posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:58 AM
Well, I have seen my death and it isn't really fun, when a Deja Vu happen, and whatever I do to try to change this deja vu doesn't work, I will
That is my end.
I do not know about other people death. I can only see my death. I can also see my past death, from past life. And I have recently start to see other
people death, or maybe predictions, I am still not sure of my last visions. I still don't know what to think of them.
When I saw predictions, I am not talking predictions like nostradamous...
Since I was young i never dreamed, all I dream of are nightmares, I will call them nightmares for you, but for me, they are more like movies. So we
will call them dreams. I am not afraid anymore because I have seem more scary things then bad dreams in my life.
Most people I talk with say they can interact in dreams, well I cant.
My dream just happens and I can't change anything about them. I die countless times in my dream.
Funny thing is when I wake up in the morning I am rested, even if I died all night.
I have come to this understanding when speaking with someone who have read a lot about this, just recently.
If you wan't an example:
I am in a party, I know I am not myself because I am a lot taller then I am, I am 5'11'' 185lbs and in my dream I was much taller like 6'4''
200lbs. So in a party and when the party end, my ride home is gone, so I start talking with friends and i find myself a home for the night in an after
party, so I go, on the way there, i meet a girl and we decide to have fun during after party and then sleep together. During the night, people showup
in this bedroom, around 6-7 people, we all gather around the bedroom and start talking, then this guy, stab me in the neck with a needle, then they
proceed to torture me and then kill me. I will not go into details because i bet It could make some people disgusted.
Those are the kind of dream I make, always.
I do not remember all of them, most of them, when I wake up I know I have dreamed but then I think of something else and forget about what I just
dream about...
What about you all?