal family, similar to the Lamassu and Shedu chimera. He was not acting as a spirit in the service of some higher force, as an angel does.

The second image is, again as pointed out, of Eriškigal, the Sumerian Queen of the Underworld, sister of Inanna, and important figure in the Descent of Inanna mythology. She has no relation to Lilitu, or the Jewish Lilith. Eriškigal serves as the opposite half of human nature. Where Inanna is lively, bright, and full of fertility, Eriškigal is mysterious, dark, and barren. To associate her with Lillith is a mistake. She is a much fuller mythological character than Lilith ever was.

And last, but not least, the Anunnaki have nothing to do with angels. The Apkallu, Lamassu, or Shedu are closer to angels than the Anunnaki are. The Anunnaki serve as intercessors on the behalf of trials and tribulations. They are judges and juries essentially. There are separate groups serving both Enki on the Earth, and Eriškigal in the Underworld. Each group usually numbers 7, but can be more depending on the situation.

Anyway, I know your mind is set on your own thoughts. Just wanted to reinforce that your thoughts are not at all supported by the archaeological finds concerning the people you're making the claims about.

~ Wandering Scribe

do you have the body of apliku? at all ? i could go on with the list, the fact of the matter is that angels, evil or not were once kings, thats the story, believe or not,

the sumerian queen of the underworld sure sounds like some female beast from hell, lillth as we call her nowadays. Whatever their names were back then they are all obviously have relations to specific demons within demonlogy
edit on 29-6-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

Sumerian mythology begins roughly 6000 years ago (approximately 4000 B.C.E.), and Jewish mythology begins roughly 3000 years ago (approximately 1500 B.C.E.), Christianity, as a religion, is purported to have begun about 33 C.E., while the Church as a unified political power didn't begin until the reign of Constantine in 327 A.D., or there about. Catholicism's obsession with demonology, and making everything into some kind of evil force, doesn't take on a real life of it's own until the Late Middle Age and into the Renaissance (so 1500-1700 C.E.) with the advent of the magical Grimoire.

Figures like Satan and Lilith, in rabbinical lore, are much, much later additions, compared with pagan figures like Ereškigal, or the satyr Pan, who much of Satan's imagery is based on. However, since you base your beliefs on imagery alone, how about Jesus, who looks a whole lot like Dumuzi, Ba'al, or Teshub from Mesopotamia; Osiris or Horus from Egypt; Dionysus, Apollo, or Adonis from Greece; Mithra, or Krishna from India and Persia; or Odin from Iceland? Maybe this means that Jesus is actually a pagan solar messiah, representing the dying-and-rising god vegetation mythology?

The ancient world is rife with mythological overlaps, and parallels. They're called archetypes, and they represent a super unconscious element to human creativity and imagination. The problem you're making, is approaching everything from a Biblical standpoint. Biblical "history" is a joke. The Books of the Bible weren't brought together until the council of Nicene in 325 C.E., nearly 1800 years after the "history" of the Old Testament was written down by the Rabbis. As well, the Bible itself, is only a collection of the most popular teachings of Christianity at the time, not a reflection of all Christendom.

If you're going to claim that one culture's beings are not what that culture says, then you might not want to pick a culture, notorious for massacring anyone who doesn't believe exactly like they do. The Bible is a horrible place to pick to start your understanding of ancient cultures. Try archaeology, or anthropology, or academic world history, or comparative mythology; you'll get a lot closer to the truth through those channels, than the pages of the Bible.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

you are complely missing my point.

Judaism tried to explain what happen during the sumerian thorugh their text of angels having sex with women and all that jazzy stuff. This also explains the whole annunki thing as well. So basicly they all connect and I am just bridging peices together, rather or not you see it is up to you, you on the other hand seperate all religions, mythlogy and the such, good like trying to form a union bond between conspiracy

There are major commonalities between the two mythology, angelolog and demonology as well as Zoroastrian ,

Toe mato tah mato

I'm more into the idea that crazy # happens in earth more than what you can imagine

its still a tomato

The ancient world is rife with mythological overlaps, and parallels. They're called archetypes, and they represent a super unconscious element to human creativity and imagination. The problem you're making, is approaching everything from a Biblical standpoint. Biblical "history" is a joke. The Books of the Bible weren't brought together until the council of Nicene in 325 C.E., nearly 1800 years after the "history" of the Old Testament was written down by the Rabbis. As well, the Bible itself, is only a collection of the most popular teachings of Christianity at the time, not a reflection of all Christendom.

here is where we split ends, obviously you are imposing your viewpoint onto me. I've stuided mythology a great deal, archetypes? LOL sound like my greek professor. at any rate. the true matter is that judaism brought the bible OT together in 200 B.C. creating the Septuagint

edit on 30-6-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

Judaism tried to explain what happen during the sumerian thorugh their text of angels having sex with women and all that jazzy stuff

Judaism was not an attempt to explain what happened in Sumer. Judaism was an attempt by a nomadic band of Semites to develop a personal cultural identity to separate them from the surrounding Semitic tribes. The Sumerians themselves were not Semitic, meaning not native to the Middle/Near East, unlike the other Semitic groups which were. Semites, among others, include: Akkadians, Chaldeans, Eblaites, Aramaeans, and Ugarites.

