Until people who are against gun ownership start planning policies to revoke the licences of people who text, talk on the phone, eat, read and apply
makeup while driving, they are merely being irrational trolls.
The persistence of irrational trolls in their attempts to circumscribe others within their personal moral expectation, opinions and whims is wholly
un-American, flies in the face of the basis of Western liberty, and continues to provide concrete reason for allowing arms for the express use of
defense of property and individual rights.
The clear and rational reason for the Second Amendment was to forever ensure that citizens possessed the means to enforce and maintain the social
contract implicit in the Constitution. It was, after all, written not after a duck hunt but a revolutionary war fought by men who wanted to maintain
allegiance to their government but were forced to secede when that government no longer honored them as fully equal citizens.
The ratio of documented firearms in civilian ownership to actual accidents and crimes committed is comical. The vast and overwhelming majority of gun
owners have clearly exercised their right (and civil responsibility) for over two hundred years in a manner consistent with incredible control and
In most other countries, such a rate of gun ownership would have resulted in war and revolution many times over in such a span.
Most American gun owners view themselves as being sentinel in the protection of the concept of community and Social Contract, and live with a very
intimate awareness of the rights and human dignity of their fellow citizens. Why? Because for them individual rights and civil responsibility can no
longer be a mere theory safeguarded by others, as they must be personally accountable for the power inherent in citizenship every single day.
In fact, gun ownership is one of the most clear signs that the freedom and responsibility allowed by the American Experiment, stemming from the
Enlightenment progression, does work. Because millions of Americans wake up day after day, with not only the right but the means to dissolve their
bond of community, and they still choose to stand with their fellow citizens and their body of government and compromise.
edit on 28-5-2012 by
NightShift because: (no reason given)