posted on May, 19 2012 @ 12:42 PM
Hi there, this is my very first post. I will make it very short because its not really a big issue but I wish ATS could do something about it.
You know when you are reading a thread and there is about 50-100 pages, its always pretty hard to follow every pages and even get to the one in the
middle, like if I want to hit the page number 78, I will need to click for a while on the right arrow to get me there.
This being said, would it be possible to tweak it and find a way to browse the pages easily. By this I mean , adding an option to allow users to type
the page they want to go to without being limited to a simple arrow or obligated to click on the last page you see to move you only a very few page
I hope you understand my point of view and that you can try to find a solution.
Feel free to give me your opinions.