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Enough World Oil Reserves for the Next Million Years?

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posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:33 PM
Came across this article that proposes the opposite to all the peak oil theories!

To assess oil reserves we must ask two questions.

How many barrels of oil were in the ground before we started extracting it? How much have we taken out so far?

We will never know the answer to either question. So how do environmentalists know we are running out?

In fact there is no hard evidence of a lack of crude oil in the world.

Simply do the maths.

Global oil use = 31.5 billion barrels per year. One barrel oil =42 U.S. Gallons. One cubic foot = 7.48 U.S. Gallons. One cubic mile = 147.2 billion cubic feet. So the volume of oil consumed by mankind annually = (31.5 x 42) / (7.48 x 147.2) = 1.2 cubic miles of oil per year.

The volume of the earth is 260,000 million cubic miles.

If by volume a millionth of the interior of the earth contains oil, there is enough to last 260,000 years.

But if 1/250,000 of the earth is oil, which is only about the volume of the Mediterranean Sea, which does not seem unreasonable, at the present rate of consumption we can drive our SUVs around for another million years.

Yes, a million years.

Read rest of story here

I think his annual consumptions numbers might be a bit on the light side (closer to 45 billion barrels), but it probably doesn't greatly alter the end numbers, and his estimates of how many years they could last.

He also talks about the Russian renewable 'abiogenic' oil theory, which I can see a lot logic in.

I know that it all sounds a bit if a fetch, BUT just imagine that he's onto something and all this time we've been LIED to, so that oil prices and everything else related, can be kept artificially HIGH, by making us always believe in its 'scarcity'!

Your thoughts on this?

Please read the full article before commenting.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:42 PM
Not too sure about that one

if that was the case wouldn't we find fossils fuels everywhere we look? personally I think we should make our own cleaner fuels, it's got to be easier in the long run than digging it up and then processing it.

ok op done a little looking up apparently nobody yet is sure how long or how oil is formed. but lets say there IS plenty of oil for a long time what happens if we keep drilling and breaking those carbons up for our need. Oil has to be made some how so where would the planet create the oil from? It doesn't rebuild all the bonds we broke with the said oil.

anyway's I'm off I will research and add tomorrow need sleep for work lol
edit on 22-5-2012 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:43 PM
Why is the cost of extraction going up. Why does my oil geologist, the one who actually is looking for oil -- LOL's at this.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:45 PM
I don't doubt it.

In 2005 i believe it was, the US discovered HUGE oil deposits in the midwestern USA, estimated if i remember rightly at around a Trillion barrels...Bush declined to drill it, instead choosing to stick to current wells and importing OPEC oil.

I rememebr someone calculating that there was enough oil to keep America running (the worlds largest energy consumer) for around 2000 years...

The whole thing is a lie. Peak made global warming, or should i say climate's all phony..a play act designed to extract the maximum available price for every unit of energy the public use.

The world runs on oil, like it or not.

Transport needs to run, people need to commute, goods need to be manufactured, food needs to be farmed and delivered to market and lights need to burn...we need energy and can't do anything about the prices they are robbing from us, short of dropping out of society completely, we have to put up with it, and they know it.

Pardon the pun, but they know full well they have all of us over a barrel.

ETA: The more i think about it, i think the oil found in 2005 was estimated to last 200 years not 2000, but even so..not going to be running out soon.
edit on 22-5-2012 by MysterX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:46 PM
OP, your logic is deeply, deeply flawed.

First of all, the basic math is flawed. You need to do some research re how many barrels in a cubic foot, definitely not 1. Have you seen the size of a barrel of oil?

Then, there definitely isn't oil in 1 percent of the Earth's volume, not even a tiny, tiny fraction of one percent would be oil.

You need to go back to the drawing board, sir.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:52 PM
The thing is, every year the "proven reserves" number goes up. Part of this can be attributed to better technology and higher prices. Higher prices means oil that was prohibitively expensive to extract suddenly becomes possible. Newer technology, e.g. fracking, allows more oil to be extracted from older sites.

But one odd thing that is apparently happening is that "old" wells are filing up again. A few years ago they were effectively empty. Today, more oil can be extracted. I don't remember where I saw this so can't give a reference immediately. I will search for it and edit or add if I can find it.

In any case, if this is true, then this gives credence to oil being cretaed as a geological process in the interior of the earth, not an artifact of "dead dinosaurs." This is the abiogenic theory.

As usual, scientists argue.

Edit: Here's a link to rense. I don;t know how reliable it is, but it does give some names so could be a springboard to further research. And a link to Science Daily and a "we discussed it last year" link
edit on 5/22/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
OP, your logic is deeply, deeply flawed.

First of all, the basic math is flawed. You need to do some research re how many barrels in a cubic foot, definitely not 1. Have you seen the size of a barrel of oil?

Then, there definitely isn't oil in 1 percent of the Earth's volume, not even a tiny, tiny fraction of one percent would be oil.

You need to go back to the drawing board, sir.

