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ALERT! My posts don't recieve enough stars, flags, or applause

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
I suppose you want a Star & Flag for this too?


Yes I do...........................................and quit staring at me like that

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by rival

The hell is an applause?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

S@F, I think its near impossible to get an applause for making a good or popular thread. Moderators only seem to give them out to a certain amount of people they like. I myself only have 1 but I haven't really been here that long either..

It's not impossible. Not even close to being impossible in fact.

They're given out if you put some real effort into what you write, whether It's a new thread or a regular reply to an already existing thread. It's honestly as simple as that. We may personally like you or we may dislike you but that just doesn't matter because if you put some real effort into thing's and try to contribute here then the chances are you'll receive an applause from a moderator.

Let's remember as well though that the mods are people too and we can't see every single thread/post that's made here, to expect that is just unrealistic. We do miss them from time to time. But then again, if you see a thread or a post which you feel strongly deserves an applause, nothing is stopping you from alerting it and recommending it for one.

edit on 21-5-2012 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
They're given out if you put some real effort into what you write, whether It's a new thread or a regular reply to an already existing thread. It's honestly as simple as that.

Well said RA. That's exactly how I feel about posts made here. As a member I can't give an applause, but I sure as hell can give a flag if it's authored, or a star to any post (unless in specific forums). I have often given them out to users just based off the shear volume of effort they have put in - even if I disagree with them.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by rival

Alright, alright, I S&F'ed you just because you made me smile today. Well done. Fecetious and funny at the same time. I like that.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

My last applause was actually from you. I think it was for my Nocebo thread... come on man, I've created so many better threads than that. That thread took me 2 minutes and I was in happy land at the time.

I'm kidding, you're right, no one has the time to read all the crap on ATS, and I hardly expect you to see every thread I make. But I do know some mods only give them out to people they like. They are human after all, like you said.

All I really care about is that people get the chance to see the best threads on ATS, and flags do the job nicely. Applaudes don't really mean a thing, not to me anyway. I don't really think they are necessary to be honest.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by rival

Just out of curiosity, I did the math:

You have a post to flag ratio of 141.666 to 1

Mine was 83.37 to 1

JPZ has 37.91 to 1

Still, I gave you your star and flag so stop your whining.

edit on 5/21/12 by FortAnthem because:
___________ extra DIV

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Well, I'm trying to give them out whenever I can and whenever I see something good around here too. If your last one was from me then It's because I felt as though you contributed something here, I can assure you of that.

I also know that in the grand scheme of thing's applauds don't really mean anything as well, and I completely understand what you're saying in that respects but even so, on ATS I still I think they're a pretty nice to receive. It's a pat on the back, a thank you for the contribution you just made here and so on and on and no matter what anyone says, that's a nice thing to be told. More importantly though, applaud's are also a tool to help promote better and more quality content which is a truly great thing in my eyes.

I like ATS a lot after all, and I assume the same can be said for about 95% of people reading this right now, and I do spend a lot of time here (more than I should perhaps.
), so honestly, I want to see nothing but this place improve all the time. If I can help do that, with the use of applauding those who put that little bit of extra time and effort into what they're adding here, I'll be happy to do it whenever possible.

Bearing that in mind, you're all more than welcome to PM me and link to any quality contributions around here that you see and feel may have been missed. Like I said, applause's are a great tool to help promote quality content, so if, as a mod, I'm made more aware of quality posts out there, well then they can be rightly rewarded.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

I agree with you,. Receiving an applause, even though it is done through a U2U and isn't shown, is really nice to get. It rewards the writer and sets the bar for good content.

Every one I have gotten has made me feel, in my own small way, proud of myself.

It's as if a mod singles you out, pats you on the head and says, "Good job, Kiddo!"....And even though only you and the mod know about it, it's still a nice validation.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:12 PM
You could spam the 'post a funny picture thread' that's how some of the top posters became top posters.

