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UFO's,Aliens,Folklore & Otherworldly Beings: Is There A Connection?

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:12 PM
UFO's,Aliens,Folklore & Otherworldly Beings: Is There A Connection? Part 1

What originally got me thinking about starting this particular thread in it's present form was when I came across the video below of a newly formed crop circle and "UFO" footage from Italy and it's possible association with the Earthquake that happened yesterday on May 20th. That led to me pondering the connections between natural disasters(particularly earthquakes & Volcanoes) UFO's and the phenomena of 'Earth Lights'.

All of these individual elements ultimately are going to be linked with modern Ufology reports & Folklore.If you are willing to bare with my discombobulated train of thought,have the patience and you are willing to open your mind to alternative theories,origins & explanations,I think you will see that there is a very strong connection between ancient depictions of Faeries,Elves,among other related folklore beings and Aliens/UFO's.

I have always had an affinity with this particular theory and it's off shoots ever since I first read Jacues Vallee's book 'Passport to Magonia: on UFOs Folklore and Parallel Worlds',followed by his ground breaking 'Alien Contact trilogy' that contained 'Confrontations,Dimensions & Revelations'.Another good mention that led me along this path of speculation would be the late Author,Journalist,Fortean researcher John Keel,best known for 'the mothman sightings'. I will be referencing and going deeper into both of these researchers bodies of work and particular theories as we go along.

I will do my best to layout the different aspects of Ufology & Folklore with related key points of interest along the way.Then I will show the common similarities that they both exhibit.

By the end of this thread, my hope is that the reader will be able to make up their own mind,coming to their own conclusions.

Here is footage someone took in Bologna,Italy before the Earthquake of what looks like possible UFO's.

Along with a new Crop Circle formation that was found in Bracciano in Bertinoro, Forlì-Cesena, about 50 miles away from Bologna.

I could not find anything else pertaining to this particular crop circle other than the above video (if anyone else comes across some images or video feel free to post it here,I am personally interested to see more footage/imagery.)

There have been many reports in the past of UFO activity prior,during and after Earthquakes.

Theories of an actual connection between UFO's & Earthquakes ( and other disaster scenarios) have had many different origins of belief including:

1.) UFO's monitoring natural disasters. For whatever known/unknown purpose.
2.) UFO activity being a precursor of an imminent disaster about to take place. (tornadoes,hurricanes,tsunamis,volcanoes and earthquakes being among the commonly reported events involving UFO activity)
3.) UFO's actually being responsible for the Earthquakes & other natural disasters. (Hence their presence)

There is another possible phenomena that has to be taken in to account.

What is typically known as 'Earth lights' or 'Earthquake Lights'.

Links for additional reading on the possible connection between UFO's,Earth Lights & Earthquakes:

- Sixteen UFO Cases Reported on Earthquake Night in Chile

- Ufo's and Earthquakes - Is there a connection?

- UFO – a warning of earthquakes?

Various Photos of Earth Lights.

Here is a site that has a really good compilation of videos exploring the subject of UFO's/unexplained phenomena connected to disasters/earthquakes - Unexplained Phenomena Before and After Natural Disasters

In order for us to better understand what could be taking place and to cover every possible origin/explanation, I will post some links containing information on 'Earth lights':

- The Earth's Anomalous Lightforms


- The Phenomenon of Earthquake Lights

- Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena

Earth Lights.Or Faerie/elemental otherworldly non-human Intelligences!?

The 'Earth Lights' phenomena is a very intriguing subject on it's own, that presently is not fully understood by science.
Is it a natural phenomenon that is merely misunderstood? UFO's falsely being labeled as 'earth lights' ? Are the lights simply being misidentified as UFO's? Or could it be something else,another possibility,even one that is even harder to fathom.

What if the witnesses are experiencing a glimpse into what has throughout the ages under differing guises & names referred to as Elementals,The Faerie folk,The good folk,The Korrigans of Brittany,Trolls of Scandinavia and the Elves spoken of in Old English and Old Norse texts and prominently in traditional British and Scandinavian folklore?

Could these folktales be more than mere recollections and oral traditions of fabricated experiences,sightings and events? or could the saying 'Every myth and legend has their basis in truth' be applicable?

Are we to disbelieve our ancestors stories on account of our modern understanding of story telling?
Should we discount these folktales,myths and legends as we do with modern day abduction stories?

Now what I propose is not meant to explain all Earth Light cases as manifestations of Fae,elementals and otherworldly beings.It is to give you an alternative perspective of the potential origins to these witnessed phenomena and in some cases,as we will see later,close encounters of the 4th kind [C.E. IV]( Including in rare cases - C.E. V,C.E. VI AND C.E. VIII - Extensions of Hynek's scale. For the complete scale Click Me ).

