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Secular Researchers' Findings that UFO Activity is Not Extraterrestrial in Origin

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posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:59 PM
Guys...The OP believes in demons and angels...enough said.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by HazyChestNutz
Guys...The OP believes in demons and angels...enough said.

Actually, I believe in angels... or at least, in my guardian angel. And I am quite convinced that my guardian angel is probably an alien!!! (but either way, thanks)
edit on 30-5-2012 by bluestreak53 because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-5-2012 by bluestreak53 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by bluestreak53

Originally posted by HazyChestNutz
Guys...The OP believes in demons and angels...enough said.

Actually, I believe in angels... or at least, in my guardian angel. And I am quite convinced that my guardian angel is probably an alien!!! (but either way, thanks)
edit on 30-5-2012 by bluestreak53 because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-5-2012 by bluestreak53 because: (no reason given)



posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:54 AM
Threads like these are doomed it seems to get derailed.

Not Extraterrestrial means not from outer space.What ever else exists is alien.No matter if some people call it angels,djinn,demons whatever.The point is that it exists. And thats what we must research about

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:56 AM
I'll be glad to say that the one time I saw an unknown craft, it didn't make anything paranormal happen at all. Then or now...

Also, who is it that thinks that what religious people call angels and demons are not ancient life forms from "somewhere else"? Did you think they were from Earth?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
'The Hidden Truth' notes the following: First, there is the problem of time. What if we suppose that UFOs come from some distant star in our own Galaxy? Travelling from the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, which is 25 trillion miles from the earth, in terms of the speed of light, it would take more than four years and three months to travel from this star to the earth. Travelling from a nearby star system at more realistic speeds than the speed of light, say the speeds that our own space rockets travel if UFOs were to travel 1 million miles a day it would take them 70, 000 years to travel to earth. And that's only from a nearby star system. Other stars are thousands of times further out in space.

Then there is the question of energy. It is estimated that a space ship, carrying ten people, and travelling 5 light years to and from a nearby star system at 70% of the speed of light would consume 500, 000 times the amount of energy consumed in the U. S. in one year!

The guy who wrote this, unfortunately is thinking in terms of conventional/mainstream physics. Millions of ET civilizations out there were probably incredibly technologically advanced even BEFORE the birth of our Solar System considering that the Universe is = - 15 billion years old.

Now, it comes about that such super civilizations could be billions of years ahead of us in technology. Look what we've achieved in the past 100 years. Sci-fi has turned to reality! And we're talking of civilizations billions of years ahead of us.

Having said that, it is entirely possible that these cultures may be hopping not only from one star system to another but traveling through intergalactic space between galaxies as a matter of course making use of 'propulsion' systems that we haven't even imagined in our wildest dreams.

So people who say it is impossible for ETs to have come to Earth because of the huge distances involved, are still using known scientific templates. It's time they learned to think out of the box to try and visualize what an ET civilization millions if not billions of years ahead of us could have achieved!

On a lighter vein, the reason why they have avoided coming here is in my signature!!
edit on 30-5-2012 by OrionHunterX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:20 AM
Well, this post brings across many agendas - three in particular - that the extra-terrestrials are actually extra-dimensional, and that Christianity is the way to go / New Age is a deception. In any case, a good thread.

I've done some research and reading in the past, and have come to the same conclusion - that the beings are probably from another dimension. Some might be demonic / evil aligned, for sure.

I don't think this is enough evidence to suggest that Christianity is "the" correct belief system, especially since it has its own extra-dimensional savior, as do other religions. Extra-dimensional entities may have been influencing religions and spirituality this whole time, however, on both sides.

edit on 30-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

What kind of free willed individual needs a King? To hell with your 'King', look where all the others have gotten us that were "looking out for our best interests". The psychic phenomenon present during alien abductions is because they do not occur here on the 3rd Dimension, they occur on the 4th Dimension while you are dreaming, and the point when you are most actively using your Pineal Gland. This is why a great deal of abductions happen after the person has fallen asleep or has 'missing time'. You can do anything you want in the 4th Dimension simply by thought, you can also see and hear things that aren't on this dimension, I.E: other 4th and higher Dimensional beings. Where do you think your dreams take place? Your Pineal gland, and yet there is so much likeness to dreams and the 4th dimension...

edit on 30-5-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

It was going fine until you pulled the Christ card. People who are anti Bible or anti Quran or anti Torah do not take inspiration from "alien beings". Please. The last part of your OP sounded really "out there" man.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:41 AM
"UFO's can't be interstellar space ships because it would take our rockets 70.000 years to travel to Andromeda"

What sort of kindergarten logic is that ?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:54 AM

1. Aliens are inter-dimensional/Spiritual beings.
2. They do not use interstellar travel.
3. They are malevolent.
4. Their aim is to deceive man-kind.
5. The film industry is helping to prepare us for a "grand deception".
6. "Alien Abductions" stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ
7. "Alien Abductions" match the abilities of fallen angels as described in the Bible.
8. "Aliens" bring primarily deceptive anti-biblical messages, as is reported by abductees and contactees.

