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7-year-old's suicide shocks Detroit community

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posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid
reply to post by Greensage

I cannot swallow this and not feel something is terribly amiss here...

The video "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" has some info about child suicides sky rocketing over recent times.
It shows a statistics chart that is pretty shocking (@8 min. point).

sensationalism at it's best. 99% chance the subject of the video never existed. Twisting of statistics. ... I'm more disturbed by the creator of the video than what he was trying to portray.
Let's look at the parts he left out of his video since he completely fictionalized it anyway:
Maya's mom would have gone to the school to find out more, but she was exhausted from the party she went to the night before. Her meth lab was a total mess and she needed to clean it up so she could cook up a fresh supply. She's been "trying so hard" to find the right daddy for Maya, she brings a different boyfriend home each weekend, but hasn't found the right one yet. If only she hadn't dropped out of school and got in with the wrong crowd, oh, how she wishes her sugar daddy would come along and make all her problems go away. It's the governments fault after all, she wouldn't have dropped out of school if it hadn't been for their laws telling her she had to get an abortion instead of having Maya in the first place. They didn't come right out and say it, but she could sense it with her paranormal abilities so she had no choice but drop out. Even the fortune teller she went to agreed, so it must be true.
That school, that terrible, terrible school. How dare they tell her how to be a parent, she gave birth, they didn't. So what if they went to the big fancy college, she graduated from the school of "hard knocks" afterall due to her father abusing her all those years when he'd come home working at McDonald's after stopping by his girlfriend's house first. Her mom was always mad at him, saying he was useless and couldn't get a decent job and slept around with all those trashy women. No wonder he beat her and her mom all the time. Her mom went to one of those big fancy community colleges and thought she knew everything. She didn't do anything but sit on her butt all day answering telephones and stuff at that doctors office she worked at while her dad was busting his butt serving big macs. Those schools are just like her mother was, trying to tell her how to raise her precious little Maya. Heck, she only gets to see Maya a few days a week when she's not at the daycare or sitter. She doesn't really want to send her to daycare and babysitters of course, but it's just so hard to take her along to the clubs and the parties, really cramps her style.'s all the schools fault.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:26 AM
When parents fail, when they are not capable of taking care of themselves, let alone their children, when they are blithering idiots, they turn around and try to blame the schools because they can't shoulder the blame themselves even when it's clearly their blame to shoulder.
There is definitely a dumbing down going on, but it isn't being done by the schools (although I will concede that with lower standards you get lower quality and capable people are discouraged from becoming teachers, so a great number of those who do become teachers should never be allowed in any classroom...but that's another topic). The dumbing down is happening to society at large because those who really shouldn't be reproducing are the ones who do it the most. They churn out baby after baby to get a "raise" in their welfare check or to "have somebody who finally loves me" or a million other psychotic reasons and are not capable of being what a parent should be. Those who are intelligent, who would provide a good environment, who are more than capable keep putting it off or maybe never have children at all because they are pursuing other interests or want to wait... and the redneck trailer trash have four kids and another on the way and are barely in their 20's. That's what's causing the dumbing down of America.
Then you get stuff like this. The parents who ARE doing their job, who ARE shouldering the responsibility see things like this, a sensationalized claim, then they get outraged (as they probably should, but not at the target the creator is trying to set up). The biggest shame is that the kids who don't need these programs still have to go through the testing, they still have to go through the cattle chute, they still have to tolerate all the craziness just so the kids that really do need the assistance can be determined because it's "not right" to look at the family and know there's going to be a problem. It's not right to make different "levels" for the high, medium and low performers. It's not right to call a spade a spade and help those who need the help. No, you have to jump through hoops, go through tons of red tape, document constantly, it's ridiculous. But, if it's not done, the psychotic parents who are the main problem scream and shout and find a lawyer who doesn't want anything up front, just a percentage of the settlement and they sue the schools, causing more issues.
It’s time to hold the parents responsible. The responsible parents won’t mind because they want to play a role. The irresponsible ones can then be held accountable and everyone can get the priorities straight instead of playing the never ending game the drama queens/kings want to play because they put their own wellbeing in front of the wellbeing of the child

/end rant .... had to get that out of my system.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
Personally, I think the easiest way that we can stop bullying is by stopping the criminalization of kids who stand up to the bullies.

Kids these days have drilled into them that the only option is going to an authority figure. We do this, and then we wonder why we have so many people dependent upon the government.