It's apparent that you don't know the difference between Sumer/Babylon, or Semite/Nonsemitic peoples. This is a very telling fault on your part, since you claim the Hebrew's are explaining the Sumerians.

The second part quoted deals with Babylonian (Semitic) origins, not Sumerian. The Enuma Elish is a Babylonian creation epic, not a Sumerian one. Deities present in this text—like Tiamat, Apsu, Lahmu, Lahamu, Qingu, and Marduk—do not have a Sumerian counterpart. The Great Battle between Marduk and Tiamat has no equivalent in Sumeria; neither does the creation of Anunnaki to do the labor of the gods, and the Anunnaki's demand that man be made to do the work for them. All of this comes from the Akkadian conquerors, not from Sumer.

In Sumerian mythology man is created by Enki and Ninhursag, while betting that each can outdo the other in creative capabilities. Ninhursag is to make 7 faulty beings, which Enki must then find jobs for; and then Enki is to make 7 faulty being which Ninhursag can find duties for. Whoever can stump the other is the winner. Ninhursag produces amputees, gimps, the blind, and other obvious defects, and Enki finds them a place in society. Enki them makes a single being, one which cannot walk, talk, lift anything, or provide for itself. Ninhursag cannot find purpose for it, so Enki wins. Afterward, Enki gives the useless being to Ninhursag's creations, and they raise it as the first infant.

In the Babylonian mythology, the Elder Gods (An, Ellil, Ea, Belet-Ili, Sueno, Iŝtar, Ŝamaŝ and Marduk) have the Anunnaki (lesser-gods) working for them, tilling the land and collecting precious stones and metals. The Anunnaki grow weary of their labors and demand that Marduk relieve them. Marduk, to solve the problem, decides he will make a savage creature, man, to do the work. Ea then suggests that the Anunnaki who caused the Great War be used to make man instead, and Qingu is sacrificed. From his blood, Marduk's breath, and the fertile earth the first humans were made, born to slavery and indenture.

In Genesis, humans are made to tend to the Garden of Eden for the Elohim. They are born as servants, and created from the breath of Yahweh, and the fertile earth. Similarly, in Genesis, it is blood, via the woman's period, which stands as the Original Sin, just like the blood of Qingu marked man as savage and not godly in Babylon. None of this is Sumerian though. So, your claim does not hold water.

I've stuided mythology a great deal, archetypes? LOL sound like my greek professor

The Greek deities (Olympians) weren't archetypal... they represented areté, which is the highest human virtues and qualities. You obviously haven't studied mythology beyond an elementary school level, if you don't recognize the:

Dying-and-Rising god: Dumuzi (Sumer); Osiris (Egypt); Ba'al (Ugarite); Teŝub (Hittite); Attis (Phrygia); Adonis (Greece); Jesus Christ (Christianity); etc.

The Solar Child: Horus (Egypt); Mithra (Persia); Apollo (Greece); Lugh (Celtia); Jesus Christ (Christianity); etc.

The Great Goddess: Inanna (Sumer); Isis (Egypt); Anat (Ugarite); Mahadevi (India); Brighit (Celtia); Mary (Christianity); etc.

The Mother Goddess: Ninhursag (Sumer), Hathor (Egypt), Aŝerah (Ugarite); Demeter (Greece); etc.

The Seasonal/Vegetation God: Dumuzi (Sumer); Osiris (Egypt); Telipinu (Hurrian); Cronus (Indo-European); Kore/Persephone (Greece); Jesus Christ (Christianity)

Those being just a few of the archetypes of divinity. For a more in-depth look, familiarize yourself with the Journey of the Hero. Religious figures like Buddha, Christ, and Moses all follow suit.

the true matter is that judaism brought the bible OT together in 200 B.C.

And Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Hindu, and Greek myths date as far back as 3500 B.C.E., which means the Jews were just plagiarizing, and slapping Yahweh's name on everything, instead of the older religious powers.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Jordan River

Good post.
Long topic.
The cone held by the 'fallen one', Angel/King, was used to detect meandering/free ranging Souls/Spirits of which are Of plasmic energy. The container held was as a generator/battery that was used to empower the cone. The name 'cohen' cohn and other variations was named for the Pineal cone, that which allows one access to the netherworld/cosmic comprehension/3rd eye/4th dimension/the unseen realms of natural laws embedded in the Uni-verse/d. The descend-ants of the Kings/fallen ones with the unActualized/unused/extra DNA are still around today. The Pineal allows one to access these outer realms as a third component to De(two)oxy-ribo-Nucleaic acid, Triple helix in the center of the two dna alleles or double helix strand (ie. caduceus) activating various 'unused' and unActualized, dormant DNA. All have plasmic Souls, regardless of one's genome, container/shell they find themselves encapsulated in.

All have a Conscience, Freewill (a Gift) to be used wisely for Ascension sake. One's Soul once, empowered with 'good works', 'good deeds', acknowledgement/respect for One's Creator is prerequisite for Ascension from purgatory. That glowing ambient halonic feeling one gets when they Do the Right Things unto their Neighbors IS the confirmation one is in the Right. To be 'touched' by an Angel is to feel that glowing burst of healing energy one gets time to time.....or not. This burst of energy heals the cells and repairs the dna as the body becomes in Sine (single wave) synchronicity with itself/aligned so to say. A 'Golden Age' is just around the corner. Please Do the Right Thing when given 'the chance' from here forward. To Bee unto another as a sun to the seed of one's flower of potential being/creating/inventing for the benefit of U In Creation.
Looking Up?
*God Bless*

edit on 20-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:10 AM
One of the most controversial books of the ancient time is “The lost book of Enki”.
It is about some 5000 years old tablets discovered in Iraq and also another copy of the book in scrolls found near the black sea in a cave.
In my opinion what ever is going on since 2001 in the Middle East, is directly connected to these tablets and other some 30000 tablets not exposed to public yet.
You can download the E-Book in PDF format.
Or if you don’t want to read it, then you can listen to it by Josh Reeves.
Here is part-1

What you are about to read is translated from Sumerian lived in the Mesopotamia.
13 tablets of Enki are compiled into 298 pages. A must read.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:19 AM
I posted this in another thread, but I'll do it here too. To the poster who was talking about "Coneheads", and the poster talking about these things carrying pine cones, this guy seems to be the same, at Buckingham Palace, and he is mapped out all over the world.

edit on 26-9-2012 by OMsk3ptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:57 AM
I'm surprised no one has read the bible....I live near dallas texas and we have a county next to us called rockwall.....
now stay with me here...we had just enough gas to get to....WAIT...wrong movie....the town of rockwall, too.
the bible has it all included in the scripture...IF one was to read it all.....rockwall has a structure that is 3 miles by 5 miles rectangle with the leftovers of giants around. it's all in the bible....God said he would bury their bones and confine them where they would no longer bother His people. so, some are burried in the mud ( from the scriptures) and some are down there underground....sounds like ATS stuff. it's true that the subject of giants is hidden....north america is hugely involved in the discovery of them. the scriptures go on to mention all about the strange entities we see and why there seems to be a war between factions here in this reality..
one bunch wants to give hope and a name to call on.....which is a primary theme in the scriptures, and the other side seems to want to hide a name and create any and all kind of false misleading story to victimize people. now you know why I always post REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM, there's a liar on the loose everything in the OP is already in the written word....good thread s& flagggg

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Jordan River

S&F - Ancient history is amongst the most fascinating and the most difficult to figure out due to all that has been hidden from us purposefully.

Alanbrain raised pertinent information with regards to the study of 'the shining ones' and their important researchers. There are various researchers that come to mind for this particular part of our ancient past but certain works stand out. Edmund Marriage, nephew to Christian O'Brien who wrote a fascinating book called "The Shining Ones", co-relating to Steve Quayle's work into the fallen angels.

I am quite certain that the Vatican has secretly secured the very best texts on the matter. Another interesting rumour was that there existed secret research organizations/teams and may even still exist today, that specifically collected proofs and data connected with the Shining Ones, Nefilim, fallen angels etc. I can only imagine what such a library would be like but I do believe they exist secretly.

This is specifically the information that has been guarded, removed, altered and manipulated. Mainstream history will teach you that these are myths with no bearing into truth. In this way what could not be removed, was at the very least manipulated into a non-factual history. In time, people started connecting the dots and putting the pieces together and now more than ever, more information is coming to light.

edit on 26-9-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

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