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Originally posted by RANT
In fact, I'm not letting this argument go until FlyersFan backs it up. Then I'd really like to see some effort to validate it's authenticity proactively by the poster. Not just post crap and run.
Originally posted by RANT
Must have just not seen this before logging off.
But there's no reason to not post a link to an article, or even a link to a post on another board that's being quoted as supportive content. That's fine. Required actually, most likely by that board's TAC as well.
Originally posted by RANT
I really think you've got a smoking gun here this time FlyersFan. You could win it for Bush if only we could just get this story out.
Prezydent uchyli� si� od odpowiedzi na pytanie, z kt�rym z kandydat�w w ameryka�skich wyborach sympatyzuje.
President declined to answer with which candidate in this American election he sympathizes.
�Ja po prostu patrz� na to, co si� dzieje, i zachowuj� nale�yty szacunek dla demokracji ameryka�skiej. Wierz�, �e kto nie by�by prezydentem Stan�w Zjednoczonych, w kwestiach zar�wno irackich, jak i polsko- ameryka�skich, b�dzie zachowywa� si� odpowiedzialnie� - podkre�li�.
�I simply observe what�s happening and maintain all due respect for the American democracy. I believe that whoever becomes the next American president will behave responsibly with respect to the Iraqi and the Polish-American matters� � he underlined.
Doda� jednak, �e nale�y odr�ni� rzeczywiste intencje od walki i temperatury wyborczej, kt�ra w Stanach Zjednoczonych wcale nie jest ni�sza ni� w Polsce.
He added however that one has to differentiate actual intentions from the electoral fight and temperature, which in the United States is not lower than in Poland.
Prezydent doda� jednak, �e trzeba wzi�� pod uwag�, i� jest to kampania wyborcza.
President added however that it is understandable during a presidential campaign.
�Traktujmy to z dystansem. W kampanii wyborczej padaj� r�ne s�owa, kt�re niekoniecznie trzeba rozumie� dos�ownie� - zauwa�y�.
�Let�s treat it from a distance. In an electoral campaign, many words are said that not necessarily should be interpreted verbatim� � he noted.
�That�s why we are disappointed that our stance and ultimate sacrifice of our soldiers are so diminished�, President Kwasniewski commented Kerry�s speech during the debate.
�Perhaps Mr Kerry, continues Kwasniewski, thinks about the coalition with Germany and France, countries which disagreed with us on Iraq.
�In this respect � added Kwasniewski � we can say we are disappointed that our stance and the sacrifice of those soldiers are so marginalized. But I blame this on the electoral campaign and a certain message, which may not have been expressed by senator Kerry directly � that he thinks higher of a coalition that would include France and Germany together with the USA. Thus including those who said �no� to the Iraqi matters.�
"Kerry's stance during debate immoral", says President of Poland
According to poll research centers, Poland is the only European country where President Bush would win the election. What�s more, it would be a landslide victory.
Originally posted by RANT
I humbly submit part of the problem has always been and continues to be the gleeful efforts of some of the finer smear mongering net nuts to always suppress half the story, misquote, misrepresent and above all else embrace ignorance.
Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Originally posted by RANT
I humbly submit part of the problem has always been and continues to be the gleeful efforts of some of the finer smear mongering net nuts to always suppress half the story, misquote, misrepresent and above all else embrace ignorance.
Fine work Rant! Worthy of a mod at ATS!!
I for one always like to see the truth win out. Perhaps you could use your influence to get some other folks to deny ignorance and back up what they say.
Two thumbs up!!
Originally posted by RANT
That hard work on your part is duly noted.
�Traktujmy to z dystansem.
�Let�s treat it from a distance.
But I'm most pleased now to see that the President of Poland is a reasonable, measured
Thank you again FlyersFan for helping bring AboveTopSecret ALL THE STORY and debunk this Freeper fabrication before it hits a chain mail near you.
Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski has slammed Dem president hopeful John Kerry for not recognizing Poland's contributions and sacrifice to the war in Iraq.
"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience does not recognize Polish contribution. This is immoral," Kwasniewski told FACTS in an interview commenting on the US Presidential Debate.
"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience underestimates Polish sacrifice, this is sad."
The Polish President added however that one should consider this was a part of the ongoing electoral campaign.
"I do not think this was out of ignorance," the president emphasized on the TVN Facts.