You're welcome.
edit on 21-5-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:11 PM
What is applause?


Yes I've read the TOS, but I don't think they exist.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:37 PM
just sitting here, enjoying a delicious strange cookie (no you can't have one) and thinking to myself... i WANT to S&F but... i just can't seem to get around to it...HA! just kidding, i wouldn't want to diminish your perception of self worth by denying you virtual affirmations... now please please please star this reply!... please?
*cries deeply*
*stelthily brushes a tear from cheek*
i had an itch.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by CagliostroTheGreat
just sitting here, enjoying a delicious strange cookie (no you can't have one) and thinking to myself... i WANT to S&F but... i just can't seem to get around to it...HA! just kidding, i wouldn't want to diminish your perception of self worth by denying you virtual affirmations... now please please please star this reply!... please?
*cries deeply*
*stelthily brushes a tear from cheek*
i had an itch.

I starred i your post twice, but only because I just found out that by starring others posts my own "W" index
goes up....

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by rival

Originally posted by CagliostroTheGreat
just sitting here, enjoying a delicious strange cookie (no you can't have one) and thinking to myself... i WANT to S&F but... i just can't seem to get around to it...HA! just kidding, i wouldn't want to diminish your perception of self worth by denying you virtual affirmations... now please please please star this reply!... please?
*cries deeply*
*stelthily brushes a tear from cheek*
i had an itch.

I starred i your post twice, but only because I just found out that by starring others posts my own "W" index
goes up....

its not because i begged? well it was worth a shot. we can't all be winners. *sigh*

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 12:03 AM
Welcome to ATS, where the points don't matter.

On an unrelated note, 1000 points to the OP.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:40 AM
They didn't tell you? You always get 1 applause just for being good looking. That's how I got mine. Not sure about the ones after that, I figured after I had the good looking one, I didn't really need any more

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:59 AM
Well, just by looking at the threads you have offered, I honestly don't see many that deserve the appreciation you were hoping for. There are only a handful of people who post well-researched and thought-out threads...And I don't see many if any at all looking through your history. Just being honest.

You cannot expect for people to appreciate the fact that you start a thread containing nothing but an article you read somewhere, and the required commentary as per the ATS rules. Many people do this, and they too don't receive much admiration. The users who do get the positive feedback and attention are the ones who actually "research" their topics, and combine quite a bit of information gathered from multiple sources, among other things.

You may have authored some threads like this and I just did not catch them. If this is the case I apologize, and you probably do deserve some more credit. But I feel as if you haven't really taken into account what people want to read about. To be honest, there are two types of users on ATS, generally speaking. There are those who are only impressed by true content, and then there are those who...well...aren't...? I guess. The point is this: try putting together a thread like that, if you haven't already, and see if it gets noticed. It has been my experience on these forums that most of those who complain about the moderators being unfair, and the users being unfair, usually have themselves to blame.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

pssst, it's on the joke thread

...and the reasons were funny and sarcastic

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

As of this post, I'm averaging one applause per every 16.75 posts. I have four applause, 120 flags, and 246 stars after authoring only four threads and 67 posts. Do I actually care? No. But I've never really thought about it until now.

So far in this post I'm breaking my primary rule—I'm not really adding anything to this discussion. Though I suppose there is something to be learned after all: We must think critically about the topic and only post when we feel it may actually add something to the discussion. Don't post for the sake of adding "noise" that detracts from the conversation. Try not to attack others. Stay on topic. We must do our research and stay up on current events. I'm no ATS superstar, but if I had more time to put into threads I might crack the top 100—if only because I have focus. Therefore I believe we must concentrate on the topics that we're most passionate about. Research and thoughtfully present our threads. We must stay engaged in the thread after we write it. Defend our arguments with evidence and reason. Deny ignorance and the stars will be shooting, the flags will be rising, and the applause will be deafening.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by rival

Ironically this pointless thread got you some flags and stars....

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