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Obama birthers. Chill out.

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:50 AM
I see many threads on here about whether or not Obama was born in the US or not. Does it even matter? You should be concerned with his governance and not his origin. If your constitution is so valuable to you, fight back against things that actually affect you such as the Patriot Act and other liberty quashing bits of legislation. Stop beating this topic to death and focus on fixing actual broken things.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:58 AM
To play district attourney:
If Obama, under the law, isn't eligible for the presidency, everything that was done in his term would have to be reviewed which in itself would collapse the economy.
Even the latest "catholic vs. gov" charade is sucking the neck out of you. Taxpayers have to battle a proposition by the potus administration?
That seems backwards.
If I accuse you of a crime, do you pay for it?
The system is so broken beyond belief. Just to impeach someone it would cost millions and compromise the whole system.
Hooray for globalism

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by ragsntatters
I see many threads on here about whether or not Obama was born in the US or not. Does it even matter? You should be concerned with his governance and not his origin. If your constitution is so valuable to you, fight back against things that actually affect you such as the Patriot Act and other liberty quashing bits of legislation. Stop beating this topic to death and focus on fixing actual broken things.

It matters for one reason and one reason alone, the Law.

The law of this land specifies who is eligible and who is not, and a President, or someone wanting to be is not supposed to be above the law in any way.

I know it doesn't work like that in reality, but that's the way it's supposed to be. If he breaks the law on that, of course he will break the law on other things, go figure..

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by ragsntatters

I think that most birthers have a healthy skepticism due to the lack of transparency that was promised. Also due to the fact that Obama has sealed all his records and has stonewalled anyone who has attempted to find info.

There has also been plenty of information dug up that causes further question about who the man really is. Most recently the author bio that Breitbart released.

Add to that the implications that if indeed he was not eligible, it violates our Constitution. That piece of paper is everything to this country and if it's destroyed, we have nothing left.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by freakjive
Also due to the fact that Obama has sealed all his records

Funny that, I just checked and you have sealed similiar records - why did you seal your records, and what are you hiding?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by freakjive
Also due to the fact that Obama has sealed all his records

Funny that, I just checked and you have sealed similiar records - why did you seal your records, and what are you hiding?

What an ignorant reply.

I'm not in a public office, first of all. I'm not the leader of the country and it's populace.
There is no necessity to vet me.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:33 AM
The layers of the Obama fraud/fable are slowly being peeled away. For me it's about the long string of lies that have been spun over the years. All to create the Obama that we have in the white house. His own auto bio. is full of lies, half truths, contradictions and composite figures and stories...

We should be able to discover and learn everything there is to know about the man who travels with the nations "football" at every step. The highest level of transparency should be expected when one strives to become a leader of the free world.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by freakjive

Obama may be President but he is still a US citizen. As a result he is afforded the same right as you. You cannot have access to his personal, private documents without his express permission because to do otherwise is a violation of the law and his right to privacy. For all the claims birthers make about defending the Law they certainly don't seem to have any qualms suggesting we break it so they can get what they want. On the other hand if their private documents were released without their permission they'd be on here in a second with cries of fascists.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:19 AM
Even though 'the law' should apply to him, shouldn't people be focusing on other laws that affect them directly rather than waste time getting his origin story. They should be raging about how their rights and freedoms are being quashed in the name of an invisible and possibly non existent external enemy and not about where the guy in office came from. Could also focus on who actually pulls the strings

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by freakjive

Obama may be President but he is still a US citizen.

That is the very question. Is he a citizen? He cant prove that and every thing that has been brought forth to try and prove it has been proven to be false documentation. Bottom line is that it is the law and any other job in this country requires you to be truthful on your job application or you get fired. Its called the constitution of the united states. In case you need a history lesson it is what this country was founded on and what this country has followed for many years now and I for one have never suggested we break the law for our own gain but I will the the first one saying that a president should be required to prove his credentials if he wants to sit in the most powerful chair in the world. You don't just hand the keys to the kingdom to anyone. This guy has lied since day one and if he has nothing to hide then why hide it? And anyone that says it doesn't matter if he is a citizen or not obviously doesn't care about this country or its constitution and is free to leave. In fact I will hold the door for you and slam it on your ass on the way out. I will take my love it or leave it attitude and be happy here.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by TheTardis

There is a process in place to verify his credentials. It's apparently been good enough to work for the last 43 presidents that no one has questioned it. So what is different about Obama that suddenly brings into question the entire vetting process? Why is he required to jump through more hoops than anyone else?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

Its not jumping through hoops.. Its just one document and this IS the process. He never went through it. He never provided his credentials like he was asked to by congress. That is the whole point. That process that all of the other presidents went through isn't worth his time. He has made a mockery of our system by refusing to follow those simple procedures.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by TheTardis

There is a process in place to verify his credentials. It's apparently been good enough to work for the last 43 presidents that no one has questioned it. So what is different about Obama that suddenly brings into question the entire vetting process? Why is he required to jump through more hoops than anyone else?

