This has been bothering me for-ev-errrrr.
First of all, through my teen years, I always said I'd never have a baby, because that seemed to be the root of all my family's problems--us
children. And plue, I never counted on finding a boyfriend who would stick around...
But now, I feel like I've learned enough from my family's mistakes so I know not to make the same ones, and I've been with my current boyfriend for
four years now, and we've outlasted all the relationships of our loved ones thus far. We're in our fourth year, and we still do the kissy-face
honeymoon stuff
And so, I am starting to think that, eventually, a baby would be wonderful. In fact, I often have dreams and random thoughts about it, and it almost
brings me to tears. I can safely say I want one now.
Then I think...
I consider myself fairly "awake" to the world's real issues, and I would intend to teach my child everything, rather than brainwash him or her.
Could you imagine if my child were to bring up conspiracies in school? Especially in the next generation? School systems are already cracking down as
it is, no one can do, say, or hear anything anymore without being arrested. Could you imagine how many people would call CPS, or the police even?
Then, there's the issue of not being allowed to learn all the facts of history in school, along with the regular indoctrination and brainwash... and
they'll be teaching my child contrary to what I would want him or her to learn. Things like... all children need vaccines, to keep you healthy.
Doctors are good people, who can always be trusted with your life, because it's their job. The government and president are deserving of respect,
never question them. Police are never wrong, because they have a badge. Respect them. Teachers are never wrong, because they're teachers. Respect
them. You'll never survive or be a useful human being if you don't graduate and spend half your adult life in college. If you don't do that, like
everyone else, you'll be a nobody forever.
Not to mention that certain school systems have a habit of giving ALL children vaccines without their parent's consent, and I could honestly say I
would kill someone if they did that to my child, or any of my loved ones, no matter who they are.
Plus, what if TSHTF during my child's lifetime, during school--and the schools get locked down. They would take my child somewhere without telling
me, and because they're of government authority, be it legal or not, I would be expected to lay down and let them take off with my child, along with
all the others, to a FEMA camp, Re-education camp, lockdown facility, foreign country, whatever.
I have no doubt whatsoever that my child would be loved and never abused by us, my now fiance would make an excellent father. But... as far as the
rest of the world goes... it seems like they're making any excuse they can think of to make parents look "unfit" and take their children away,
while the different establishments have free reign over the lives of the children. There are a lot of issues I wanted to add, but I wouldn't have
nearly enough room on this thread...
Yes, I sound paranoid. I'm just trying to be prepared.
Seriously. Are you an idiot for having as child in today's world?
Or is it worth the risks...?