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There Are LOADS Of Jobs Out There, But NONE Of Them Pay Living Wages!

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+20 more 
posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Submarines

The price of just one of those submarines would cover you living exspences for a lifetime! You and a few hundred, if not more! Families! Carry on working 5 jobs! Its your life your not living while you do the bidding of you slave handlers! LOL

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Sinny
So what, at least those individuals do what's right, and what it takes to support themselves and their family. Anyone who has to work 3 jobs or more to get it done, koodos to you.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:07 AM
the reason everything is so expensive is because it's so inflated. one of the sources of that problem is exploding fuel costs which raise the price of EVERYTHING. Another is rising healthcare costs, that is because of frivolous lawsuits and high malpractice insurance. There ARE solutions to these problems but, and we know exactly what to do but, our lawmakers are not employing these strategies. We have the ability to be prosperous but, our government is failing us. We need to elect new people in the government that will make these strategic changes. We need to be self sufficient in our own fuel. We have the capability to be independent in oil production or at least mostly independent instead of funding terrorist regimes in the middle east. Aside from all of this we have become a morally degenerate nation in need of a revival. Yes maam, No sir are a thing of the past. Common courtesy is difficult to find and trustworthy people are rare anymore. It's time our nation repents from our sins and God will heal our land.

+20 more 
posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Before he became a hermit, Zarathud was a young Priest, and took great delight in making fools of his opponents in front of his followers.

One day Zarathud took his students to a pleasant pasture and there he confronted The Sacred Chao while She was contentedly grazing.

"Tell me, you dumb beast." demanded the Priest in his commanding voice, "why don't you do something worthwhile. What is your Purpose in Life, anyway?"

Munching the tasty grass, The Sacred Chao replied "MU".*

Upon hearing this, absolutely nobody was enlightened. Primarily because nobody could understand Chinese.

* "MU" is the Chinese ideogram for NO-THING

Humans remind me of ants. Always building and working, as if simply enjoying life is some type of blasphemy. Have you ever heard the saying "this is so much fun it should be criminal"? Since when did happiness become criminal? Have you ever wondered why the best drugs are illegal? They make you too happy, they give you too much pleasure.

If the work you do doesn't even provide you with a life that you can enjoy... there is absolutely no reason to do that work unless you like being a slave or you don't want to be labelled a lazy bum by society. Do you know what sheep do? They follow the pack, they try to fit in, and want to be accepted by the pack. True individuals don't give a flying f*** what society thinks about them.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by Submarines

The price of just one of those submarines would cover you living exspences for a lifetime! You and a few hundred, if not more! Families! Carry on working 5 jobs! Its your life your not living while you do the bidding of you slave handlers! LOL

Wow. And i thought this site was about denying ignorance. I am living a good life, not complaining and doing what is necessary to support my family. Oh, not to mention no handouts from anyone.

Doing the bidding of my slave handlers? Really? All I can do is shake my head. To bad ignorance isn't painful.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Thank you for this thread. It seems to me someone with a well paid job cooked up the other thread making the unemployed out to be a bunch of lazy so and so's.

Most of the jobs that are available to those that are seeking, do not pay enough to cover transport (especially in countries where public transport is not that efficient, or even non existing) and living expenses. Some of these jobs you will be loosing, as it will cost you more to get to them than what it is worth.


When did we said we are willing or ABLE to pay to work?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

I'm just gonna say what I said in the other thread:

It's true that it isn't easy finding a job or starting up your own business, but these are the type of things a person needs to think ahead for. When we immigrated to this country, my father's degrees and years of experience became meaningless in the American job market. He was a valuable engineer and innovator in his home country, but when he came here nobody would hire him without an American diploma. The fact that he spoke only basic English at first didn't help much either. After a couple of months of looking and looking he finally gave up and decided to learn a new trade. He apprenticed, worked for minimum wage and eventually learned the craft so well that he is now one of the very best out there. He just has a knack for taking on any task and excelling at it. After a couple of years of working for pennies on the dollar, trying to feed a family of four and taking English classes in the evenings, he started his own business. Through hard work he built it up into a six figure income.

While I agree with many of you here that you can't just go out and bid on gardening jobs when you have no clue how to garden, it is your personal responsibility to be prepared for hard times and to have a plan B. If you don't have a plan B, you need to think of one and figure out what you're good at. It's not an immediate solution, but it will get better as time goes by. People on unemployment especially have (or at least had) two years to figure things out and get some training. If a guy with a family of four who speaks no English can do it, all you natural-born citizens with your language skills and knowledge about the rules and regulations of this country should have slightly less trouble getting back on your feet. I know more immigrants with a similar story to my father's who came here with nothing, yet persevered because they knew they had to.

