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Code Name** Stellar Wind. Objective** Infiltrate All. Chances For Sucess** High.

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posted on May, 28 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

One of those pictures reminded me of this scene from metal gear solid. Makes me wonder what agenda the elites have and if the Japanese was trying to warn us with this game.

im not joking either, it is an odd coincidence.

edit on 28-5-2012 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by signalfire
Anything that large will be completely unable to act on any given information until it's too late. But meanwhile, they'll suck up tax money we/they don't have.

Watch what happens when a couple billion teenage hackers decide to confound and confuse them.

I think it is not there to filter individual pieces of information.

I think it is there to create a larger intelligence and awareness,

You can transcend space and time, become aware of many things

In real time.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Blimey.... thats a hell of a lot of power.... wtf..... i never even heard of those bytes before or the Quintrillion billion whatever.....

I wouldn't like to try counting upto that amount.... would take a lifetime to get there....

Anyway, cheers for the info.... but somehow this secret place isnt secret anymore.... what if something dropped on it????

Sure this isnt 'SKYNET' IN THE MAKING? You remember the huge Facility in T3

edit on 28-5-2012 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-5-2012 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 03:13 PM
the actual data is easy to replicate around the country so even if they dropped a few bunker busters on it there would be nothing lost as at any moment all you should need to be transmitting to other sites is the changes and i'm sure theres other sites that can do enough to ensure data collection if not actual processing continues and then when the sites back up it just resumes where it left off

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 03:21 PM
You can guarantee there will be Google and Facebook employees and/or consultants working there.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

I don't think this thing is designed to scan for certain words. The military/private companies already admitted they can read thoughts and delete memories. (Though what the acknowledge sounds like it's can't do too much yet). If people think the extent of the secret military project are just planes that go really fast, they are so wrong.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by nuttin4nothin
Are evil people...that scared? These people can't find anything BETTER to do with their time and money? Instead of building about finding a cure for cancer? Now THAT would be money well spent!

The cure for cancer has already been discovered and suppressed by big -pharma. You can do a search on this site for cures and will come up with alot actually!!!

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Beanskinner
I think it is not there to filter individual pieces of information.

I think it is there to create a larger intelligence and awareness,

You can transcend space and time, become aware of many things

In real time.

Beanskinner and a couple of others have hit on what this is.
It's a baby A.I.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 04:33 PM
I wish they would build it in a city.
so the Heat can be used.
they could get some of the money back.

what a wast.

is it posible to set a e-mail site to forwoud your
E-mails to a second account that forwouds it back.
this would keep them bussy if we all do it.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 04:53 PM
This is intelligence/spy greed, pure and simple.

You can have greed for money, power, and knowledge of secrets.

Who watches the watchers?

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 05:21 PM
So develop Linux based software counter measures.Sigh.. do I have to think of everything?

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy
This is intelligence/spy greed, pure and simple.

You can have greed for money, power, and knowledge of secrets.

Who watches the watchers?

God watches the Watchers and he is one pissed off puppy. Places like this, is where people will hide and beg for gods forgiveness when his wrath descends on earth. This just proves they need more space to hold all the info for the human chip that they plan.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Patriotsrevenge

Originally posted by NoHierarchy
This is intelligence/spy greed, pure and simple.

You can have greed for money, power, and knowledge of secrets.

Who watches the watchers?

God watches the Watchers and he is one pissed off puppy. Places like this, is where people will hide and beg for gods forgiveness when his wrath descends on earth. This just proves they need more space to hold all the info for the human chip that they plan.

Well that'd be nice, but it's not as reassuring to those of us who may not believe in god.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 05:46 PM
I have a very un-serious thing to say, and a very serious thing to say..

I want to hijack a stealth bomber, fly over this complex and blow the Sh!t out of this operation... then goto Area 51 and blow the sh!t out of that place.. - un serious.

Just think.. if this is the computer technology they have, and this is what we "kind of" know about .. imagine what we dont know about! Think of secret weapon technology, we know the elites like war and fighting, so I wouldnt be surprised if they have ultimate weapon technology on hold.. think of the secret space technology :O Maybe humanity is currently flying back and forth to planets near by ? Teleportation technology, weather manipulation tech, anti-gravity tech, cloaking tech (which main stream is already capable of)... the things these shadow governments have is probably mind boggling, we are talking about humans with ultimate technology! These super computers are just the tip of the iceberg.. the shadow governments have been sneaking around and manipulating behind the curtain for so long.. one can only think what happens behind that curtain..

call it imagination.. I call it being left in the dark.. which we all are.

~ Love is an art

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 07:37 PM
The reason that I thought this thread was important, was due to the fact that it brings so many newer questions, and helps to relieve some older ones.

Like we are completely unaware of the true tech out there.

This has far more implications of its making then it appears to be.

That we can truly come to some sort of consensus that this cannot solely be for the purpose of security against possible terrorism, as this goes far beyond what anyone on this planet would need.

That this coupled with the years to come, we can always look back at this place, and make better knowledge of upcoming events due to being privy to such technology.

This is the type of information that can enhance what we always thought, just not on the level that we would have hoped.

Peace, NRE.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 08:03 PM
I agree with the other posters that alluded to it being an AI of sorts, or a cluster of artificial intelligences, automated spying and automated MITM, or "Man In the Middle".

Man in the middle is when someone (or in this case, something) intercepts your communication or information, and either passively observes the letter and/or you and your cohorts, or they alter it. For instance, you send a letter in the mail to someone, it's intercepted and the letter is changed. The other party receives the altered communique, and none of you are ever aware.

