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BlacBloc Anarchists Video of Them Destroying SanFran Neighborhood: (Lock & Load)

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:44 PM

In A video titled "SCENES FROM A BLACK BLOC" filmed on April 30th 2012, May Day Eve, in the Mission District of San Francisco occupy protestors can be seen smashing business windows and car windshields and creating havoc in the streets.


Enough is Enough. These poor souls actually think they are going to make a difference by smaching up stuff. Hasn't worked before... only brings more trouble for them. They would be much better off getting a JOB-instead of crying because things are too tough or they aren't going to get free handouts etc.

Pretty shameful in America right now. That all being said and done then we (the other side) has to decide on how to respond. When a bunchie of rioting hoodie types come along and want to play.... Play. You just have to be more determined than them.

I liked the one post at the source... You don't see them attacking the NRA headquarters....

The real shame is the Gov'ts failure or inability to act or respond. But even more shameful is Obama's endorsement of these types. He should have said STOP IT at day ONE>

Thanks Obama/Soros/Holder/New Black Panther Party/AFL-CIO/SEIU and the alike. You want to dance.. we'll dance....

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by anon72

it reminds me of those middle eastern idiots that follow troops around throwing rocks at them... then when one of them gets shot for it... they carry that person around bleeding untill they die saying "allah akbar".

These anarchist are gonna destroy things till somone pulls out a gun and shoots one of them for it. Then we will have an idiot to carry around saying the government is tyranny.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:59 PM
I love the whole "get a job" thing.

I'd love my job if I made enough to have nice food, explore the world and get to know myself and learn about the world comfortably.

Today's jobs for the majority of people are just slave-wages.

I work 40+ hours a week, drive a beat up old car, and pay my own way through school, and I can't afford anything I'd like to have.

So basically I should dedicate nearly my entire life towards some corporation who makes so much money off of me and those alike me, that they never have to do anything besides attend a few meetings and play golf?

I'm sorry OP, the whole get-a-job thing is a pile of crap statement.

Fix the economy, how's that sound? Make it so people can live comfortably and enjoy life.

Also, I don't condone what those people we're doing by any means however I think your statement is wildly ignorant of the state of this economy.
edit on 24-5-2012 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by b3l13v3

Okay.... what would you like me to say?

How about join the military.... work for yourself....


Pick up bigger sticks and stones and destroy even more stuff etc....

What do you think will get these people faster and proper fixes?

What happens when they get convicted or either a misdemeanor or felony? NO JOB that they would want I can assure you.

And. taking ones flustrations out on bldgs/windows/cars etc will only back fire on them. The real problem is with Obama and Washington as a whole. If the OWS and Black Block types would focus their energies in the direction of Washington they would get more accomplished and more sympathy from us "normal" ones out here.

But by mostly ignoring the Democrates/Obama/Unions etc.. they are showing their true hand..... AND, not to mention that most of this is being dummed up and or fabricated by the Left and Soros types......

Like I said... Get a job or do something more constructive... not destructive...

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by anon72

Like I said... Get a job or do something more constructive... not destructive...

And the question I posed to you was how is getting a job going to make someone's life "better"?

Better is subjective. I bust my ass day in and day out and I hardly find it rewarding. I'm not really sure how dedicating my entire life towards some piss ass retirement(if I'm lucky) is worth my time.

I'd rather go be a hippy and flounder about and experience different cultures and truths.

My personal wish would be to work, make enough money to have decent things, and explore the world and learn about it whilst having enough funds to support my doing so. However, that situation is highly unlikely considering I doubt that I'll ever make enough to afford 4-5-6 months off at a time, learning about myself and the world, etc.

Meanwhiles, other people do next to nothing, collect absurd amounts of wealth and do absolutely anything they want.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:06 PM
Looks like they accomplished a whole lot of nothing...

Insurance is there.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:13 PM
Great idea. Lrt's get the government to respond.
You want to go from bad to worse.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Looks like they accomplished a whole lot of nothing...

Insurance is there.

And that's the problem, when these cry babies go on a rampage and destroy private property guess who pays for it? The average working man who pays his taxes and the store owners who's premiums go up. Not good. I imagine if a few of these imbeciles had a round or two of rock salt blasted into their behinds from a 12 gauge they might think twice about destroying peoples property. However, it is San Francisco and I imagine that there's some kind of libtard city ordnance that trumps the U.S. constitution.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by anon72

Notice how they always smash and run like a bunch of sissies. Perhaps they'd like to stick around to meet their victims.

