posted on May, 27 2012 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver
What we have here is a microcosm of what goes on in the real world. As ATS has gained more popularity, so have the people coming along, ganging up on
those who would speak out, and effectively shutting them down. Just the same way it is in real life when you see someone or something different than
what you are told is the norm. This is why the powers of the world really just need to sit back and let us do all the work when it comes to keeping
the planet in line. ATS is not really different in that guise, that the thread creators who often put out "fringe" theories or come up with unproven
ideas as to why things are or a what may have happened are the ones who are constantly ridiculed, whereas the ones that follw the main stream ideas of
what we are brainwashed with are the ones that rack up the flags and stars, regardless of whether their response is akin to the flow of conversation.
Simply put, no one wants to be ridiculed, no one wants to be made fun of, and as a result, many of the ideas are kept silent. Changing who says what
or "my friend said" or "I know someone in the miltary that happens to know" is no different than just saying you saw or you know imo, you're the one
who will cop the heat regardless. As a result, we do what we do in our real lives. We sit down, shut up and don't step out of the ant line we are
taught to follow. We don't say or do anything that will draw unwanted attention.
Personally I think ATS is about as anonymous as it gets. You don't know me, I don't know you. I could be making everything I say up, I could be
telling the absolute truth. So could you. End of the day people seem to forget the motto, which is to
deny ignorance, something the world
powers are very good at making us not do. So really, why would you or anyone else care as to whether we as a whole believe your story or your
experience. In every group you will get the detractors, the proof screamers and generally the ones just here to drag you down for your beliefs. Have
an open and bigger mind. If you don't agree, walk away, or intelligently debate why you consider their point of view to be in err. To me, that's what
this site is supposed to be about.
Just my 2c...
edit on 27-5-2012 by 74Templar because: typos