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Anyone noticing increased helicopter activity in your area?

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:00 AM
So on three occasions now this has happened.

I'm sitting in my house, reading or working and I hear a helicopter for a really long time. Like 15 minutes. I go outside and there's a helicopter circling. I mean its making big loops but flying directly over my backyard everytime. I get my binoculars. It'll make another pass or two and then go back toward the city.

I live in Denver and have read some threads recently that suggest this isn't just in my area.

So that keeps happening to me. Anything happen to you lately?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:03 AM
Over here in So. Cali, just over the hill from Pendleton and no increase in helo activity. If anything, I'd have to say it's been unusually quiet the past few months. They used to drop Marines in the hills around where I live so they could hike to a destination, but little to none of that the last few years actually.

edit on 5/20/2012 by abecedarian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

There's the usual police helicopter looking for a murder suspect via spotlight every now and then, nothing out of the ordinary for Central Florida.

I certainly hope you don't believe there is a causal relationship between you getting your binoculars and the helicopter leaving, though.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by adeclerk
reply to post by doctornamtab

I certainly hope you don't believe there is a causal relationship between you getting your binoculars and the helicopter leaving, though.

Just because one is paranoid doesn't mean....

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:37 AM
Not copters, but for the past week or so on the 215 fwy heading to San Diego I have seen several convoys heading south...

My brother also mentioned this to me and he travels the 215 at different times than I.

Holy crap I just remembered the other day there was a white heli circling my development rather low ,(near march air force base) I did notice the heli seemed not to have any tail markings.
edit on 20-5-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:40 AM
They are having evacuation drills in Denver right now.
Not sure where the thread is or if it got posted under another subject,
Nothing to worry about.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:40 AM
Yep. You're Denver, I'm NATO. nice to meet you.

Been seeing tons of aircraft.
edit on 20-5-2012 by novemberecho because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:42 AM
I work near Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base in so cal and
some Black Hawks have been buzzing around on some drill or
another the past 2 months, flying in groups and solo.

Ordinary drills or something more? Who knows

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

Forget helicopters.
It's the 21st century already and I don't have a personal jet pack.
That's a huge problem that needs to get fixed.

Next time they come around, make it entertaining. Run around in your yard naked, covered in X-mas tree lights, with a tin foil hat, and throw chocolate bars (which will look like something else) up at the sky in the direction of the helicopter.
Make it a show.
Have fun.
Be creative.
Wear a cape.
And goggles.
and a dastardly mustache.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:48 AM
Well .... YES it has!! LOL the other day my husband went outside to put some clothes in the dryer, and he heard a helicopter overhead, looked for it for a while, then he spotted it, it was as he says "WAAAAaaaaaaaY up there", flying higher than any helicopter he's seen flying before!! And it was also as he says just "hoovering" almost right above our place. He came inside and told me and I went outside (with my camera, I know on here pics .... or it didn't happen!!! LOL), I did hear a helicopter fly over (while I was still inside) but didn't see it! So no pics but I believe him!!

I live just outside of New Orleans BTW!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:51 AM
Scratch that.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:51 AM
Well my area has nothing at all to do with Denver, and I have been grappling with what is going on here- it is making me paranoid.

The beginning of last week, there was a small black helicopter that was flying low against the hills- low enough that it seemed to be touchign the tops of the trees. There was nothing in that area but forest- not buildings or homes, and most importantly- No electrical lines!

I was on my horse and stopped to watch it manouvering there for ten minutes before I left as it was still doing it. I first thought it could be the electric company that does have copters they use to inspect the lines. But for one, they are usually larger and white, and do this in areas where there ARE lines.

Two days later, as I drove home along the small winding mountain road to my house, what looked like the same small black copter suddenly came up next to me from below in the valley. It flew next to my car, parallel to me for several meters! It was only about four meters away from my window. So they were obviously screwing with me on purpose.

Even right up close, I could not see inside- the windows were all black. I saw there was a number written on it, and tried to take it down in mind, but frankly I was freaking out so bad, it was scaring me, and I still had to drive on a very dangerous road, with a drop off on one side and only barely wide enough for my car.... so I was stressed to the max and didn't remember the combination of numbers.

As soon as I got home, I saw on Facebook that someone who lives in the valley was freaking out because this helicopter was now staying over her backyard and actually touching the trees there.

This helicopter has shown up approx. every two days in the last two weeks and always doing some really weird stuff. I've gotten to where I am a bit worried about it.

I am in the south-east part of France, so this has nothing to do with things in America, but I just needed to write about it because I am becoming a nervous wreck.
edit on 20-5-2012 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 03:10 AM
YES! Yes I have! I was just going to make a thread about this until I happened to be glancing at the recent posts in the Grey Area sub-forum and noticed this one.

I have noticed this for about one week now. It's happening 24/7... literally. There are black helicopters constantly circling the skies of my city. I find this very strange and slightly unnerving because I have lived in this city for the entire 24 years of my life and have never noticed so many damn helicopters. As a matter of fact, just as I finished typing that last sentence I began hearing it again, and it's 1:03 am right now.

This isn't really considered a huge city by any means --- population is 83,225 --- so I consider it abnormal for there to be so many helicopters flying around constantly, not to mention that this never happened up until a week ago. Sometimes I'll stand outside smoking and watch them. They never fly low. They are always up very high, but from what I can tell they are black and have a large blinking red light on the tail. I don't own binoculars but I'm going to borrow some to see if I can get a better look at these things. It's weird because they go around in circles almost like they are looking for something. And no... they aren't rescue choppers. I live in the suburbs. Nobody gets lost here lol.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 05:47 AM
OP, thanks for making this thread. For the past few weeks I've been inundated with helicopters and strange planes (sorry, I'm not familiar with military aircraft in the least) sightings all day long, nearly every day. I have lived in this town/city my whole life and have never seen anything like this. We have a major airport nearby, but I'm not seeing too many 747 airliners. I never do really.

