Originally posted by Jordan River
Age 27, 5 years janitorial, Direct care worker (handicap) certified, 2 associate degrees, 2 years in assembly, industrial lines, 2 years grocery, 10
years experience as an audio engineer with 2 years professional intern
I do agree there are some major issues with unemployment...
BUT as a hiring manager, if you handed me the above as your resume here is the reasons I would not hire you.
Please do not take offense, as this is only my opinion, but this is part of what I look for in an employee.
#1. 5 years janitorial
+2 years industrial line work
+2 years grocery
That's 9 years work experience
+10 years as an audio engineer : That's 19 years work experience from someone only 27 years old.
Right away this says to an employer, either he's one "hell of a" worker, of he's full of crap.
#2. Even if giving you the biggest room for doubt, and saying you worked from 16 years old...that's still just under an average of 80 hours a week,
and you want an employer to believe you still had time to go out and get two associates degrees on top of that.
This is the reason you do not have a job, because as an employer, if I looked at that resume I would say "heck no we aren't hiring him!"
Now don't take my words the wrong way, you may very well have all the experience you are claiming, but from an employer standpoint it sounds very far
If this is how you present your resume, my suggestion to you would be cater your resume to the job your going for. 10 years audio experience sounds
great, but if your applying for an industrial job they're going to think its a joke you even put it on there.
Revamp your resume and market yourself for each position. Provide a cover letter if need be to explain the gaps in employment rather than filling your
resume with unrelated job experience.
With the experience you are claiming to have, you should have no problem finding a position because you would be much more ahead in the game than most
My suggestion, revamp your resume and give it a shot for a week or two, then come back and revisit this thread if you find it to be the same case.