posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:45 PM
Today I logged on, to find some of my threads I had posted on and some I had created had vanished from my subscribed threads list on the right hand
side of myATS.
Fearing the dreaded 404, I made haste to their forums where I realised they are still there, but for some reason will not reappear on my subscribed
threads list. As most are short stories I have entered in the various contests, I would like to see them returned as I can keep track of comments they
have as they happen.
So what's the go? Do threads just "disappear" if they haven't been 404'd, or do they just vanish off your list if they have had no action for a
little while? Have never had this happen before, so I'd be interested to know if it's just me, or is there a reason for this.