Digital MITM is much, much more frightening. Think for a moment what such an automated system could do to people who rely on the digital world to communicate with "friends". What about people you rarely (or never) talk to in person or with voice? At any point, you could be talking to a "man in the middle". This would be especially simple with "casual friends", those who are not particularly intimate with one another, and don't hold many "trusts". No keys. Just conversation.

You could effectively block out 99% of someone's life, or completely manipulate it.

I could be typing this right now, and by the time I hit enter and send it out.. it could be completely changed to a one-sentence mindless dribble post similar to what we saw in the beginning of this thread.

Test, 1, 2 ?

You could try to verify you are not being "blocked out of the universe" by asking someone online to repeat what you said, for reassurance, but the AI simply feeds you another illusion.

A cyber-demon. Not to say this particular facility is such a thing that I've attempted to describe, but it's also not to say 'they' haven't been very interested in this and have practiced it for some time now.
edit on 28-5-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

The great myth/oxymoron of Internet Security

Ok, so yeah, super secret squirrel stuff. By Occam's Razor, we're probably all off. This center could just be another run of the mill telecomms establishment - but thats academic.

Because, the computational power and technologies in this age, today, exist. Most of the things in this thread which have been stated are theoretically plausable - perhaps with the exception of a sentient, SKYNET-style AI (Artificial Intelligence is a subject far, far broader than many appreciate!).

That said, the harvest of information is desireable for any of the PTB... Everything today leaves a [digital]paper trail of sorts. I feel a little like John Connor from T3, wanting to live 'off the grid'... so I deleted my Facebook

Posts before me are correct in pointing out that once 'they' have that information there, it is accessable and usable for future trial. THAT's the scary part. Sure, being just a drop in the ocean amongst all other global comms traffic may mean that you're statistically safe; but as soon as your name is in a database, the relational records linked with it just forever grow.

The UDC is a frightening thought. Australia is heading towards pumping a stupid amount of money into a 'National Broadband Network', constructed, maintained and operated by a government-subsidized corperation... Nail-biting stuff.


Encryption/Decryption: Someone stated that encryption practices will always be ahead of what is computationally feasable for crackers to achieve by unauthorized decryption... However what IS slow to evolve is the standards themselves. WEP is still used all over the place, and most laptops can run an application which can find a WEP key in about a minute. Further considering the next generation of standards, it has also been shown that WPA[/2] and AES have their flaws, too.
... Frankly, anything will. Although 2^2048 is a reaaaallly big number (ie, a 2048-bit key), it still exists within a finite space, which can be found. The key to decryption is knowing that you have found what you are looking for!

and, 10.75 TeraFLOPS?! That is heeeeeeaps
[FLOPS - Floating-Point Operations per/second]
Maybe that Japanese box would actually be able to run a version of Windows Vista to a usable standard

edit on 28-5-2012 by derpest because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

the awsome power of the cray series must be tempered by the question. what do they compute.
these multiteraflop monsters are array processors. matrix operations. multiply row by column and get simultaneous processing of all elements.

Thats it.

you know how to invert a matrix? compute eigenvalues and vectors? doubt it. you do not know why they should be computed.

all the data storage at Utah is to track people , corporations, communications, account numbers through time.
no computable matrix there.

it is all historical detail and associations. store it in a flat file and look it up via multiple indexes.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by derpest

When it comes to "storage", and "decryption", all of that is rudimentary. It's just a given. If there is a will, there is a way. When someone with the capacity to do so, wants to break into your life and bypass your Software/Firewall/VPN, etc... it's beyond simple. This is old-school stuff... It was only a matter of poking your head out (whack-a-mole, as said) that you get broken.

You certainly don't need a top-secret facility in the desert complete with armed guards to crack into Bob's ATS account in Plainsville, Insert State Here. You could do that with your computer now, if you were so inclined.

I think they want new-school. They want to go beyond "storage" and "observation" and go straight to "manipulation" and "meddling". Controlling people's lives by proxy, changing this and that whenever they're not aware, like "The Adjustment Bureau" film if you need a pop-culture reference (oh looky, they made another movie about themselves).

This means browsing the internet at your expense when you are not aware. Getting on your Facebook and having conversations with people you've never met or spoken to, and will never speak to again. This means logging into your games, your online accounts; stores, forums, blogs, everything. This won't be your standard "identity theft" where someone has a go at you for a few days, this is long-term. We're talking "your natural born life". When doing anything drastic, or in large capacity, it will be hidden from you in real-time. You could post a blog about how the gubmint sucks, and every time you look at it, yup just like I wrote it, "gubmint sucks"; but everyone else sees the MITM's "I like ice cream". You would never know, you would be living in your own little world where everyone thinks you're just a retard who posts blogs about how he likes ice cream. What's wrong with that guy anyway?

The kicker is, there is nothing you can do. The most you could do to protect yourself online, is attempt to block meagre low-lifes trying to log your information, and this will take up the bulk of your time. Anything greater than that.. forget it, when there's a will there's a way. You just hope you get the privilege to witness it yourself.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by darkstar57
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

you know how to invert a matrix? compute eigenvalues and vectors? doubt it. you do not know why they should be computed.

- Decrption. Brute-force try-and-see of inverse Encryption Rounds. Useless, if encrption undergoes many processes or subRounds of permutations and substitutions, with other languages, etc.

Originally posted by darkstar57
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

all the data storage at Utah is to track people , corporations, communications, account numbers through time.
no computable matrix there.

it is all historical detail and associations. store it in a flat file and look it up via multiple indexes.

Flat file.

No computable matrix operations.

Do you have any idea or appreciation how typical, let alone high-end relational and temporal databases operate and crunch data? Temporal databases are moving towards the Cubemodel, where typical MIPs would start to see way being given to FLOPs.

Open your head.

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