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Kansas governor signs 'Shariah bill' to ban Islamic law

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posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by redneck13
If tomorrow all muslims in the US go to sharia, no law is broken.
If they kill an infidel , under sharia no problem, those responsible have broken the US law against murder.
Still a long ways from getting sharia under freedom of religion
According to Rastafarians they should be smoking in front of the police station,not, not even in Jamaica
Here is some sharia as it stands in Iran, I don’t think this will fly

What part of Sharia law allows for the killing of infidels?

...oh that's right, NONE.

Let's ban man eating suitcases too.
edit on 27-5-2012 by Autumnal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by redneck13

Did you read any of what you posted?

What does any woman have to fear from any of that?
The only way I can be stoned to death under Sharia law is if I Convert to Islam, marry a Muslim man, and AGREE to follow Sharia law.

You get how this works, right?

Oh, and murder is still illegal in the US anyway.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Chance321
reply to post by Autumnal

Ahhhh, another enlightened one. Someone doesn't see to your way of thinking out comes the name calling, very good.

What name did I call you?
I am beginning to think many are ignorant of the meaning of "ignorant."
I also cannot help but notice you had nothing on topic to add. Must be all the information you have is causing a bottleneck?

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by Autumnal

Again, this bill ensures Shariah Law does not hold weight in COURT and be used to circumvent US law. Nothing you said is meaningful. Your post agrees with this bill and you dont even understand it.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 04:32 AM
Anyone that calls this law "racist" is only displaying his/her own gross ignorance. Religion is not a race. Not racist, case closed. I grew tired of the "racist" buzzword long ago.

As for the bill, it does not ban Islamic law specifically, it prevents all law systems except US law from being considered. Applies the same to Jewish or Christian or any other alternative law systems.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by frazzle
The part of Sharia Law that is most objectionable to western nations is:

Sharia Finance
What is Islamic Finance?

The basis for all Islamic finance lies in the principles of the Sharia, or Islamic Law, which is taken from the Qur'an and from the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Islamic form of finance is as old as the religion of Islam itself.

Central to Islamic finance is the fact that money itself has no intrinsic value. As a matter of faith, a Muslim cannot lend money to, or receive money from someone and expect to benefit – interest (known as riba) is not allowed. To make money from money is forbidden – wealth can only be generated through legitimate trade and investment in assets. Money must be used in a productive way.

This is a perfect example of why non-Muslims have nothing to fear from Sharia law. There is nothing in Sharia law that imposes this or anything else on non-Muslims. So why should the US, religious freedom bastion, prevent one Muslim from entering into a Sharia contract with another Muslim for a no-interest loan?
What does it do to anyone besides the Muslims who agree to abide?

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Autumnal

Can you respond to my post where I clearly link a US judge in PA forcing Sharia Law on an Atheist, here in the US. Oh that's right, it doesn't conform to your narrow view of the world so you wont.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Autumnal
This is a perfect example of why non-Muslims have nothing to fear from Sharia law. There is nothing in Sharia law that imposes this or anything else on non-Muslims. So why should the US, religious freedom bastion, prevent one Muslim from entering into a Sharia contract with another Muslim for a no-interest loan?
What does it do to anyone besides the Muslims who agree to abide?

This is a perfect example of why you keep supporting this bill. This bill does not prevent this. All it prevents is Sharia Law from taking precedence over US law. Keep skirting the issue and not responding to what you don't want to respond to.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Autumnal

The end of the story is that regardless of what the Quran says of whether non Muslims should be held to Sharia Law ... in other countries they are. Many muslims would love Sharia Law to be over everyone in the world, just a fact. It has no place in American COURTROOMS. Any part of Sharia Law that does not go against US Law is welcome to be practiced by those who choose to. Now respond to what happened in Pa. or just stop talking about non muslims not having anything to worry about.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Autumnal

Please pay attention because this is important and many of you are too busy being stupid to get it. Sharia law only applies to people who AGREE to follow Sharia law.

So it does not apply to muslim children born into muslims families without any choice in the matter?

And what is the punishment in Sharia for leaving islam?

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by Autumnal

I guess when Christians tell me that I should die for listening to rock music that means under Abrahamic law, christians want me murdered for listening to rock music.

This would never happen. We do not advocate anyone be murdered for any reason and if anyone calls themselves a christian and does advocate murder then they are not one of us. I don't care if you listen to rock music, that's your business, you can listen to it until your ears explode for all i care.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 06:48 AM
Well, the bill reads "foreign laws", it does not single out any one religion or group of people. This is America and we have our own laws here.

Do you honestly think that as an American in a foreign country you would be afforded the laws of our country? No.

To all the bleeding heart liberals I have to say this is America, and like all immigrants, they came here, we did not force them. They came here, they follow our laws, learn our language. They came here, adapt. You would be laughed out of another country if you committed a crime and requested that our laws be applied to you.

