posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Hello ATS i would like to give a basic introduction so fellow members can get a basic understanding of who I am and why i am on this site. I first
learned of ats from my father (i dont know if he is a member) and basically became a lurker for about 3 years. I was mainly interested in UFOs, but
quickly became interested in politics and other alternative news and found myself "denying ignorance".
I noticed there is a lot of intelligent people here and obviously became a member to become more enlightened and to stray away from the "sheep
herd" so to speak. To go into a little more detail about myself I am a 22 year old college student and i reside in houston texas. I would also
describe myself as non religious but i do keep an open mind on multiple theory's whether its creation, evolution, a supreme being, or the ancient
alien theory. I have personally never experienced e.t activity but for some reason even as a child i was always infatuated with ufos and aliens. When
i was young i had got very ill with a fever over 100 degrees and i actually started hallucinating e.t.s lol. In grade school i would often doodle ufos
on the side of my school work and told my mother i was not her chid and was actually abducted. So i thank you for reading and I look forward to
making new friends here.