This will be the end of Part 1 of our exploratory journey into the connection between folklore/myth/legend and modern day UFO/Alien Encounters.


edit on 22-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:14 PM
UFO's,Aliens,Folklore & Otherworldly Beings: Is There A Connection? Part 2

In this second part I will try to present what I feel best illustrates the connection between myth,folklore and legend to the modern day UFO/Alien phenomenon.
The first aspect that I would like to address is the modern myth that faeries,elves & similar creatures of oral and literary traditions are benevolent,whimsical beings that only have our best interest at heart.

The actual recollections found throughout history paint a much darker,sinister picture than what many have been led to believe.

"Up the airy mountain Down the rushy glen
We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men" - William Allingham ~The Fairies 1850

The English word ‘fairy’ comes to us, via the Old French faerie, from the Latin fata, meaning
‘fate’. This means the roots are with the classical Greek Fates, who were believed to control
the fate and destiny of the human race.

Fairies and their kin

1.)Faerie Kidnappings compared to modern day Alien Abductions:


People who had been abducted by fairies were left with distinctive body scars similar to those in UFO abductees. And the incubus and succubus of medieval times did the exact same things to their abductees as today's sexually-inclined aliens do to their abductees. According to fairy lore, fairies create a circular cluster of small bruises as their mark. The phenomenon is known as "fairy bruising" and is a sign of either favor or disfavor. The ring of bruises is often found around the genitals. They did this, according to various 17th century accounts, by pinching their victims:


Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

I have read many accounts of alien abductions where the inner thigh,navel and genitalia being the most prominent area examined. Could there be a connection with "fairy bruising" ? why would they be leaving such marks to begin with? unless they are the evidence of some type of medical operation/examination?

The reproductive/child aspect is another glaring connection,A mystery that has many different interpretations,although in Ufology it is widely believed to be connected to some kind of Hybrid/breeding program.

2.) Abduction & Reproduction Connection?

Faerie/Goblins/Elves -

A Changeling is a fairy substitute. In folklore, fairies are said to kidnap babies, small children and attractive young people. When the fairies kidnap a person, they leave one of their own deformed or weak offspring behind. This fairy substitute is known as a Changeling.


But if there is a direct link from the suburban garden gnome to the folklore of the little people, then we have an interesting reversal here; traditionally, it is the little people that do the kidnapping.

Folktales tell of the little people and fairies abducting a human child, leaving a fairy child in its place. And adults too: Robert Cook, a 17th century Scottish clergyman and author of The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies was commonly believed not to have died a natural death, but to have been abducted by the little people and held under a fairy hill.

There are stories of the little people abducting human midwives, to assist at the birth of fairy-human hybrids. If a human entered a fairy hill, or an underground lair, their sense of time would be distorted. These are, of course, exactly the same ideas as we see in the reports of modern UFO abductions.


Alien -

A common theme in the reports of those who claim to have been abducted by aliens is that some kind of scientific procedure is performed on the abductees. This can include for example, being subjected to some kind of invasive probing, such as the needle which was inserted into the navel of Betty Hill. Often, there are sexual overtones in the descriptions of what went on.

Sometimes the connection with human sexuality is even quite explicit. In many alien abduction accounts, aliens have been reported to have performed operations on human reproductive organs, or to have extracted human biological material such as semen or ova. Is this just innocent scientific exploration on the part of the ETs (extra-terrestrials), of the sort that our own scientists might perform on an unfamiliar species they encountered? Or is there something more sinister going on?

Alien Human Hybrids?

As you can plainly see with the above texts,there seems to be some kind of on going,under lining phenomenon throughout recorded history with some type of non-human intelligence.It apparently seems to be highly interested in our reproductive systems,among other biological factors. Why?

And what if modern day alien abductions were like the old stories of changelings albeit now we would call them 'sleeper cells' a horrifying,unsubstantiated thought but nevertheless,an interesting,scary thought to entertain.

edit on 22-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:16 PM
UFO's,Aliens,Folklore & Otherworldly Beings: Is There A Connection? Part 3

3.) Paralysis & Missing Time/'OZ Factor/Lost Perception of Time.
Faerie -

An Encyclopedia of Fairies (Briggs, 1976) gives numerous ancient examples of fairy abductions. Almost always a special drink was given to the abductee. This drink, usually described as a thick liquid, was an essential part of the fairy abduction. Women are abducted much more often than men and some fairies take special delight, in repeatedly capturing women for amorous motives.
Fairies abduct their victims through paralysis; then they simply carry (levitate and fly) the abductee away into "fairyland." Fairyland is always nearby; under normal conditions we can't see or perceive it. The paralysis induced on the victim is how fairies get their abductee to enter fairyland. The modern word "stroke" (meaning paralysis) is derived from the ancient terms "elf-stroke" and "fairy-stroke." Fairies travel in circular globes of light, sometimes called "will-o-the-wisp."


