posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Sublimecraft
Hahaha. I love your ballstory.
And in responce to it, i have to say that it depends on how you look at it.
One way would be, since we dont know how small things go, i would say that there is two possibillities, either it gets smaller and smaller in infinity
or it only gets smaller and smaller untill it stops into nothing.
If it gets small utill its nothing, i guess you could say it dosent travel at all. Because no matter how many nothings you add together its still
If it continues to get smaller infinitly, and the tinyest stuff we have knowlege about aint bound by distance or time as the quantum theorys point
towards. These tiny things can travel anyware in no time. #, they can even be in more than one place at the same time.
Then i would say that the ball as we se it dont travel at all but that these tiny things only pass on the apearance of the ball to the ones that is
next to them and thus we se it as moving when in fact its only a bunch of still pictures that works its magic at an inconsivable speed.
And in the part that 1+1 always is two. It still is true, because what you do when splitting it to halfs is adding more equations. And therfore not
#. Thank you so much for the ball. I Will think of that a LOT