I'm sorry, but where did you learn math?

He states: One barrel oil =42 U.S. Gallons. One cubic foot = 7.48 U.S. Gallons.

So that works out to be roughly 6 cubic feet per barrel, NOT 'how many barrels in a cubic foot' as you have misunderstood it.

You need to go back to your comprehension and maths classes to study a little harder sir

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I tend to agree with the abiogenic theory. Pushing the "fossil fuel" theory was a good excuse to charge a lot for a gallon of gas, by saying that it is a finite resource and we should feel guilty about using it by paying through the nose.

The oil field out here in west Texas that my husband's family has been collecting royalties on since they brought the well in back in 1947 is still pumping lots of high quality crude with no sign of slowing down. Back then, geologists stated it wouldn't last more than 50 years, tops. Of course, I think the geologist assumed that there was only so much dinosaur goo down there.

The problem comes when it is pumped out faster than the earth can make it. Then the wells "dry up".

I agree that better energy sources need to be found, but oil is one of those things that really gives a lot of bang for the buck, ounce for ounce, compared to other energy sources....except maybe nuclear, and we know that nuclear has some nasty drawbacks compared to oil.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:22 PM
Omg!!! The oil scam is such obvious bs. There's plenty of oil, but wall street has to gt their greedy hands on this black gold and the people at the top are getting filthy rich. If they were moral people they would drive the cost down and see how much wealth would get spread around the country instead of spending precious dollars on something more abundant than fresh water.
edit on 22-5-2012 by Poopooplatter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

I too believe in the 'abiogenic' oil theory. As for dry wells I have heard of dry wells being left alone for a while and would then start to produce again. I think that is is made deep under ground where heat a pressure do strange things. There would never be enough biomass to account for all the oil we have pumped. If the 'abiogenic' oil theory is not true then we would have pumped the planet dry a long time ago.

I remember read some years back where in a lab somewhere they took water and CO2 and with high pressure and heat made a small sample of oil. They got oil with oxygen as a by product. I wished I had kept that magazine

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by SpaceJockey1
Came across this article that proposes the opposite to all the peak oil theories!

To assess oil reserves we must ask two questions.

How many barrels of oil were in the ground before we started extracting it? How much have we taken out so far?

We will never know the answer to either question. So how do environmentalists know we are running out?

In fact there is no hard evidence of a lack of crude oil in the world.

Simply do the maths.

Global oil use = 31.5 billion barrels per year. One barrel oil =42 U.S. Gallons. One cubic foot = 7.48 U.S. Gallons. One cubic mile = 147.2 billion cubic feet. So the volume of oil consumed by mankind annually = (31.5 x 42) / (7.48 x 147.2) = 1.2 cubic miles of oil per year.

The volume of the earth is 260,000 million cubic miles.

If by volume a millionth of the interior of the earth contains oil, there is enough to last 260,000 years.

But if 1/250,000 of the earth is oil, which is only about the volume of the Mediterranean Sea, which does not seem unreasonable, at the present rate of consumption we can drive our SUVs around for another million years.

Yes, a million years.

Read rest of story here

I think his annual consumptions numbers might be a bit on the light side (closer to 45 billion barrels), but it probably doesn't greatly alter the end numbers, and his estimates of how many years they could last.

He also talks about the Russian renewable 'abiogenic' oil theory, which I can see a lot logic in.

I know that it all sounds a bit if a fetch, BUT just imagine that he's onto something and all this time we've been LIED to, so that oil prices and everything else related, can be kept artificially HIGH, by making us always believe in its 'scarcity'!

Your thoughts on this?

Please read the full article before commenting.

I don't think so! I see calculation in growth in your calculations. I am sure you don't really think there will be no (zero) growth in a million years? If for example that you had a measly 3 percent average increase in the consumption of oil year over year that the amount of oil used would double in only 20.4 years...

That is a lot of doubling over a miilion years....

I suggest that you see Dr Al Bartlett's video series about basic use of the exponential function as it pertains to populations and energy. This can be found at Al bartlett

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by fnpmitchreturns

And, WHY does it matter whether calculations could mean that due to exponential growth the reserves might only last 500k, 250k, 100k or even 10k years??? Given that our average life-spans are much less than 100 years, WHY are always being told that oil reserves are limited/dwindling...only good for another 30-40 years??? Because it suits those that BENEFIT >>> Oil companies & all associated industries, as well as those on the 'green / alternative' bandwagon, plus politicians and their carbon taxes, and a host of others that it suits for the sheeple to believe about limited resources!

Between peak oil and global warming, sorry climate change, they're two issues that are being used to constantly make us feel GUILTY for LIVING, and to make us PAY excessively for the privilege.

Not buying it...

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Between peak oil and global warming, sorry climate change, they're two issues that are being used to constantly make us feel GUILTY for LIVING, and to make us PAY excessively for the privilege.
reply to post by SpaceJockey1

I think you've hit the nail on the head, SpaceJockey. Guilt is heavily used by TPTB. We are supposed to feel guilty for breathing, for eating meat, for driving vehicles, for using plastic, for using too much water, for eating too much of any kind of food, for everything they hope to charge us for.