I agree, because if young bullys dont get taught a lesson they grow up to be adult bullys and this happens >

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:44 AM
This is a sad story, brought the tears for me also. And everyone cries out for the Bullying to stop. We have a son who is a Dwarf, he will never be more than 4 feet tall. He was being teased, and bullied at Public School, and three times we went there, and spoke to school officials. We were told there is a "no tolerance" policy when it comes to bullying, but in truth, they have no possible way to control it save armed guards in the hallways and on the buses. We took him out of public school, and enrolled him in ECOT of Ohio, a home school education company.

I grew up and went to school in the 1960s. In those days, there was no "policy" against being a bully, and yes, we had them too. Us kids dealt with things like this on the playground in those days, bully's were sometimes beaten within an inch of their lives by 6 or 7 other kids, and it stopped cold. No harm, no foul. The truth is, there will always be bully's, in every school. Even a school bully has a right to an education. Why not let the kids handle it like in my day? Nobody ever dies, or even was hospitalized, the worst was a black eye of busted nose.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
This is a sad story, brought the tears for me also. And everyone cries out for the Bullying to stop. We have a son who is a Dwarf, he will never be more than 4 feet tall. He was being teased, and bullied at Public School, and three times we went there, and spoke to school officials. We were told there is a "no tolerance" policy when it comes to bullying, but in truth, they have no possible way to control it save armed guards in the hallways and on the buses. We took him out of public school, and enrolled him in ECOT of Ohio, a home school education company.

I grew up and went to school in the 1960s. In those days, there was no "policy" against being a bully, and yes, we had them too. Us kids dealt with things like this on the playground in those days, bully's were sometimes beaten within an inch of their lives by 6 or 7 other kids, and it stopped cold. No harm, no foul. The truth is, there will always be bully's, in every school. Even a school bully has a right to an education. Why not let the kids handle it like in my day? Nobody ever dies, or even was hospitalized, the worst was a black eye of busted nose.

The rules just all seem to be backwards these days. The bullies get away with bullying, but if you fight back, you're the one that suffers consequences. Instead of letting it be settled by a fight and giving the bully what he's dishing out, they get more upset about the retaliation than they do about the bullying.
My own personal beliefs are that general fist fighting is wrong, but if it comes to the point that it's needed, it should be done. My own kids knew that fighting was the last option, but if it was needed, they wouldn't be punished for doing it if they tried everything else in their arsenal. If bullying was taking place and they needed to defend themselves or someone else after going through the proper channels, fine, lay the bully out. Sometimes that's the only way they learn. If it's a "fair fight", then I have no issue with them making the decision to participate as long as it was an intelligent decision, not an entirely emotional one. ...and if they are "punished" for it, I "reward" in proportion to the punishment.... IF it was justified.

basically, I told them that they weren't allowed to start fights, but they were certainly allowed to finish them.
edit on 26-5-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:46 AM
bullieing is a way of life in schools.
They Wont this to happen.

it trains the people who work in goverment.
and trains the people who run companys.

the world is this bad becuse of this.

I know a teacher in the UK.
and I can tell you that it is hell in the schools.
No discipline at all. the head teachers are a part of it.

they Fake the grades. so the next teacher that
gets the kids can not do any thing to help them.
and that teacher has No choise but to fake the grades.

and what do they do when a teacher points all this out.
they sack them! they use ever little thing they know about them to do this.
and that teacher will not work again.

WE Dont have a proper education system.
Now do you see why the world is so $%^& up.
they are keeping us dumb.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:58 AM
I like to think there's karma out there, just brewing and aging nice and slow, like a fine liquor, till the day arrives when it visits the chosen ones who have it coming. Bullies are high on the list.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Sorry for miscommunication she will not be attending Detroit schools, but bullying like this can happen anywhere. And to see it on your local news. I Just looking at my daughter and think that in two years she could contemplate suicide? Wtf I don't even understand how they can think that way at such a young age. I was bullied my whole life but I never thought of killing myself that

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM
This situation, IMO, is a reflection of our society. Something has to change. And a good place to start would be a school system based on a dictatorial pyramid of false entitlement where teachers are too busy showing off how tough they are to care about kids being bullied.

I am a recent high school... finisher, and I can say that the school system is a lost cause. It's quite literally a joke.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 11:58 AM
I have a little boy who just turned 8.

What I'm wondering is -

How on earth did he even KNOW how to do this? What was he exposed to?

And why did NO responsible adults in his life notice his behavior? Seven-year-olds don't hide severe depression very well.

This is tragic on far more levels than just the loss of this little boy's life.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 12:02 PM
Has anyone considered maybe this was a murder covered up to look like a suicide? I find that more likely than a 7 year old committing suicide but then again I don't live in that cesspool called Detroit.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by usmc0311

7-year-old's suicide shocks Detroit community

Peering through the keyhole of a locked door in her family's home near Detroit's New Center, a 14-year-old girl saw the unthinkable: her 7-year-old brother hanging from a bunk bed with a belt around his neck, a police report says.