Alien -

“The abductee experiences an intense blue or white light, a buzzing or humming sound, anxiety and the sense of an unexplained presence. He or she is then transported or ‘floated’ into a craft,” just like how in renaissance times “witches supposedly were taken into the air for meetings with the devil.” The abductee then either loses his memory, or remembers moving in a trance-like state; the environment is often surrounded with blinding lights and/or mist.

British researchers have called it the “Oz Factor”, a shift in the state of mind where the environments seems to fall of perception, one becomes introspective, and transitions to a state of limited self-willed mobility. In fairy folklore the “Oz factor” also plays an important role when it comes to kidnappings. “According to Romanian data, fairies ‘charm’ their men with their song, [and] lull them to sleep. […] Let us quote from a lively Hungarian memorate from Gyimes about a young man who fell into a trance under influence of the dancing and singing fairies: ‘[…] a whooshing wind came and three women […] made him dance, and dance, and dance forever.’ ”


Here we see that medieval stories of goblins,faeries and elves contain many of the same elements that we have become familiarized with researching present day Alien/UFO encounters & Abductions.

Clearly the UFO/Alien enigma cannot be so easily classified as either interstellar 'nuts & bolts craft piloting E.T.'s from Andromeda or fantastical oral traditions passed down that contain absolutely no truth.

What I propose is that mankind has been interacting with as yet unknown non-human intelligence.The experiences,sightings and stories are not isolated to folklore alone.

Look no further than ancient mankind's religious & culture texts,paintings,drawings,statuettes,prophecies and other like-minded depictions & descriptions.

They run the full gamut of expression and descriptions of the 'Gods who came down from the heavens'.
It does not matter if we are talking about biblical Angels,the Sanskrit Vedas with "god's" in their Vimana's or in the Qur'an talking about the D'Jinn ( which ironically enough translates to 'to hide' or 'be hidden' ) The Native American Tribes who tell of "tricksters" and 'Sky God's'.

I believe all of these different accounts are talking about the same entities,just under a different guise,a different. name.

I do not have any conclusive evidence other than what we already know from witness testimony.Modern and ancient recollections of the same phenomena,they tell the same general stories.Just in different time lines,with slightly different takes on it.They reference & define the era that they lived & understood.

I will re-post here what I wrote in my previous thread on this topic,you could look at this present thread as a spiritual successor -
John Keel was the author & researcher to originally coin the term "Ultraterrestrial" What Keel had to say about Ultraterrestrials and exactly what his theory speculates is as follows :

-They may be composed of energy, inhabiting the spectrum (wavelength,visible light spectrum) of energy in which we cannot see.
-They may have evolved on this planet, though they are far older than the human race. (The jinn fit this criteria perfectly, the hidden ones)
-They feed off of humans, though the implication is energy/life force based and not physical.
Keel uses the phrase "cattle of the gods" when referencing humans as a food source for these otherworldly entities.
-They are telepathic. They have the ability to manifest psychic phenomena (Some abductions I believe are not physical at all but could actually could be psychic in nature. Psychic/Spiritual abductions,attacks,contacts./Etheric body being violated during abduction?)
-They can temporarily take form or substance which they use to interact with humans.('Cosmic' trickster?skinwalker /shadow people/obvious shape-shifting ability?)
-Their origins may not be extraterrestrial in nature at all, instead, Extraterrestrials are merely a 'mask' they wear.
-They are not Demons, as most religious people would interpret them as. The reason why is because 'Demon' is just another form they masquerade as, angels fall into this category as well.
-They are responsible or could be the cause for all paranormal phenomena.(ie: Bigfoot, shades, shadow people, aliens, poltergeists, fairies, angels & demons, lake monsters & sightings of other mysterious creatures.) [See 'Our Haunted Planet' & 'UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse' by John Keel]
From my original thread that can be found Here - Explorations into the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis:A Journey into Extradimensional Realities & Otherworldly Beings

It is the view of the author Jacues Vallee that research on UFOs need not be restricted to these two alternatives. On the contrary, the accumulated data base exhibits several patterns tending to indicate that UFOs are real, represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that the facts do not support the common concept of "space visitors."
Five specific arguments articulated here contradict the ETH:
1.)unexplained close encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth.
2.)the humanoid body structure of the alleged "aliens" is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space travel.
3.) the reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race.
4.) the extension of the phenomenon throughout recorded human history demonstrates that UFOs are not a contemporary phenomenon.
5.) the apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer alternatives,three of which are pro-in outline form as a conclusion to this paper.

Five arguments against the E.T.H.

Hope you enjoyed the thread! no more room to writelol
edit on 21-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:25 PM
I hope you enjoyed reading and exploring this topic as much as I enjoyed writing and compiling it.
I know it has been done before in one form or another,I am not the first nor will I be the last.

I just hold these particular topics and theories very dear to my heart.
I am,you could say,beyond intrigued and interested


I would like to take this time to point out that I do believe in intelligent life out there in the universe,it very well may of or still is presently visiting us.

