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CERN anomaly stopped local time for 60 minutes....or the Earth stopped rotating today!!!

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Aliensun

Originally posted by alkesh
awww somebody's looking for attention...funny how only you noticed this

Yeah, how about that? And your contribution is...?
(no need for second line)" target="_blank" class="postlink">timely-re-search

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:20 PM
This is one of those hoax threads where the guy posts and then doesn't come back to talk to anyone. CERN is a wonderful thing, imnho, and hitting on their website brings new data about new discoveries every few days or so, it's one of my regular stops on the innernests.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

about as useless as yours

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by FrankPoster

appologies for being blunt - but the problem is in your head , is it a medical , or ethical malfunction ?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:31 AM
You do realise that in order for the time to stand still your watch shouldn't have tell you that an hour had pass, right? The fact that your clock told you an hour had pass in the evidence that time didn't stop.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Radiobuzz
You do realise that in order for the time to stand still your watch shouldn't have tell you that an hour had pass, right? The fact that your clock told you an hour had pass in the evidence that time didn't stop.

Lol..I asked myself that this morning *s What came up was that if he was the only formed atom group still in motion..he could have been in some way 'removed' from the stalled time-space...and returned to it an hour it could have been a dimensional skip rather than time itself stopping per say?

Its been a good thing to speculate on.. keeping my head occupied today and just musing that if anything was truly possible, how it might occur
so still a cool perceptual mystery if nothing else

edit on 24-5-2012 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by FrankPoster

appologies for being blunt - but the problem is in your head , is it a medical , or ethical malfunction ?

Ah, the genius makes a diagnosis over the internet, and thennn begins to ask questions... Way to go buddy, I'm convinced!

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by C-JEAN

I think the OP experienced one of "the sun is off" moments, a localized distortion of sorts where the passage of light from the sun to earth is strangely affected by atmospheric optical anomalies. There are lots of people claiming the sun/moon is off and a bunch are simply unaware of how the earth/moon/sun vary their position in the sky each day. I've had Two "the sun is off" moments, one with position and the other with time, but I haven't had conclusive pictures to prove any of my observations.

I won't call the OP a hoaxer, because yesterday I was gardening until about 830pm and after dinner I went outside, had a smoke and noticed that at 945pm it was still (bright) twilight, ......and think the summer solstice isn't till the 20th of june......i expectit will be light outside well past 1030 that day.

But......OP the earth didn't stop rotating.....that's definitely news worthy and you would not be the only one who noticed.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Aliensun
reply to post by FrankPoster

Note the name of the OP.
Does that speak to you?

I think that the OP is the hoaxer that every few months delivers a very unusual and well-written but fake story.

That's completely unfair and in fact untrue.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by FrankPoster

CERN is a particle collider. It has nothing to do with time. They deal with particle physics.

Hi. I am a studying physics and I could not disagree more.
When you make particles spin to 99.99 percent of the speed of light, their energy (mass) become very big, almost to a point where they could bend local time/space.
I am in fact surprised that these threads are not all over ATS. The CERN does very dangerous things just under geneva's people's feet.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 05:13 AM
Thanks for the interesting replies, especially the "solar refraction" theory and the possibility of CERN mini black holes.

Just to clear up any misunderstanding. I am not serious about the Earth stopping, of course. I am highlighting that purely as an extreme and impossible situation to focus on the rest of the possibilities connected with CERN, or whatever other reasonable other possibilities.

Since my observation I have sat in the same location several times at the same time and no such "freezing" of the motion of the sun. There was clearly a localised issue for 45-60 minutes that day which might be due to some atmospheric disturbance (hard to think what though), or a CERN anomaly that was transient.

I am convinced that they are not disclosing what is fully taking place there. At the very least it is a reckless, inadequately thought out experiment that could result in another "supernova" as the latest in a long line of the universe's "intelligent beings" discovers the "god particle". More likely all this is a distraction or sideshow to whatever else they are really doing.

edit on 27-5-2012 by FrankPoster because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by FrankPoster

Aliens playing with all of us! They can stop and re-set time or fast-forward. If you have ever had allot of time lapses in youre may have been taken before. Dont worry..they do it so quick..and erase youre memory..its no big deal.