P.S. Here's one more reason why it's tougher to find jobs or starting your own business. It shouldn't be an excuse because we know these idiotic regulations are out there and we should plan ahead, but it is a hurdle to be overcome nonetheless:

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

It used to be that you were able to work a nice 40 hr/week job and have time for yourself and raising a good family, but now you have to work 2 - 3 jobs while no time for family and it all disintegrates; It is all part of the plan.

Even if you get a 40 hour/week job with a decent salary, you're dreaming if you think you'll only spend that much time woking if you're salaried and not hourly. I work at the office from 8-5. Lunch? At my desk. The only reason I'm not in earlier and out later is because of the hours of my son's daycare. Get home, spend an hour or so with the kiddo, feed him, get him into bed. Then the laptop gets fired up for another 2 hours of work. We're a global company, so the e-mail keeps pouring in no matter what time of day or night it is. I'm up at 10pm still working? My coworkers in Shanghai are asking me questions. I wake up at 5am to catch up on a few more e-mails? My coworkers in Germany are asking me questions. And I have a company phone, with full e-mail access, so I'm effectively on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Am I glad to have my job? Extremely. I enjoy the work I do. But don't glamorize it. I'm on my laptop working 60 hours a week and on my phone another 10-15 hours per week outside of that time. And don't get me started on vacations that I need to work during and how travelling for work isn't what you see in the movies.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:22 AM

If the work you do doesn't even provide you with a life that you can enjoy... there is absolutely no reason to do that work unless you like being a slave or you don't want to be labelled a lazy bum by society. .
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

That's the most ridiculious thing I've heard today. Ever heard of starting at the bottom, instead of at the top, like some believe. The victim mentality is being pushed so hard in our time it's sad. What happened to personal responsibility, accountabilty, dignity, integrity.

At my job, people just come for the paycheck, don't care about the work or doing a good job, or how it's a reflection of themselves. I have pride in my work, and I do a good job, but not for anyone but myself. Because when I go home at night and look in the mirror, that's all that matters, what anyone else thinks, don't care.

+25 more 
posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Submarines

Doing the bidding of my slave handlers? Really? All I can do is shake my head. To bad ignorance isn't painful.

You said you worked 5 jobs... by the time you are required to work 10 jobs you might have something more to say. The problem with people like you, is that you think "this is just the way it is"... and "this is what must be done to support my family"... and "you don't see me complaining about it, so all you lazy fools need to stop complaining". It'll keep getting worse and worse, as the global financial crises continues to get worse and worse, but according to your logic we should just take it without complaint and act like good little sheep, or run the risk of not pulling our weight like everyone else. I'll tell you right now sir, screw that! I'll be here laughing at you as you run around like a mad dog working your fingers to the bone, and I'll watch you retire after you've already worked the prime of your life away to never get it back. But don't worry, at least you can be comforted knowing that you fell in line like all the other slaves and contributed to the system with countless hours of your life, you will be able to boast and ridicule others who haven't put in the time. It'll all be worth it knowing that you're an example of a perfect citizen. Hahahaha.... oh how indoctrinated you all are.

+2 more 
posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Daedal

Ever heard of starting at the bottom, instead of at the top, like some believe.

Yeah I've heard of that... too bad most people start at the bottom and end at the bottom. Especially now that the middle class is disappearing and the gap between the rich and the poor is growing with every passing day.

And hey, if working the majority of your life away for shareholders who take most the profits you generate makes you feel good about yourself, I'm not going to stop you.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

I would like to add: In my experince, when I began as a salesman, I was paid a decent salary of $35k plus commissions in 1996. My insurance plan cost me $68 dollars out of pocket per month. I had six months to make my first "large" commision. My next job was at $55k salary plus comissions. What I have seen happen now is that these jobs are now $24-35k plus comissions that are very difficult to obtain. Additionally, my "insurance benefits" cost me $6 LESS than if I went and just got it on my own - some benefits! This is 16 years later. In addition, there are MANY firms that actually WANT you to fail - work for six months for pittance, absurd hours, abuse and no support - then THEY get your placements and clients and THEY make money AFTER you have established them as such. They WANT you to fail.