My main reasoning in creating this thread is twofold :

1.) I have never felt that the commonly held belief of the E.T.H. (extraterrestrial hypothesis) fully explained the experiences of 'high strangeness',the physics defying aspects of UFO's.

2.) There is an unmistakeable connection between ancient folklore,myth and legend and modern day UFO reports and alien abduction.

I am not saying that we have elves running around kidnapping people,I am saying whatever this "intelligence" is? it has been with us,in different forms all throughout history.

I am more inclined to believe that there is a multi/inter-dimensional origin and explanation and/or inter-planetary ( whether it is a physical or non-material state of being ...I do not know.)

I just feel that if we discard or fail to suspend our disbelief pertaining to the UFO/alien mystery,not allowing ourselves to e open to even stranger or seemingly impossible alternative theories...We will never get past square one,never have a firm grasp and understanding the enigma.

I look forward to your replies - constructive criticism,praise and hate are all invited

Here are some interesting Videos & Documentaries Loosely associated or based on the threads subject matter That I could not fit in to the other pages hahah -

Jacques Vallee - Thinking Allowed - Implications of the UFO Phenomena Part 1

Jacques Vallee - Thinking Allowed - Implications of the UFO Phenomena Part 2

What can be said that has not already been expressed when it comes to this pioneer and free outta the box thinker? Gotta love Vallee! One of the best.
Daimonic Reality :

Folklore throughout the world, has always had tales of the "little people" who inhabit a different world. Patrick Harpur discusses this phenomena at the 2003 FortFest.

Little Green Men - The Folklore Of Kerry Part 1:

Little Green Men - The Folklore Of Kerry Part 2:

this short documentary uses interviews and reconstructions to look at the link between folklore and modern unexplained phenomenon (ufos etc) in Kerry, Ireland. Written / Directed / Music by Shaun O Connor

John Keel on "Portents & Fortents"

One of the Greats IMO. Who hasn't heard of 'the Mothman'? he also coined 'Ultraterrestrial' Some may disagree with me but I put Keel up there along side Valle & Hynek.

Journey To The Hollow Earth:

The verdict is still out on the potential possibility of beings living within the Earth,hey,I am not naive just open minded

Further research,reference & reading :

If you are sincerely interested in this particular theory,the subject of faeries,mystical beings..Then you absolutely have to read Evans-Wentz and Robert Kirk. ( * = Highly recommended reading

* Alien Abductions Through The Ages
* The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk and Andrew Lang [1893]
* Fairies and UFOs?
* The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries By W. Y. Evans-Wentz [1911]

The Fairy Faith Revisted : W. Y. Evans-Wentz Related

- Thomas E. Bullard. 1989. Abduction Reports: The Supernatural Kidnap Narrative Returns in Technological Guise. Journal of American Folklore 102:147-170.

-Linda Dégh. 1977. UFOs and How Folklorists Should Look at Them. Fabula 18:242-248.

-Howard Peckham. 1950. Flying Saucers as Folklore. Hoosier Folklore 9:103-107.

-Peter Rojcewicz. 1984. The Boundaries of Orthodoxy: A Folkloric Look at the UFO Phenomenon. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

-Peter Rojcewicz. 1995. Between One Eyeblink and the Next: Fairies, UFOs, and Problems of Knowledge. in The Good People: New Fairylore Essays. Peter Narávez, ed. Lexington: University of Kentucky. Pp. 479-514.

edit on 22-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by PerfectPerception
Wow! Nice OP and plenty to read - makes a good change..

For centuries people have seen apparitions and called them 'spirits of the dead.' They've heard voices and called them 'aliens,' 'ascended masters' and more dead people. They've seen odd critters and called them 'faery folk,' 'demons' and 'daemons.' From around 1950s-1970s, people *saw* dozens of different-looking creatures/entities/people and called them 'space men' and 'aliens.' When people have recovered from being 'clinically dead,' some come back with stories of an afterlife.

My point here is to say that there's a lot we don't understand about our minds, consciousness and the world around us. If it's mostly psychological, nobody has yet found the stimuli or being able to reproduce the effects. Too often people are trying to tie all these experiences together and why should they? Until we know more, these weird experiences could be caused by widely different stimuli and not solely by fairies, folklore or aliens.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by PerfectPerception
Great thread. I have seen things that when I tell folks about they laugh and say I must have been seeing things.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:52 AM
I forgot some key points because I ran out of room that I would like to address. I feel they are relevant to the subject and allow for even more speculation.

Faerie Circles and Crop Circles may have a connection.
Stories of old tell how passerby's would be lured into the fairy circles to never return or return aged,while they were in that other realm,time seemed to cease or rapidly slow down.
Another dimension perhaps,where time no longer exists.It reminds me of abduction reports & time-slips/parallel time-lines/universes etc.