There has been a tons of good abductions too.

They have showed people the future, how we screw our planet up etc..
They have showed people what love means, they have showed them what nature really looks like...

For an example:

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by Imtor

Actually its the correct method because these are the correct terms which are from greek and hebrew origin. Jesus cast demons out of people and Satan is a real being, he was called Lucifer before the fall, and he was real because he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness but failed. American Natives are from Noah's family all races on earth are from one blood.

No, you are wrong and this is why your kind gets criticized. Instead of asking, observing, researching, you do not ask yourself 'Hey wait a minute, who are actually these so called 'Gods' and why are there several and why usually the religion wants to exclude the existence of other Gods' - because all this is a manipulation of your mind.

Why is Christianity against the polytheism, why believer in one God, not believe in others, what was wrong with ancients believing in several Gods? Because Christianity is more right or something? This is pure manipulation and you are deceiving yourself.

And instead of questioning who they are you just say there is no question - there is no need to get further familiar, because some old book says so uses the words so and therefore there is no need for further research. And you are blinded by this idea of just staying where you are and what some book explains not searching for the real answers.

That's why you and religion needs to collapse.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Imtor

I've been thinking this for years; Secretly this year, because I remember my 7th grade history teacher mentioning it before. We were learning about the Mayan's and the Long Count Calendar and how the 5125 year cycle ends this December 21, 2012. I've been looking forward to this date my whole life. I really wish something big would happen that would finally put people in their place. The only true knowing is in knowing that you know nothing..

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

If you are Speaking that Aliens & Angels & Fallen Angels AKA Demons Are the Same Then !

Your Right ...

as For my Assumption

Those SUMERIAN, Egyptian , Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindu , Buddhist Etc Mythology
and other Religions and Culture Myths of Gods & DEMIGODS ( aka Nephilim ) & Deity's

ANUNNAKI = Those From Heaven to Earth Came = !

Simple isn't ! They are Not From this World Called EARTH....

Extra Terrestrial ! any way you want to Put it From another Dimension , Star System or Galaxy

From the Future ( Time Travel ) They are a Civilization type 2 & 3

and they see Us ( I Would Assume ) as Still Trying to Invent the Wheel , or Hitting a Bone On a Rock

Hmm waiting for that Movie to Come out ,, Directed By an Illuminati Figure Head !

Ridley Scott !

Prometheus - Official Full HD Trailer

When I Look up to the Stars I have the Instinct Feeling I WANT TO GO THERE!!

and they the Aliens ( Civ type 2, 3 ) Beings just did that..

FTL Speed ! We probably already Have It ,,

Time Warping or Dimensional Warping we MAY of Already Done it

when you think of the Philadelphia Experiment

Here something Groups of Teams Awaken for Travel to a Goldilocks Star System

Pandorum (2009) - Flight Team Training Video (DVD Extra)

edit on 30-5-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:54 AM
good lord.

Anyhow, I think all speculative posts should be prefixed with "with our current limited understanding of things" ......

It is annoying reading how a supposed alien race can or can't travel through interstellar space. This coming from a species that a mere 100 years ago thought flying was for birds only. C'mon guys, because we can't understand these things yet does not mean it can't be done.
All these human limitations do not necessarily bind others.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
This was all in a youtube video I watched a few days ago. Some of it almost verbatim. Did you, perhaps, forget to quote and link your sources?

That being said, I agree with the conclusions. "UFOs" exist. I seriously doubt that they are from another star system though. Consider the abduction experience and then compare it to stories of faerie abductions of past centuries. They have been here to long and there are to many to have come from somewhere else.

Since the OP linked to several sources, perhaps the creator of the video you watched used the same sources, and simply didn't reference them? That does happen quite a lot in those videos.

I agree about the earlier cases in history being similar. Been saying the same thing for years. Not just those, either, but some parallels in various other legends, too. Not all the same, but similarities. Keel, who was mentioned in the OP, even made a comment to the effect of these beings using different guises for different times. Researchers that ignore those facts aren't going to reach accurate, or complete, conclusions.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
UFO abductees report being plagued by with all sorts of paranormal manifestations following there UFO expierence. For instance: Objects moving by themselves, ghostly footsteps, apparitions, doors opening and closing by themselvs, precognitive dreams, telepathy, telekinesis the list is endless.