The video is just mind numbing. Even more amusing is that they posted it themselves as recorded from one of their own. Just another piece of evidence should any of them ever end up in court.

Astonishingly, the police who were very visible in that entire clip at different times just backed off including the officer who had his car attacked with a road flare. I guess they gave this group just enough rope to hang themselves. I'm sure the police will use this video to support future action to restrain this group the next time they come out to play. The precedent has been set and the evidence has been recorded for posterity....

Bring it on...and bring in the paddy wagon...

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by jibeho

They best be careful of what they wish for.... Revolt/Violence etc

I don't think that activity could be accomplished just anywhere in the US. I believe they would have a hard time with the response they could run into.

Again, Get a Job or find something constructive to do/accomplish-not destructive! Join the darn Peace Corps and go find yourself...

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:14 PM
Some of these replies are baffling. You support a system that would have you starve rather than cut back on military financing? Really? I find that both ignorant and amusing at the same time.

Though none of you would explicitly say as much, or replies implicitly do say as much. #ing amazing.
edit on 24-5-2012 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Baffling huh? What these inner city moronic simpletons don't understand is that the majority of people DO NOT support anarchy and that's exactly what these mindless troglodytes stand for. It's one thing to protest in the streets and have an opinion to try and enact change, it's another to destroy peoples property. The "BlacBloc" are nothing more than useless bags of fecal matter hell bent on turning ANY movement they can infiltrate into a full blown destructive mess, nothing more. It happened at the G20 in Toronto and it's happening now in Montreal in Canada. The only reason these chicken poop cowards do these things in large cities like San Francisco is because they know there will be no confrontation by people who would put them down with an AR-15 faster than you can say OWS.

I would pay a thousand dollars to see these scumbags attempt to run down main street in a medium to small sized town in Arizona or New Mexico and *attempt* to light peoples cars on fire and destroy property.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:53 PM
So, wait...
They go and smash up what is probably the crummiest area in all of San Fran?
They didn't head to the Marina?
Well, at least they left the Tenderloin alone.
The trannies would have killed them.
edit on 24-5-2012 by CodyOutlaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:25 PM
My GF spent some time in prison for stuff she did in a black bloc in Europe. She's standing at my sholder as I write this and wishes me to remind everyone that feelings about the effectiveness and meaning of such activities as well as industrial sabatoge tends to be different on either side of a prison sentence, and wishes me to represent this opinion in this the thread, with the implication of "I learned this the hard way so you shouldn't have to."

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:38 PM
All we really know is that someone posted video on you tube of alleged anarchists. People kept on eating, some came out into the streets and watched. There was even a police van in the first few moments.

Lock and Load!?


Ask yourself, why didn't the police intervene? Who benefits from this footage?
edit on 24/5/2012 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

They attacked a police car and the cop just drove away? Sure. Identifying themselves as Occupiers was a nice touch.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Lock and load for what is coming... if they have their way.

Eventually the normal people will have had enough and they will become more determined than then current riff-raff.

in a nut shell.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by anon72

That's the thing, because its a thin line between "propaganda by the deed" carried out by small numbers of extremists-slash-bored-spoiled-kids and people who really have reached the end of their ropes. Attempts to deny that members of the second category do or can exist leads to willful blindness on the part of those who wish they didn't exist for whatever reason. Usually small-minded fear.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:01 PM
I'd love to ask one of these "black bloc anarchists," some questions.

Like who's paying them, for a start.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by anon72

Astonishingly, the police who were very visible in that entire clip at different times just backed off including the officer who had his car attacked with a road flare. I guess they gave this group just enough rope to hang themselves. I'm sure the police will use this video to support future action to restrain this group the next time they come out to play. The precedent has been set and the evidence has been recorded for posterity....

Bring it on...and bring in the paddy wagon...

I really wish you would stop being so gullible. I admit that I've fallen for it myself at times; but do you really think that it makes sense for Occupy to engage in this sort of behaviour, especially when they've made so much mention of their being non-violent?

You and a lot of other conservatives here, honestly have a vendetta, jibeho. This is not about what is actually happening. It's about what you want to believe, irrespective of the actual reality; and what you want to believe is that Occupy are exclusively violent thugs, who all need to be locked away.

Please do not pretend to be objective, here. You are not remotely objective. Your bias has been obvious, and continual.
edit on 24-5-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

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