UFO Balls of light (Fairy lights) filmed over crops & crop circles

General Summary of Aliens and Faerie similarities:
- Fairy Circles could be interpreted in modern times as crop circles or UFO landing spots.
- Fairies are known to be mischievous at times. Aliens are believed to abduct humans.
-Fairies have been known to fly in lighted globes. Aliens man UFOs.
-Fairies are known to snatch human babies. Aliens experiment with human DNA and are responsible for false pregnancies. Aliens are known to create hybrids, half human and half alien species to populate their dying race.
-Fairies cause temporary paralysis. Aliens also cause temporary paralysis. Fairies cause time loss and the forgetting of the abduction experience. Abductees of the 'grays' make claim to the same thing.
-Fairies return their abductees to the point of origin. Aliens do the same thing.
-Fairies are usually described as smaller than people and having an appearance which brings fear or awe.
-Fairies were considered to live underground or underwater, both of which are features of "UFO base" stories.
-Fairies can interbreed with humans which fits with the alien/human hybrid hypothesis.

Another great read that I recommend - THE CELTIC ALIEN: FAIRY FAITH IN THE UFO ERA

Sir Walter Scott in his Poetical Works Vol. 2 - Fairies come at night and carry people off. As Scott explains:

Gervase of Tilbury, in the Olia Imperialia, mentions certain hags, or Lamice, who entered into houses in the night-time, to oppress the inhabitants while asleep, injure their persons and property, and carry off their children.

Fairies are associated with 'Fairy circles' in the ground. Reminiscent to the modern crop circles:

The Fairies of Scotland are represented as a diminutive race of beings, of a mixed, or rather dubious nature, capricious in their dispositions, and mischievous in their resentment. They inhabit the interior of green hills, chiefly those of a conical form, in Gaelic termed Sighan, on which they lead their dances by moonlight ; impressing upon the surface the marks of circles, which sometimes appear yellow and blasted, sometimes of a deep green hue ; and within which it is dangerous to sleep, or to be found after sunset. The removal of those large portions of turf, which thunderbolts sometimes scoop out of the ground with singular regularity, is also ascribed to their agency. (Scott p308 Poetical Works Vol. 2)

Crop Circles Quest for Truth: Balls of Light

Balls of light filmed around various crop circles.

I do not know if any of the above videos have been 'debunked' but I gotta say,pretty compelling if they are genuine.

I want to reiterate here that I remain open minded to any and all possibilities.I believe in Extraterrestrial life.
Are they here or were they here once before on this planet? I honestly do not know.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by PerfectPerception
Wow! Nice OP and plenty to read - makes a good change..

For centuries people have seen apparitions and called them 'spirits of the dead.' They've heard voices and called them 'aliens,' 'ascended masters' and more dead people. They've seen odd critters and called them 'faery folk,' 'demons' and 'daemons.' From around 1950s-1970s, people *saw* dozens of different-looking creatures/entities/people and called them 'space men' and 'aliens.' When people have recovered from being 'clinically dead,' some come back with stories of an afterlife.

My point here is to say that there's a lot we don't understand about our minds, consciousness and the world around us. If it's mostly psychological, nobody has yet found the stimuli or being able to reproduce the effects. Too often people are trying to tie all these experiences together and why should they? Until we know more, these weird experiences could be caused by widely different stimuli and not solely by fairies, folklore or aliens.

Well said! I sincerely agree on all fronts.I often wonder if we are not dealing with something least presently,it is an enigma wrapped in a blanket of Adamantium.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:10 AM
You basically described what Vallee says in his books

You realise most people dont accept anything than ufos from outer space

That said if you continue that line of thinking we end up that ufos are demons,if you are a christian, Djinn if you are a muslim and so on

If you can show me why demons would need Nuts and Bolts technology i m game for it

This theory while plausible for me has some big holes

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by IMSAM
You basically described what Vallee says in his books

You realise most people dont accept anything than ufos from outer space

That said if you continue that line of thinking we end up that ufos are demons,if you are a christian, Djinn if you are a muslim and so on

If you can show me why demons would need Nuts and Bolts technology i m game for it

This theory while plausible for me has some big holes

It is a more of a mixture between Vallee/Keel, and the idea of an ancient non-human intelligence that has always been here or with us,pretty much what Keel called 'Ultraterrestrials' .(Paranormal phenomena,ancient depictions of the gods and aliens thrown in a blender with a sprinkle of folklore.)

Like I said,It has been done before,one form or another.I know I do not offer anything new.I am interested in the overall idea mystical beings and different theories of ufology.

You realise most people dont accept anything than ufos from outer space

I do.It was definitely one of the inspirations for creating this thread.To offer alternative ideas other than the E.T.H.
It is one of the reasons why I admire Vallee and Keel. ( Offering up something different instead of being left at 1st base....Even though I think we are still at 1st base in our understanding of the phenomenon

That said if you continue that line of thinking we end up that ufos are demons,if you are a christian, Djinn if you are a muslim and so on

I understand why you would say that but I am neither Christian or Muslim.I will offer another take on that idea.

