Yesterday the romanian parlament voted the controversial Big Brother Law under the pressure of the European Union. This law states that all
information regarding telecomunications will be stored in data-banks for 6 months in order to be used in trial if needed.
The data that is stored will include incoming and outgoing calls with timestamp and duration, incoming and outgoing e-mails, websites that you visited
and time spent on them.
All of this in the name of combating potential terrorism.
I posted this in the New World Order forum because it seems like it belongs here for various reasons like the EU threataning to sanction the country
with 30.000 euros a day for not voting the law while Germany voted to pay the sanction.
So again reality is beaten by speculation in the realm of conspiracies ...
Why doesn't anyone discuss the subject that is even more important than SOPA/ACTA or PIPA, this isn't against piracy, its against EU citezen's
right to privacy.