Good thread. I've had some experiences with ufo's and I must say I have also experienced most of what's in your list.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by one_small_step
good lord.

Anyhow, I think all speculative posts should be prefixed with "with our current limited understanding of things" ......

It is annoying reading how a supposed alien race can or can't travel through interstellar space. This coming from a species that a mere 100 years ago thought flying was for birds only. C'mon guys, because we can't understand these things yet does not mean it can't be done.
All these human limitations do not necessarily bind others.


Especially this ! Ive been saying this all along in Post here on ATS !!

This coming from a species that a mere 100 years ago thought flying was for birds only.

Look at we Accomplished!! only within a 100 yeas vs a Thousand Years!

Fictional Peter Wayland said it Best ! in the Up & Coming Movie Prometheus

100,000 BC: Stone tools.

4,000 BC: The wheel.

9th century AD: Gunpowder. Bit of a game-changer, that one.

19th century: Eureka! The light bulb!!

20th century: The automobile, television, nuclear weapons, space craft, Internet.

21st century: Biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission and M-theory -- and that was just the first decade.

We are now three months into the year of our Lord, 2023. At this moment in our civilization, we can create cybernetic individuals who, in just a few short years, will be completely indistinguishable from us. Which leads to an obvious conclusion: We are the gods now.

Prometheus - Peter Weyland TED 2023 [OFFICIAL CLIP] - HD -

you Probably Saying ! why in the Hell are you so obsessed with this Movie!!

Simple !

made by the Same Director !!

Ridley Scotts subliminal Illuminati sci-fi epic,

Blade Runner & The Illuminati

UFO Aliens , Illuminati go hand & Hand ...

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

People who KNOW Alien Races to be a reality...and that is PLURAL...RACES...and I am one of these people...DO NOT BELIEVE THAT ALIEN RACES ARE TRAVELING from distant solar systems at the Speed of Light. The distances are too vast for travel at Light Speed.

We understand that they are traveling using a form of GRAVITIC DRIVE DRIVE by which they are folding space in order to JUMP massive distances in a One Dimensional State...that being a Created Form of Singularity

Your concept behind how this form of travel is accomplished is uninformed. Split Infinity.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Interesting post, and S&F for listing the details so nicely. With, I must add, links to the source material. It does look like you spent a lot of time on this.

I have thought the same thing for a LONG time now, based on various reading, re-enactments of encounters on this or that program, and on the words of a late friend that believed he'd been abducted. Everything we can read, see, hear, and learn about the topic suggests some other-dimensional aspects, rather than something simply physical. When the "top minds" in the field, prominent writers, etc. all say the same thing, and when a large portion of those are not Christian, then it becomes a matter of stubbornness to refuse to consider the possibility (probability).

Now, as you have seen here, and surely knew before posting, a lot of people will become very defensive whenever anything Christian is mentioned. Not unexpected at all, really. What I would like to point out to those people is this; if these beings are from some other dimension, and they are evil, and intend us harm, does it make sense to reject that probability simply because Christians call them demons? Call them whatever you want; that won't change what they are. To study the phenomenon in an objective manner, with the actual scientific goal of finding the truth (rather than proving what we want the truth to be), we can set aside the specific labels, using them as references only, and look for the facts.

There are many cases where a person claims to have been abducted, and others state they were there the entire time, and yet there are other cases where the person wasn't there, and physical evidence that they were gone is found. A family member, just this evening, shared a story he'd heard about a boy that said he was taken, that he passed through the ceiling. When he was returned/found/whatever it was, he apparently had in his hands new leaves that only grew at the very top of a tree near the home, that he could not possibly have climbed to reach. Other cases have muddy feet, or something similar. Then there are the physical things that happen to many abductees. Clearly, even if this is caused by beings from some other dimension, and I believe it is, then those beings can affect our physical reality.

Now, that said, I find it highly unlikely (though not impossible) that we would ever get hold of a "nuts and bolts" ship. I won't say it can't happen, though, because I think these beings can and do assume a physical form at times. I simply think they aren't limited to it as we seem to be. However, they seem to be extremely good at deception and misdirection, and the idea of them somehow losing control of a ship seems unlikely to me. Plus, I think it's extremely likely that they are working with at least some people in power around the world, whether politicians/leaders, financial types, etc. Not all, but some. Seems clear they do have goals, and that those goals aren't in our favor.

In any case, no reason we can't discuss and debate without anyone being offended. Think about this; if they are evil things, they would LOVE to see us argue about them, and disbelieve in things that could reveal their true purposes, whatever those might be.

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