Let us say that there is no such thing as demons,angels or Jinn,Only this Non-human Intelligence,That has masqueraded in different forms,called by different names and in different times.

Which I tried to convey as best as I could here at the end of part 3 (despite becoming almost blind looking at walls of text while making the thread haha-

Here we see that medieval stories of goblins,faeries and elves contain many of the same elements that we have become familiarized with researching present day Alien/UFO encounters & Abductions.

Clearly the UFO/Alien enigma cannot be so easily classified as either interstellar 'nuts & bolts craft piloting E.T.'s from Andromeda or fantastical oral traditions passed down that contain absolutely no truth.

What I propose is that mankind has been interacting with as yet unknown non-human intelligence.The experiences,sightings and stories are not isolated to folklore alone.

Look no further than ancient mankind's religious & culture texts,paintings,drawings,statuettes,prophecies and other like-minded depictions & descriptions.
They run the full gamut of expression and descriptions of the 'Gods who came down from the heavens'. It does not matter if we are talking about biblical Angels,the Sanskrit Vedas with "god's" in their Vimana's or in the Qur'an talking about the D'Jinn ( which ironically enough translates to 'to hide' or 'be hidden' ) The Native American Tribes who tell of "tricksters" and 'Sky God's'.

I believe all of these different accounts are talking about the same entities,just under a different guise,a different name.

I do not have any conclusive evidence other than what we already know from witness testimony.Modern and ancient recollections of the same phenomena,they tell the same general stories.Just in different time lines,with slightly different takes on it.They reference & define the era that they lived & understood.

If you can show me why demons would need Nuts and Bolts technology i m game for it

Good question but I am not talking about 'nuts & bolts' craft.That is exactly my point.

But to entertain the question: if demons exist and they need 'nuts & bolts craft' to travel then I would propose that what we have been led to believe about demons and what they actually are is either incomplete or false.
A few examples for the hell of it -

1.) They are not spirit entities,they are a fallen race of beings and their depictions are a misconception.

2.) They are in-between our state of matter ( 3rd dimension density ) and what would be called 'Spirit/Immaterial'
a difficult existence to contemplate when we have never seen or experienced it.
Hence they are able to interact between our physical world and what would be best described as the 4th dimension ( a less-dense state of being ) so they can and do use ships of some state of solidity/form.

3.) They are not what we typically think of as demons.There are no physical craft.What we see is man-made.The light forms/orbs are another unknown,misunderstood intelligence that manifests it;s self in to whatever it seeks fit :angels,demon,Jinn,Grey,reptilian,Nordic etc.

4.) We have been falsely led to believe concerning the limitations/strengths' of 'Demons' ,They need a physical vessel,like a soul would need a body (if one exists) this would be one possible explanation for harvesting biological specimens to clone/create bodies. These bodies are then used as 'Avatars' in our physical realm.

This theory while plausible for me has some big holes

Doesn't every theory about UFOs/aliens have holes in it?
edit on 22-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by PerfectPerception

You are an excellent writer! Im thinking if someone could interface all UFO related information progress could be achieved. I would like to know what Satan has to do with UFO'S?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:06 AM
Excellent thread OP.I agree with the points you make and i have made similar comments in the past about aliens-ancient gods-fairy/elves connection.
While i was reading i was thinking to add about the fairy circles,but you read my mind and added it yourself.

Here in Greece we grow up with stories about fairies taking children and abducting men.There are also urban legends about men getting married with fairies.

In the countryside one thing i was told as a kid by my grandmother was "to beware of the fairy circles.Never set foot on them,because i will be lost or marked and taken by them".The fairy circles is the place that the fairies dance and if a person manage to steal the headscrarf of the fairy he(usually men try that) can take her home and marry her.She will have his children,but the moment she finds the headscarf she will return to her world.(reverse abduction)

It's also known that fairies can hypnotise men with their song and mate with them or take them to their realm.Legend has it that if you are alone in a forest(natural habitat of the fairies) and you hear your name,never answer,because only then the fairies have power over you.

Fairies take children from the cradle and replace them with their babies,who are usually ungly or sick,because mating with human doesn't always produce nice babies. (incompatible genetic material).

People who have been taken by the fairies are called neraidoparmenoi(which means exactly that"taken by the fairies).They usually have the ability to see and hear the spirits.

Another name for the fairies and their kin is "aeriko",which means spirit of the air.Spirits that dwell all around us in the air,but we cannot see them(parallel dimension).

The Greek ancient gods had the "bad habit" of abducting women(Zeus) and mate with them.They were usuallly taken the form of their husbands to trick them into sleeping with them.Usually they were visited in their houses or they were taken away(like the story of Europa).The children born from these unions were the demi-gods,hybrids of gods and men and they had some of the powers of their fathers.

