Originally posted by Druscilla
It doesn't matter, and I don't care because, "they" if there are even a "they" to begin with, are too scared to ever just come right out of the closet
in the light of day and say "hello", or "rawr", or "where's the white women", or anything.
Since these monsters, or benevolents or whatever they claim or whatever you think they are are too scared to ever just come right of the the closet,
this just tells me and many others that "they" have more to fear from us, than we from them.
edit on 20-5-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)
edit on 20-5-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)
While an interesting and uncommonly stated observation, I have to wholeheartedly disagree.
If anything,I believe it is more likely the opposite to what you propose.
(That is not to say that you may not be close to the truth or right,just my opinion
They remain hidden not because they are afraid,they remain hidden because for one reason or another,it suits
Them and their agenda. It is apart
of the deceptive nature they tend to exhibit.
Working from the shadows in secrecy, abducting human beings for whatever nefarious or scientific reasoning one chooses to believe.
For those that gravitate towards a benevolent explanation -
Another potential way of looking at it is that there might be some kind of "quarantine" or universal prime directive/zoo hypothesis.
It does bring up an intriguing idea that I have thought about in the past concerning this subject. What if these beings are not as technologically
superior as most tend to think and that they would lead us to believe?
( Think false memories of the aliens abilities implanted into abductees minds i.e. moving through solid objects - you get the idea,expand from there )
If I had more room in this post I would elaborate
OP,I watched the video that you have posted and I have to say,I recommend that you do some of your own research.
It is funny that what this guy says is hypocritical and a contradiction to what he is attempting to oust.That it is all demons etc. funny he spins it
into a 'racial' commentary.
He did make some interesting observations if you were able to discern in-between the jibber jabber he was spewing.ultimately, he is just as lost as
anyone else pertaining to this subject.
Kind of hard to take anyone seriously when they criticize others for being disillusioned when at the same time saying they are a '4th dimensional
being who can beam up to the mother ships and are in contact 24/7'
He also called Arnold Schwarzenegger a Nazi,accusing the movie predator & the predator alien having dreadlocks into some kind of racial conspiracy
STOP watching these videos if you are really looking for the truth or semblance of an understanding the UFO phenomenon .At the very least buy some
good books on the subject,start from there. That is just my 2 cents.
Only 15% are going to be awake, and awaken their pineal glands. the rest are going to be calcified zombies. Enough said. Eat right, live with nature.
not against it. That's all you have to do. How can you argue to something so simple and plain. Fools, that's how I know you guys are delusional to
what nature is and who you truly are. Fools.
How did you come this conclusion? a book,video or particular article? or just a personal hunch. I agree that we need to be closer with nature and
cherish it better than we have been.
I do not understand how you say "they are all demons" but in the next sentence you call them greys or fake greys etc.?
edit on 24-5-2012 by
PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)