But those copters and planes are all over lately. I can't get in my car and go for a drive without seeing at least 2-3 of them. On more than one occasion I see a few copters flying close to each other, not exactly in formation or anything..just flying somewhat close to each other going in somewhat similar directions (if that makes sense).

It has certainly grabbed my attention.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:17 AM
i've noticed more helicopter activity (from camp grayling i'm assuming) this past week.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:27 AM
I live in London, UK, and can say that there have been a lot more helicopters, Apaches and Chinooks, over Central London than there used to be, although this might, of course, be something to do with the upcoming Olympics, rather than anything else.
Having said that, there have been a lot more police cars and vans around than usual as well.
I have wondered recently if the terror alert status has been raised, and for what threat?
Perhaps the general public are not being told something is going on?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by doctornamtab
So on three occasions now this has happened.

I'm sitting in my house, reading or working and I hear a helicopter for a really long time. Like 15 minutes. I go outside and there's a helicopter circling. I mean its making big loops but flying directly over my backyard everytime. I get my binoculars. It'll make another pass or two and then go back toward the city.

I live in Denver and have read some threads recently that suggest this isn't just in my area.

So that keeps happening to me. Anything happen to you lately?

Holy $&@#, YES! I am in Castle Rock and I get this maybe 3-4 times per week. Right over my house. Here's what it does:

I'm close to Sedalia, just slightly to the west of CO-85 (Santa Fe) and it will come from the direction of Roxborough Park and fly straight towards my neighborhood. Once it hits my neighborhood, it always goes directly over my house, flying very, very low, I mean like 50 feet over the rooftops. Then it does a very quick and tight turn, flies diagonally to CO-85 and Castle Pines, and then whips back towards Roxborough.

Sometimes, they come west of here, in the foothills, fly over my neighborhood, back towards the Roxborough direction and then back again. On Friday, it was the lowest and closest pass by yet. The door was open on the side and I could see the a guy's pants (light brown) as the copter turned and leaned. The timing of that one was strange that day.

As I type this now, I can hear one. I don't know why, but it makes me so freaking bothered and paranoid, I feel like I'm in the scene from "Goodfellas"

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:51 AM
I live in Dallas and within the last two weeks, I've seen a v-22 Osprey (eastbound, near downtown), a Blackhawk (northbound, several miles north of downtown), and a Chinook (over a northern suburb, headed southeast). Each one was a few days apart and each one was flying solo over the city.

For what its worth, I've seen these all before but never within a such a short period of time and I watch the sky anytime I'm outside. Also, the previous times (over the last few years) I've seen these helicopters in Dallas, there were a few flying in formation. We also occasionally get military jets flying in and out of Love Field airport but I think they must go there for some type of avionics repairs or something.

Take that for what its worth. I personally don't think its enough activity to warrant any strangeness.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

Update to my post ^

Yeah, this is without a doubt happening every day for one whole week now. I actually didn't think it was a big deal at first, I didn't jump to conclusions like many people on ATS would. I just figured that maybe it was new pilots being trained or something. But once I saw that other people have been experiencing the same thing I knew it was odd.

I can still hear them now and it's morning. This is EVERY hour they make a pass. They will come by once an hour, circle the area for about 10 minutes and move on to a new area. It's starting to drive me mental, because these things are much louder than most helicopters, yet they are up higher than most helicopters. Weird.

Not to mention that two weeks ago I was spending the day with my mother and sister and we all saw two fighter jets speeding through the sky. I find that unusual because there is no air force base near my city. The closest air force base is about 300 miles away from where I live. What the hell are they doing? I've never seen fighter jets in this city, not once in my life

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
reply to post by Xaphan

Update to my post ^

Yeah, this is without a doubt happening every day for one whole week now. I actually didn't think it was a big deal at first, I didn't jump to conclusions like many people on ATS would. I just figured that maybe it was new pilots being trained or something. But once I saw that other people have been experiencing the same thing I knew it was odd.

I can still hear them now and it's morning. This is EVERY hour they make a pass. They will come by once an hour, circle the area for about 10 minutes and move on to a new area. It's starting to drive me mental, because these things are much louder than most helicopters, yet they are up higher than most helicopters. Weird.

Not to mention that two weeks ago I was spending the day with my mother and sister and we all saw two fighter jets speeding through the sky. I find that unusual because there is no air force base near my city. The closest air force base is about 300 miles away from where I live. What the hell are they doing? I've never seen fighter jets in this city, not once in my life

Where I live, I am about 25-30 minutes north of Peterson AFB in Colorado Springs, CO. So, for me to hear fighter jets or see military things, it isn't unusual. In fact, where I live, you get a sense of patterns with these things. However, for the past 12-13 months, things have escalated and the amount of helicopters and fighter jets going over my house have been unsettling. When you are used to something, you start noticing when things get odd. At least I'm not seeing the dozen of convoys of loaded troop transporters anymore like I was last summer and fall. They were everywhere, evening crossing into Colorado from Nebraska, not just close to the installations here. Yet, it is the helicopter activity that is the new weird here and I don't like it, as I mentioned in an earlier post.

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