Now all these can be perceived as superstition,but i doubt that so many people,in so many countries since the beginning of time were just ignorant and supersticious.My personal opinion is that they had experiences they couldn't explain and they named them according to their beliefs.

The modern time aliens are just a continuation of the old tales.Terrestrial or extra terrestrial,one species or many that remains to be determined.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by PerfectPerception

You are an excellent writer! Im thinking if someone could interface all UFO related information progress could be achieved. I would like to know what Satan has to do with UFO'S?

Thank you for the kind words.

Well,I imagine having all of the data in one easy to find place cannot hurt.

Not sure what Satan has to do with UFO's either. It has nothing to do with what I was trying to get across in the thread.That much I can assure you.

As you probably know,depending on your personal religion/faith,there are many who think that aliens are demons.

What made you ask that question? the above posts?

reply to post by Phantom traveller

WOW, fantastic information.Thank you for sharing all of that.

Much of what you have posted I have either heard or read about but to see it all together and from someone who grew up with these urban legends and tales of warnings involving Faeries/elves/other worldly beings,gives it even more meaning.

We agree on many of the different aspects and possible explanations/origins of whatever this phenomenon truly is.
Like I alluded to in the thread,I believe it is possible that it could be either the same 'race of entities' or some form of presently unknown 'intelligence' ( for lack of a better word atm) that has been co-existing alongside humanity,Maybe even before we got here.

I also believe as you do that many of the oral and literary traditions passed down through the ages have some basis in truth. It may only be partially true,either way,if some of the accounts are to be believed,even partially true is astounding.

For many the implications of folklore/myth/aliens or beings from other worlds being real is honestly too much for our minds to fathom let alone fully understand or explain.

'The 'truth may be stranger than fiction' as the saying goes.

It becomes an 'impossibility' because if science cannot solve it,prove it,dissect it...Have tangible repeatable evidence,then it does not exist.

The vanity and arrogance of mankind has and will continue to be one of our major setbacks unless we decide to humble ourselves.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:51 AM
According to Ancient Astronaut Theory, there is a certain connection.

According to me, it is very possible. I wonder if someone makes the difference between these two sentences

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 08:43 AM
One thing that strikes me, as I'm sure it has many others, is the evolution of these ethereal entities down the ages

From the pagan gods before Christ, to angels and djinn as the monotheistic religions formed, to faeries and elves in the dark ages

Now in the modern era they manifest themselves as superlative scientists

Not to become overly Jungian but it's almost as if these entities are some manifestation of our collective consciousness

Just a few weeks ago in London there was a minor terrorist threat and I filmed two strange platform things hovering over the city

But when I checked the recording afterwards there was no sign of these apparently solid craft, just the usual cloudy sky
edit on 22-5-2012 by quantumfluctuation because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:16 AM
I've always found the Fomorians from Irish Mythology to be fascinating in terms of potential alien connections.

They lived under the sea off the coast of Ireland.

They're described as being giant, misshapen, humanoid but with elongated limbs and heads more akin to those of goats.

Their prince, Elatha, floated across the sea in a silver ship

A later king, Balor of the Evil Eye, lived in a tower made from crystal. He had one eye in the middle of his forehead and another at the rear of his head. His eye could emit a deadly beam of light that burned everything in it's path. When he was eventually killed by the Tuatha De Dannan (also worth reading about) his eye burned a hole in the ground as he fell. The hole eventually filled with water and to this day is known as Loch na Súl or Lake of The Eye, in County Sligo.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by PerfectPerception

Here is footage someone took in Bologna,Italy before the Earthquake of what looks like possible UFO's.

I haven't had time to read the whole thing yet but you got off to a bad start by using a video by xxxdonutzxxx, a known Serial Hoaxer (along with his other channels) who has a liking for orbs as they are simple to fake with After Effects or a similar program.
edit on Tue May 22 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed quote

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by PerfectPerception

A Greek writer of the "paranormal" in one of his public speeches,a long time ago,used a parable:"3 men walk on a country road.It's dusk.Suddenly they see an entity in front of them.They don't talk about it among them and each one goes home.The first man tells his wife that he saw a demon,the second that he saw an elf and the third that he saw an alien"
What he meant is that all three saw an entity and according to each one beliefs and education they interpreted accordingly.That story was responsible for making the connection between folk tales and myths and aliens.We see something and then the mind fills the blanks.Aliens-demons-angels-djinn-fairies etc are just names we humans gave to entities that we don't know how else to describe.

Spot the differences



edit on 22-5-2012 by Phantom traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
According to Ancient Astronaut Theory, there is a certain connection.

According to me, it is very possible. I wonder if someone makes the difference between these two sentences

Very well could be a connection.