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posted on May, 27 2012 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Autumnal

Originally posted by vkey08
Unfortunately what i witnessed were Religious Police (CPVPV) telling what I could and could not do and what said penalties were for said actions.

Yes they were. They were the religious police in that place following those cultural norms, NOT SHARIA LAW.

Please pay attention because this is important and many of you are too busy being stupid to get it. Sharia law only applies to people who AGREE to follow Sharia law. Any "police" enforcing any "religious laws" onto you, a non-Muslim, were not following Sharia law.

Now continue being ignorant.

They claimed to be lenient because i was a visiting American, but... they claimed it was all written in Islamic (Sharia) Law and I could look it up.. What was I missing when they were treating a human being like a sub-class (this was Saudi Arabia btw)

So some people in some other country roughed you up and told you it was Sharia and viola, you learned what Sharia is and are an expert qualified to opine on it?
I guess when Christians tell me that I should die for listening to rock music that means under Abrahamic law, christians want me murdered for listening to rock music.

Or...those christians are nuts and wrong, just like some muslims are nuts and wrong too.

You did not have to take their word for it, you could look it up for yourself.

At the time, I was not in a position to argue the point... but of course you are an expert so what i lived through was just trivial, thanks i'll remember that...

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Autumnal

Originally posted by frazzle
The part of Sharia Law that is most objectionable to western nations is:

Sharia Finance
What is Islamic Finance?

The basis for all Islamic finance lies in the principles of the Sharia, or Islamic Law, which is taken from the Qur'an and from the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Islamic form of finance is as old as the religion of Islam itself.

Central to Islamic finance is the fact that money itself has no intrinsic value. As a matter of faith, a Muslim cannot lend money to, or receive money from someone and expect to benefit – interest (known as riba) is not allowed. To make money from money is forbidden – wealth can only be generated through legitimate trade and investment in assets. Money must be used in a productive way.

This is a perfect example of why non-Muslims have nothing to fear from Sharia law. There is nothing in Sharia law that imposes this or anything else on non-Muslims. So why should the US, religious freedom bastion, prevent one Muslim from entering into a Sharia contract with another Muslim for a no-interest loan?
What does it do to anyone besides the Muslims who agree to abide?

But fear they will. Its gospel, ya know, straight from the oracle of Faux News. And never mind that old wives tale about Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers, Christians know better than to follow such nonsense about economic justice, they'd rather talk about adultry. Its juicier news.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Autumnal

1- Jihad defined as “to war against all non-Muslims to establish the religion” is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.

9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : a) an apostasy b) an adulterer c) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.

10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim

11- Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave. Slavery still exists amongst Arab Muslims.

12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, for sins like killing, adultery, prostitutions; and other Quranic corporal punishments like: amputation of limbs (chopping hands and feet), floggings, beatings and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for the sins like: stealing, sexual promiscuity, robbery, burglary etc.

18- A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.

19- Homosexuality is punishable by death

34. The perpetrators of genocide, mass rape and plunder will not be punished if they repent - Codified Islamic Law Vol 1 # 13.

edit on 27-5-2012 by redneck13 because: c

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 12:09 PM
So people have a problem with making it so where a man can not rape his wife and treats here like property or arranged marriages?

Because that is what Sharia law is and it is not racist for the simple fact people are not born with religion.
edit on 27-5-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 01:02 PM
This is one of the best moves I’ve seen a state take against Islam publicly. Everyone is so worried about offending someone else that nobody seems to even notice we are no longer the free country we once were. Sure, I believe in freedom of religion and speech, but not when it comes to me having to make concessions to foreigners in my home land, for fear of offending them. I’ve fought and sacrificed a lot for this country and its freedoms, and its extremely frustrating to watch us loosing it without so much as a whimper!

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

If i was the victim of the beating i think i would of filled an appeal in a higher court, i would of pressed charges as the judge obviously had a conflict of interest, which was made apparent when he refused to view any evidence in the case.

Sadly the world is not a perfect place, and as such neither are the laws of man, but looking at the building blocks of what is the United states of America, it is clearly stated that the laws of the govt at the local and national level will superseed that of any law of any religion.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 04:13 PM
I sure am glad that the Chinese are mostly Buddhists or are non religious.

Religion in China has been characterized by pluralism since the beginning of Chinese history. The Chinese religions are family-oriented and do not demand the exclusive adherence of members. Some scholars doubt the use of the term "religion" in reference to Buddhism and Taoism, and suggest "cultural practices" or "thought systems" as more appropriate names.[1] The questions of what should be called religion or religious in China, and who should be called religious is up to debate.[2]

The Golden Rule ........

"He who has the gold makes the rules."

Recent CIA audit of the bank accounts of the different Nations.


China - # 1 $ 280,600,000,000

USA - #198 $ -599,900,000,000

edit on 5/27/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 06:46 PM
Im just curious as to why those who aren't Muslim care about this or anything related to Sharia law for that matter.

Are some fo you under the impression that Sharia law are a set of laws that apply to everyone? That would at least explain some of the responses in this thread that me scratch my head.

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