Check out SETI Discovery of Fleet of UFO'S heading towards Earth on youtube...this is real! There is somewhere on Goggle Earth where our Government has blocked us from seeing this..

You may also experience a Telepathic Link between Human to Human..if this happens..stay in a daily routine and get plenty of sleep and ignore what you are hearing.

You may also see Shadows, Lights, Orbs..dont be afraid!! they cannot hurt you!

This time issue has happen to me many times! Best Wishes!

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 03:10 AM
I can't believe some of the negativity and sheer insults from some people here. I thought this was an open minded forum. Are these people shills of the NWO covering up what CERN is really up to?!

As for a hoax. I have been reading this site for a few years and only set up an account 2 years ago because until then I had nothing to say. I still come here once or twice a month to read and hardly ever contribute to other posts because I have not experienced anything "paranormal" nor am I qualified to give an opinion on them. I'd rather keep quiet than sound stupid and unqualified like some posters!

Now I have something to say, because I experienced something very strange. Thanks to the posters who have given some suggestions as to what I experience....and damn the posters who just opened their dumb mouths because they just could not resist the urge to do so!

Back to experience, no repeat since last week. Will give an update if anything more occurs.
edit on 29-5-2012 by FrankPoster because: typo

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 03:40 AM
A couple of years back I was out side and two moving white lights caught my attention. I watched them as they moved across the night sky - it was a strange experience because every thing was deadly silent in the environment and I felt suspended in time.

The next evening, I saw the same two lights - they were static and I came to the conclusion that they were stars. Like you I am scratching my head. The experience felt only like less than a minute.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:27 AM
By the way, I am an amateur astronomer since boyhood, so I can definitely differentiate between stars, planets, satellites, etc. The sun was more or less static and all I can put it down to is some kind of local atmospheric disturbance at that time (hence no time warp at my own location), or some kind of CERN induced interference in my line of sight with the sun.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by FrankPoster

In my comment i noted that night twilight lasted until around 945pm......since the day of the anonalous occurence you observed twilight hasn't even been close to that late( maybe 830-845)......similar weather patterns same porch same smoke break outside......different twilight hours......I believe you noticed "something"....I too have noticed.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by balanc3
reply to post by FrankPoster

In my comment i noted that night twilight lasted until around 945pm......since the day of the anonalous occurence you observed twilight hasn't even been close to that late( maybe 830-845)......similar weather patterns same porch same smoke break outside......different twilight hours......I believe you noticed "something"....I too have noticed.

Interesting! You are in West Coast US, I am in central Europe at the moment.

It's a weird phenomenon. Are we imagining, or is everyone else "asleep" or blitzed through the countless gigabytes of info per day which just drowns out reality? Really weird that that there are not more comments on this observation. But I have not seen anything unusual since last week.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Aleister
This is one of those hoax threads where the guy posts and then doesn't come back to talk to anyone. CERN is a wonderful thing, imnho, and hitting on their website brings new data about new discoveries every few days or so, it's one of my regular stops on the innernests.

Not everyone is retired or on benefits, some of us have to work damn work hard for a living and don't have time to come back regularly!

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by FrankPoster

Switzerland, near Zurich here. No abnormal behavior of the sun or time that day, sorry.
Also, when blaming CERN, how do you reckon that should happen? What is the mechanism you think is behind this phenomenon?

I agree with other posters here that this must be something that would have happened to everyone.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by FrankPoster

Don't sweat these random troll posts. These avatars are the SAME ones who do this on every thread. They try to discredit people based solely on their miniscule perspectives. They show up regularily on all threads and try to disrupt the flow of discourse.

Accusations of illicit substance abuse, mental instability, and sheer ignorance are thier main tactics. They offer nothing constructive, only derision. THEY are part of the problem.

Keep on keepin' on.

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