Do you mean with this thread/folklore and ancient aliens

Originally posted by quantumfluctuation
One thing that strikes me, as I'm sure it has many others, is the evolution of these ethereal entities down the ages

From the pagan gods before Christ, to angels and djinn as the monotheistic religions formed, to faeries and elves in the dark ages

Now in the modern era they manifest themselves as superlative scientists

Not to become overly Jungian but it's almost as if these entities are some manifestation of our collective consciousness

Just a few weeks ago in London there was a minor terrorist threat and I filmed two strange platform things hovering over the city

But when I checked the recording afterwards there was no sign of these apparently solid craft, just the usual cloudy sky
edit on 22-5-2012 by quantumfluctuation because: (no reason given)

That is another intriguing theory/observation with ufology that I have noticed as well.

Depending on what you personally believe and how you interpret the ancient depictions of angels,sky gods you have to take into consideration that all we can go by is what has been passed along via religious text,oral traditions.

Meaning - that what our ancestors described is what They believed to be the origin/explanation using the common beliefs,customs and limited information/points of reference of their era.

So basically they very well could of been experiencing the same exact phenomena and beings,only looking back for us,it seems different...or that it has evolved.

I am willing to agree with your assessment as well.If what I posted in the thread is to be believed then this "intelligence/race" has the ability to shape-shift,among other 'supernatural' abilities compared to what humanity knows to be theoretically possible/explainable.

So this Race/intelligence would not be limited to any one shape/or visual appearance.Think about that for a minute.Talk about pulling off a complex,intricate ruse for thousands of years.Sounds crazy? impossible you say? regardless of the reason and/or intentions of these beings, wouldn't they want us to think exactly that?

'That it is an irrefutable impossible certainty.that nothing like we are talking about could be possible.' ( I am not saying I believe this per se,only trying to convey a valid point )

Anyone who even dares to think or mention something along these lines would automatically be labeled mentally unfit.

I will tell you this much,Something I do not necessarily need evidence to prove because it obtusely apparent. -
'If someone or something wants to remain hidden,they will do anything and by any means to remain hidden"

The other theory involving the phenomena originating from the collective consciousness ( Which is worth exploring in it's own thread) is a fascinating idea to contemplate.What still remains unanswered and is just as interesting and mystifying is the archetype of these beings and experiences hard-wired in our minds.

Surely you have to wonder Why? and if that is true. What does that say about us? would it lead to change your beliefs/faith/religion? change nothing or would it solidify your convictions? I ask because if our brains are so intricately hard-wired to allow or give experiences like we are talking about imo that begs the next questioning of our origin.

To me that would show intelligent design.That is of course my opinion.Nevertheless the general idea holds shattering paradigm implications.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by PerfectPerception

Originally posted by Imtor
According to Ancient Astronaut Theory, there is a certain connection.

According to me, it is very possible. I wonder if someone makes the difference between these two sentences

Very well could be a connection.

Do you mean with this thread/folklore and ancient aliens

Troy was just a myth. Guess what - it was not. The battle with Goliath and the city around was considered non-existent - they found something that supported the existence. The red hair giants from the Nevada cave were just an tribal Indian myth - guess what - they found them.

Some are just a myth, others represent real events,

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by ModerateMartian
I haven't had time to read the whole thing yet but you got off to a bad start by using a video by xxxdonutzxxx, a known Serial Hoaxer (along with his other channels) who has a liking for orbs as they are simple to fake with After Effects or a similar program.

Thank you for pointing that out. I did not know that youtube user was a "serial hoaxer"

Just so you know, in case you did not read the thread,that particular video ultimately has nothing to do with the OP,it was there mostly for reference. ( I started the thread as something else originally and after going into the earthquake lights/earth lights- I decided to leave it in case there were those interested. )

I imagine you would of come to that conclusion if you would of continued reading the thread

So we will have to agree to disagree,It may not have been the best start but IMO I do not think it was necessarily bad.

Thanks for the reply!

Originally posted by NomDeGuerre
I've always found the Fomorians from Irish Mythology to be fascinating in terms of potential alien connections.

They lived under the sea off the coast of Ireland.

They're described as being giant, misshapen, humanoid but with elongated limbs and heads more akin to those of goats.

Their prince, Elatha, floated across the sea in a silver ship

A later king, Balor of the Evil Eye, lived in a tower made from crystal. He had one eye in the middle of his forehead and another at the rear of his head. His eye could emit a deadly beam of light that burned everything in it's path. When he was eventually killed by the Tuatha De Dannan (also worth reading about) his eye burned a hole in the ground as he fell. The hole eventually filled with water and to this day is known as Loch na Súl or Lake of The Eye, in County Sligo.

Thanks for posting that information

I was reading a little bit on the Tuatha Dé Danann while researching the topics of this thread.I am almost positive that a few of the links above contain some relevant information on the Tuatha Dé Danann.Particularly the Evans-wentz and Rev. Robert Kirk books/links.

Great points and interesting stories.I would of liked to add more but I ended up getting side tracked a few times .On top of running out of room to write more and needing to take a break.

There is a rich mythology waiting to be explored and absorbed,that is certain.

edit on 22-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue May 22 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed quote

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