There used to be an addage that it was more expensive to hire a new person, train them and get them up to speed, so invest time and $ in keeping good people on. Now it is just hire and fire. Any firm that touts "#1 hiring company in xyz town" also mean they are the #1 firing frim in town. MANY places want you to build a book of business and then leave so they can divy up the spoils amongst the few that run the place. I am working on a book regarding the subject. I have personally been forced out of two jobs in which I was at one time or another the "Presidents Club" winner for best salesman. In the last instance, I was let go one month after winning my "award". There is a new and sinister direction many companies have taken - hope your employee shows skills for the first few months, then sabatoge them so the firm can take their hard work for themselves. I am no dummy or complainer - it is simply what is happening.


posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Maybe he will, but at least he knows he done everything in his power to do right. If it collapses from there, then at least having a clear conscious and heart in knowing you've done your best is what matters.

+17 more 
posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Submarines

I'm ignorant? Are you denying that its the bankers who are in control of government and business funding? Are you denying that they don't control inflation and income?

People like you who comply with the system are to just as much to blame.

Your logic is retarded.

And seriously, if u really work five jobs, and sleep like evrybody else, I'm pretty sure I can safely assume you have no life. Keep working you pawn, baaaaa!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by Daedal

Ever heard of starting at the bottom, instead of at the top, like some believe.

Yeah I've heard of that... too bad most people start at the bottom and end at the bottom. Especially now that the middle class is disappearing and the gap between the rich and the poor is growing with every passing day.

And hey, if working the majority of your life away for shareholders who take most the profits you generate makes you feel good about yourself, I'm not going to stop you.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

Times change, things aren't forever, and this crisis will pass like all others before it. It's not permanent. Also what makes me feel good is knowing me and my family are taken care of. If the rich or "shareholders" want to rip me off, so be it, there times' coming.

+3 more 
posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:46 AM
Its those people who put their head down and get on with it, who are the cowards!

The system doesn't change if you accept it for what it is... But all you anonymous sheep, don't think there's anything wrong here do you?

Foolish bumbaclart cowards is what you all are!
edit on 20-5-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Daedal

then at least having a clear conscious and heart in knowing you've done your best is what matters.

Do you mind explaining why working your life away for unsympathetic shareholders should provide one with a clear conscious? Because everyone else is doing it right? You assume that because everyone else works such ridiculous hours for such ridiculous wages then it would be immoral of you to not do the same. Well that is simply not true, it's their choice to submit to the system which screws them out of a fair life. I for one will not choose that option simply because everyone else chooses that option. People are simply too scared to challenge the system and demand changes, and it's THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT. I will not suffer as a result of everyone else who chooses to submit to the system and work for slave wages. And I will not hold a guilty conscious for choosing not to do that. If the system doesn't want to treat us fairly, then SCREW THE SYSTEM. I'm not human livestock and I refuse to be treated like a business asset which can be discarded at any moment in the name of cutting costs. All of you seem to believe the meaning of life is to work... the meaning of LIFE is to LIVE. And I will not feel guilty because I choose to live where others choose to waste their life away for unrewarding slave labor. Do you really think it's all going to be worth it in the end? Well you'll see the truth when you're an old man and have nothing to show for the life you dedicated to the system.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Daedal

Also what makes me feel good is knowing me and my family are taken care of. If the rich or "shareholders" want to rip me off, so be it, there times' coming.

Their times coming? Hahaha... don't make me laugh. The occupy movement has been a miserable failure. There is nothing in the foreseeable future which will change the system to the degree required, you are simply dreaming and praying for something that simply wont happen because you're all too weak to create the change you desire. Look at what you just said, you'll let them royally screw you over just so long as your family is taken care of... they have you by the balls and you don't even realize it, let alone have the courage to do anything about it.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by Daedal

Also what makes me feel good is knowing me and my family are taken care of. If the rich or "shareholders" want to rip me off, so be it, there times' coming.

Their times coming? Hahaha... don't make me laugh. The occupy movement has been a miserable failure. There is nothing in the foreseeable future which will change the system to the degree required, you are simply dreaming and praying for something that simply wont happen because you're all too weak to create the change you desire. Look at what you just said, you'll let them royally screw you over just so long as your family is taken care of... they have you by the balls and you don't even realize it, let alone have the courage to do anything about it.
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

First of all you don't know me, so let's get that straight. Second I'm not talking about OWS, like you for some reason believe I am. Do you believe that those who continue to commit atrocities will just be able to keep doing it, without accountability? Well I guess what you believe and what I believe are not the same. That's okay though, things change.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Daedal

Do you believe that those who continue to commit atrocities will just be able to keep doing it, without accountability?

If history tells us anything, it tells us that, yes they will. I don't have much hope anymore... I've seen too many things in my life which have proven to me that people will never create the change they desire. The only thing we're good at is being used like tools and refusing to complain about it. I pray that I am proven wrong...
edit on 20-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

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