posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by d00d557
I suspect you may be the victim of self organized, self fulfilling confabulation bordering on self induced false memory syndrome possibly due to
exposure or sensitivity to the collective unconscious regarding your descriptions, coupled with an either overt or latent desire, or longing to have
some sort of self confirmation along those lines.
False Memory Syndrome wiki
Confabulation wiki
Similar may be said with possibility kindred to the 'religious experience' phenomenon.
The Utility of a Neuropsychology of Religious Experience
Some perceptions listed in the latest link, but correlating to both the alien abduction and religious experience phenomenon as listed are
•Loss of all awareness of discrete limited being and of the passage of time
•An obliteration of the self-other dichotomy
•Visual and auditory hallucinations
•Feelings of bliss and ecstasy
•Feelings of transcendence of the ordinary world
•Preoccupation with religious ritual (or alien/ufo reports/videos/literature/personalities
•Feelings of internal unity
•Feelings of cosmic union and consciousness
•Feelings of transcendence of space and time
•Sense of presence of a higher being(s) or reality (aliens, angels, dead relatives)
•Sense of insight into the nature of the universe and an overcoming of paradoxes.
•Entering into trance states
•Sense of sacredness
•Sense of ineffability
You're entirely within your right to believe what you want, of course. You're the one having these experiences. Personally, I'd be worried about
the handle I have on my own brain getting slippery such that I could fall suspect to such neurological self trickery.
Some, however, welcome these as validation for something they've always wanted to believe in.
Most people say they hate being lied to, but, in getting to know the brain, how it works and all the software glitches and bugs it's prone to,
including self deception, and a willingness toward self deception higher than an acceptance bias for truth, you'll find what seems more like people
in general hating the real truth of everything around them such they need 'interpret' the truth into personalized distortions of reality for
palatability with some interpretations skewed off into outright delusional.
To each their own.