The girl alerted her mother and called 911. The mother and a neighbor forced their way into the room, took the boy down, and called 911, too.

The 7-year-old, whom the Free Press is not naming, had been depressed about being bullied by other kids at school and in his neighborhood, and about his parents' recent separation, the boy's mother told police, accord
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Detroit Is Dying, And Killing Michigan In The Process. Is Your City Next?

I wonder what the agenda behind the anti-bullying campaign is. Bullying has been going on since time immemorial and the constant highlighting of it in the past few years make the perceptive ones suspicious. I read somewhere in the 'net that it's to promote the further emasculization of young men and the furtherance of incessant feminization in campuses throughout the states, and it does make one wonder.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 01:25 PM
I know what im about to say will not be popular but it's how I feel.
It's the parents & curent cultures fault.
If that lil fellow was to that point emotionaly the parents should of recognized that something was wrong and got help.
As a kid my home life was less then ideal.
When I started to show signs of emotional stress even my cackhead mom noticed and got me help.
My home life didn't change but it taught me how to handle things.
Kids think it's their fault when things happen to them and that's alot of weight on tiny shoulders.
Plus you can tell when somethings bothering them because they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
As a parent of tree boys I know.
It's this cultures fault because it's no longer acceptable to teach kids to stand up for themselves to bullies.
I was raised by females and they always reminded me to never start a fight but always finish it.
And that someones words are meaningless but if you know they will do you harm then defend yourself.
I'm glad they taught me this because iy served me well in my life.
The times I was bullied I stood up, sometimes the dudes would back off, sometimes we faught.
Ether way afterwards they left me alone.
We need to teach our seeds to stand up for themselves.
edit on 26-5-2012 by Down4Whateva because: Because

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 01:32 PM
So broken family unit + New age even crazier psychopath bullies = suicide. Are you people really shocked by the out come?

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Nightwalk

Originally posted by usmc0311

7-year-old's suicide shocks Detroit community

Peering through the keyhole of a locked door in her family's home near Detroit's New Center, a 14-year-old girl saw the unthinkable: her 7-year-old brother hanging from a bunk bed with a belt around his neck, a police report says.

The girl alerted her mother and called 911. The mother and a neighbor forced their way into the room, took the boy down, and called 911, too.

The 7-year-old, whom the Free Press is not naming, had been depressed about being bullied by other kids at school and in his neighborhood, and about his parents' recent separation, the boy's mother told police, accord
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Detroit Is Dying, And Killing Michigan In The Process. Is Your City Next?

I wonder what the agenda behind the anti-bullying campaign is. Bullying has been going on since time immemorial and the constant highlighting of it in the past few years make the perceptive ones suspicious. I read somewhere in the 'net that it's to promote the further emasculization of young men and the furtherance of incessant feminization in campuses throughout the states, and it does make one wonder.

You believe men should be slaved to gender roles and beliefs?

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Nightwalk

I wouldn't call it feminization because it implies that females are weak.
After being raised by a very strong female I disagree with that idea.
I call it makeing our seeds docile.
If you are culturalized from early age to be docile you are less likely to stand up to and for things later in life.
The 50's 60's and 70's scared the hell out of the system because of how close people came to removing the shakles.
After that they were determend to make sure it never happened again.
Makeing our babies sheepal from an early age helps control them later on.
My heart broke when I read this story.
Kids are innocent lil things that we are all obligated to protect.
We failed this baby.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Has anyone considered maybe this was a murder covered up to look like a suicide? I find that more likely than a 7 year old committing suicide but then again I don't live in that cesspool called Detroit.

Didn't think about that, but it's definitely a possibility... it may be even worse

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

If it is the punishment should death.
Anyone that would do this should die.
Not sit in prison for ever wasting space but put to death.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:45 PM
So sad. We live in a society, now, that teaches us to NOT fight back, to go to some authority figure instead, most of whom don't give a #. If this kid had been taught that the best way to deal with a bully is to whoop his ASS, or try to, he might be alive today. Instead, he probably felt that there was no way out. Whether you're a child or an adult, you can't ever allow yourself to be bullied. Do what you have to do to stop it, even if it breaks the law.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Down4Whateva
reply to post by PurpleChiten

If it is the punishment should death.
Anyone that would do this should die.
Not sit in prison for ever wasting space but put to death.

I agree completely... and not one of those easy, painless deaths, they should be tortured, then killed in the most painful, agonizing way possible!

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