posted on May, 28 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by llmacgregor
wait until you get much older
you will hate everybody with equality
I mean strait across the board pure equal hatred
ok not everybody
those that make you
crash turn wait
change you mind
stupid ones
ugly ones
ones that think they are smart
ones that are smart and play dumb
those that are smarter than you
those with nothing upstairs
the dirty ones the ones tryin to be someone they clearly are not
the better looking ones
the holier than Thou
the ones that are Godless and Lawless
the ones with better cars that use a foodstamp card
the ones with bling bling that have children in rags
the educated ones that live in the University District who have money passed down from generations
Sons of Doctors
Daughters of Lawyers
Daughters that want to be walking Pharma's
Sons that buy those daughters
Dads that buy those daughters
teams that buy those daughters
Those daughters have more money than your sons
so pretty much everybody
If I left you or anybody else out of this well pardon me and include your self
I didnt mention COLOR......go figure!!!!!