I'm surrounded by oil production where I live. In fact, Texas increased its oil output from 2010 to 2011. Peak oil is an inside joke around here.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus


And as far as the ELITE go, they don't give a toss about whether there's any TRUTH behind all those issues, as with their wealth and ARROGANCE, it really costs them NOTHING

The only people getting hurt, are the lower & middle classes, as well as the third world countries that continue to be raped by conglomerates & corporate greed.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:20 PM
The area you are referring to in the Midwest is the Bakken oil Reserve. It sat as it was due to the fact that we had not the technology to unlock the oil from the rock. This oil formation covers parts of several states, with the bulk being in North Dakota, where there is a current oil boom in its earliest years going on currently.
One can literally smell the petroleum in any pieces of rock they pull out of the drilling holes. The new "Frakking" procedure is the way they accomplish it, with the wells here being very very deep- over 2,000 feet under ground in many cases.
There are about 250 derricks in our state right now- that is, oil wells currently being drilled. Not quite sure just how many are currently pumping, but you see them all over the western third of the state. Local towns are doubling and even tripling in population overnight for this oil boom. Housing for workers consists of "mancamps" that hold up to 10,000 men plus the attendant staff that keeps the housing up- cleaning ladies etc....
Our ditches are filled with trash now, our beautiful badlands look bad, but not in a good way.
Accidents are common, more man camps and RV parks are going in every week. Crime of course is rising, with so many men crammed into such a small area, without their families and/or wives for months at a time.
On the plus side....our unemployment is low- at 0.9%, it's the lowest in the nation. Jobs are plentiful, with great wages being paid to even the lowest of positions available.
Do I think our resources are infinite? No. Do I think the government is BS'ing us about the whole situation? YES! We still need to find alternative, cleaner ways to produce energy, to keep our world alive. In spite of what many would like to think, this is it- this is all we get and we have to make it work for those to come. There is a better way. I know there is.
How do I know what's going on? I live it every day.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by spyder550

Down here? The area that they tapped out under the Houma area? Showed up as not having anything for years, now the old bed is full again--but with needing new taps. Got that from arguably the top coil tubing engineer in the US. (A guy who made many of the coil tubing patents that Haliburton holds.)

His opinion is that it's both movement of deeper oil upwards (like oil surrounding salt domes), and some regrowth.

But if humans can make similar oil in 1 week, under pressure, why do we think that nature is going to take forever to do the same? That's the part that doesn't make any sense.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:31 AM
Ok so maybe fossils are not the only creators of oil one thing to support this would be hydro carbons found on other planets/moons in our solar system. Obviously TBTB would do their very best to fool the world into believing this is not the case (Oil is a natural planetary phenomenon) after all they do hide all the best tech from us the people, at the end of the day though all this is useless to us unless we open our own wells and distill our own products which is never going too happen

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:43 AM
it's always amazed me that the countries that charge the highest rate for gas and oil products, are the same ones that have private oil companies. the countries that have nationized their oil and gas, have the lowest cost to their citizens for the same products. so much for "competition"...because there is none between these oil corporations, it is a cabal, and they engage in price fixing among themselves and the representative governments around the world, don't do a damn thing about it.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:53 AM
Why, when gas supplies are buging does the price of gas stay high?
Obviousy somebody is manipuating the fact more than one level is doing it..
There needs to be an end put to speculatoin in the markets.
If rich people didnt screw around with prices by speculation thus making immense profits......for nothing
If the oil companies didnt act in concert to fix the prices ......we maybe coud afford to live better all round.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by SpaceJockey1
reply to post by fnpmitchreturns

And, WHY does it matter whether calculations could mean that due to exponential growth the reserves might only last 500k, 250k, 100k or even 10k years??? Given that our average life-spans are much less than 100 years, WHY are always being told that oil reserves are limited/dwindling...only good for another 30-40 years??? Because it suits those that BENEFIT >>> Oil companies & all associated industries, as well as those on the 'green / alternative' bandwagon, plus politicians and their carbon taxes, and a host of others that it suits for the sheeple to believe about limited resources!

Between peak oil and global warming, sorry climate change, they're two issues that are being used to constantly make us feel GUILTY for LIVING, and to make us PAY excessively for the privilege.

Not buying it...

I guess you are right.. we will never increase demand for fossil fuels as our population and economy grows on a worldwide basis?

Your kidding me right? Oh, by the way... when was the largest amount of oil production in the USA? Obummer doesn't even know!

there’s no way to fudge the numbers to make these statements correct—as the government’s own statistics show. While there has been a small uptick in production in the past few years, U.S. crude oil production reached its peak in 1970 at nearly 10 million barrels a day. We now produce less than 6 million barrels of crude a day—less than two-thirds as much as at the peak.

facts you can not ignore......

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