posted on May, 28 2012 @ 07:46 PM
Greetings community. I was just reading an Alex Jones article on this year's upcoming Bilderberg conference in Virginia, and it started me thinking
about something. I recently posted a thread on a thought I had about why conspiracies were somehow obvious to us, seemingly flawed and amateurish.
I'll try to post that thread here, though I've never done so before.]
In Alex's article he's talking about how upset the Bilderberger's are that the whereabouts of their meeting is known and the protests that are being
planned against it (apparently Alex is learning all this through "leaks" inside the organization) . This got me thinking...why the hell hold it in
Virginia of all places. I mean, hey, let's hold our ultra secret meeting for world domination right beside the hotbed of American politics?? As for
these "leaks", can't say they should be considered absolutely trustworthy. I mean, isn't disinfo a common policy among such people, don't we
ourselves in this community constantly look out for that?
So, I was just thinking, if I'm one of the rulers of the world with near infinite resources at my disposal and needed to have a once a year meeting
with others such as me, I don't about a remote island??? Have none of these people ever watched a Bond flick? It just feels too obvious
to me, and the doubter in me comes out.
Any thoughts??? Peace all... on 28-5-2012 by BBobb because: (no reason
edit on 28-5-2012 by BBobb because: (no reason given)