Not exactly only Obama..... IIRC, John McCain needed to have his citizenship decided by congress because he was born in the US Administered Canal Zone.... So it's not the first time questions have come up that need resolving for a candidate for POTUS.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by TheTardis

Show me where he did not go through the same vetting process as anyone else. From what I can find the vetting process goes like this. Before a candidate is eligible to be included on a ballot his state of birth must verify that he was born there and that they are at least 35 years of age. Once a state does this the other states include the candidate on the ballot. Hawaii has verified now a number of times that Obama was born there. If you think greater demands are not being placed on Obama then provide Nixon's college transcripts, or Bush Sr.'s birth certificate, or find Jimmy Carter's college roommate. Surely this shouldn't be hard since Obama is not being forced to jump through any more hoops than anyone else.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

That is the point though. All of those presidents you mentioned would have stepped forward if asked and provided further proof. Someone with nothing to hide hides nothing. Congress has the right to ask for further information. Especially in cases where there are extenuating circumstances like Obama's. Why don't you ask yourself why he wont just give them his birth certificate. Wouldn't it be easier than dealing with all of this? If your place of business wanted to see yours would you tell them no? Or wanted to see your diploma? Wouldn't it be easier just to show them and be done with it? That is what bothers me about this. It is the highest ranking office in the world and we have a guy that is hiding from something so simple and something that any American would have no problem with. Why wouldn't you want to provide your birth certificate and say "See, There you go" and shove it in everyone's face. Wouldn't that have the biggest impact for him? And in an election year don't you think that would win him some votes? So ask yourself. What would be the only thing stopping him from doing that? The ONLY thing? It would be if there wasn't a legal birth certificate. It bothers me that the guy entrusted with running our country wont or cant just answer to a simple query about his birth certificate.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by TheTardis

He's now provided two birth certificates both of which have been verified by the state of Hawaii. If I remember correctly he even had a hard copy of his birth certificate at his campaign office that reporters could come and see. He has gone above and beyond what is required for the position. Why did he need to do this though? Why is this process that no one has ever had a problem with in the past suddenly invalid?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

First off, both of those birth certificates were falsified and proven to be fakes. Why? Why would he need to provide fakes? Why cant he just prove he is a citizen? And he isnt the first to have to prove it. He is one of the very few people who have ever run for office that have the a background that might make one question where they are from. I am really sorry that they are trying to make sure he is a citizen. God forbid we actually want to follow the constitution. How dare we. Why is it that everyone is so worried about this? If he would just give them a birth certificate that is actually real it would all be over. How hard is that?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:45 PM
"Birtherism" was started by the Dems during the 08 campaign. Pretty much everyone on the Right in the media, from Andrew Breitbart, to Rush Limbaugh have all come out mocking it. Limbaugh compared birthers to 'children living in a fantasy' who are unable to grasp policies enough to attack Obama on that, a few years ago.

Those who perpetuate the meme are merely the useful idiots helping marginalize criticism of Obama.
edit on 24-5-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by TheTardis
reply to post by Xcalibur254

First off, both of those birth certificates were falsified and proven to be fakes.

Oh dear, yet another birther lie - who exactly examined them and showed that they were fakes?

God forbid we actually want to follow the constitution.

Except you are not ollowing the constitution - just following a birther fantasy where a black man is not allowed to be POTUS!

If he would just give them a birth certificate that is actually real it would all be over. How hard is that?

he HAS done that - and yet you refuse to accept reality. Why?
edit on 24-5-2012 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:12 PM
The most humorous thing about the birther crowd, is that they don't even realize immigrants can legally be elected to congress which is a much more powerful position than president.

Also, why does it even matter? I don't care where any president was born, as long as they do a good job.

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