posted on May, 27 2012 @ 04:58 AM
Its a very similar situation in the uk, our goverment rewards single benefit claiming mothers with all manner of goodies. A recent change has been
that along side all the goverment benefits, they can now also keep every penny of their maintence, good work if you frequent decent clubs, mate with
men on decent salaries. Three children whos fathers are on 50k per year, must entitle the women to 1o k per child.
men should definately have the right to choose whether or not they are prepared to parent and maintain a baby that isn't born within a long term
A very close friend on a very large salary, saw so many of his friends get totally screwed over by women, that even when married, he refused to have
children, unless the wife payed half of all child related expenses. His thinking was that if they divorced, he was not going to be paying 30 k per
year maintenance, thats more than many earn.
Too many women today have so many children, by so many fathers, it totally undermines our financial system. Our sense of morality was developed over
many centuaries, it worked in the main and now is totally ignored and called old fashioned and is seen in a negative way.
While I feel that to go back to a situation where an unmarried women could not keep her baby, would be cruel, I do believe that something needs to
change, to protect the millions of children who don't know who their father is, or don't see their dads, as the man isn't interested.