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No jobs avalible anywhere!!!!!

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posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed

You just called me an "ass pie"
... but that's ok. Many have considered my ass quite the pie.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
There are loads of jobs around.

I fear that many of the people complaining about lack of jobs are those who are too picky or stuck-up to apply for jobs which they think are ''demeaning''.

I guess you understand the entire demographic, right? You must be pretty clever LOL.

I am engineer and physicist with 38 years of experience working for government, military and the private sector in the research and development of commercial/industrial products and military weapons systems. I'm 56, I can't get a job. So I started my own research company and I worked like hell at that, but sometimes I would rather just work for someone else rather than wear a billion hats. I try every once and while, send out resumes, try and organize interviews, etc. but it never works. With all this experience you'd think it would be easy, since I can back everything up, show products, show patents, copyrights, who I worked for, letters of reference, etc. but for some odd reason, the jobs just aren't there.

This is even worse for young people entering the job market. They don't have the experience, just a piece of paper and we all know how much that means. So if old guys like me and young guys like the OP can't get a job, where are all those jobs? Oh yeah, the government allowed all the corporations to f*** us and they sent all those jobs offshore.

And the OP's right, you can't raise a family, of $7.50 and hour, you can't do it on $10 an hour either. Between you and your wife, you need about $30 an hour, which is by the way about $4,800 a month less taxes. I'm in Canada, so those are my numbers here and the taxes and mandatory deductions on $4,800 a month would be about $1,800 a month.

You want to buy a house? $1,500 a month plus taxes of $300
You want to rent for a small family? $1,500 a month
Groceries? $800 to $1000 a month
Car/Gas/Maintenance and Ins? $1,200
Phone/Internet/TV/Cell? $200

I don't know where the clothes and furniture are coming from because we are already at $3,700 / month. The world is screwed, it's coming down to the crunch. Are you ready?

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
reply to post by TruckDriver69

The only problem is that you reach "maximum capacity" quick.
but yeah, if you have no goals then proceed..
or... I mean, if your goal is to drive a truck for 20 yrs to buy a mediocre home.,.

Wow, this exemplifies the attitude today! No creativity or out of the box thinking!

So you think driving truck is a mediocre profession that will give you a mediocre lifestyle? How about learning to drive the truck then buy your own? Then you have your own business making more than most white collar professionals!

Dead end job!
I know your type!

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:29 PM
Apologies if this has already been mentioned.

There are jobs in Alberta in the oil sands area and jobs in Australia, in the mining sector, I believe, and many of these jobs are highly paid. A young person desperate for a job could work in these areas for a year or two and save for higher education. Yes, it means moving, but sometimes there is no other choice.

These kinds of jobs could give a person seed capital to start some enterprise of their own or to get more education.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

I can't comment too much on the situation in Kansas, but here in the UK there really are jobs available if people really set their mind to it and persevere.

The main problem is that people don't want to lower their expectations and aspirations by going for a job which they consider to be ''beneath'' them.

That's nonsense. I take it you haven't been following the coalition's tens of thousands of public sector layoffs, not to mention those in the private sector this year alone?

Perhaps you are doing alright, but that doesn't mean everyone out of work is riding benefits or not bothering. When push comes to shove, people will take any job to put food in their children's mouths.
edit on 19-5-2012 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:33 PM
I was unemployed for 2 1/2 years (you read that right) until this past Wednesday. I got a job in my field that pays HALF of what I was making at my last job. The owner is a dick and his right-hand man likes to think of himself as some sort of boss man who is always on my ass about working faster. I freaking hate it, but I will do it as long as I have to.

Keep trying - there has to be something.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:33 PM
looks like it might be time to start eating sprouts grown on the window seal of your little communist apartment so you will have enough energy to go work all day as hard as you can for a few bucks to keep your family from freezing through a harsh new american winter.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by kawika
reply to post by TruckDriver69

I always thought that would be a cool job, but the thought of trying to back one of those things into a loading dock...

I don't know how they do it.

You can learn that gig in no time. Few weeks in school, couple months on the job training and you will be an ace. Just stay out of NYC or Chicago. Those are nightmare cities to drive in. Nice runs are throughout the Midwest, North to South up and down I/75. Stay out of California.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:35 PM

reply to post by ladygeek

I'm trying to figure out why I went to college because even I can't get a job flipping burgers but then I'm over 50 and mostly perceived as a threat to the upper management idiots.

The job situation is due to the fact that manufacturing moved off-shore back in the early '80's under Raygun. I had to change careers from HR to IT and my last job (over 3 years ago) was moved to TARGET India. Yeppers, that TARGET.

Bless your heart. There it is. What about our age group indeed? We are over/under qualified and a "threat" like you said.

Where I live I am surrounded by people from India whose Patriarchs all work at Apple. The extended families all live together 9 to a house and all are here on indefinite temporary visas. They have five kids each, none of them speak English and obey the rules as little as possible. They don't even say hi. And yet they live here in America, enjoying full benefits and using resources like there is no tomorrow which, for a lot of them, is true. When they are done with their ride in Disney land they will return to their homeland having contributed little to the country they used (They sound like Americans). I'm not complaining so much as I am amused.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by TruckDriver69

Originally posted by HamrHeed
reply to post by TruckDriver69

The only problem is that you reach "maximum capacity" quick.
but yeah, if you have no goals then proceed..
or... I mean, if your goal is to drive a truck for 20 yrs to buy a mediocre home.,.

Wow, this exemplifies the attitude today! No creativity or out of the box thinking!

So you think driving truck is a mediocre profession that will give you a mediocre lifestyle? How about learning to drive the truck then buy your own? Then you have your own business making more than most white collar professionals!

Dead end job!
I know your type!

Bro.. I was half serious but yeah, it's a different game if you own a rig. I know a few truckers and they don't make enough to live FREE.
Not to mention the strange shifts but I digress.. I suppose it;s not "dead end" but in my view it is. Because.. I would try to hit every road runner if I were king of the road

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

It's a philosophy on life brother.

There are those that do.

There are those that don't.

You can whine all you want but life doesn't owe you anything. You have to figure out what you can offer the world or else wallow in pity.

If no one gives you a job, go out and create one!

Sounds difficult?

Well so did coming to this country with nothing, tilling a barren land, living in mud homes and farming the homestead, with no electricity, or modern machinery.

This is what grandfather did, to come to this continent and CREATE a life for his family and ancestors.....

If you think your life is hard, think of the pioneers. They just DID what they had to. To build this fine continent.

Again. I have done every dirty job under the sun. I feel sorry for no one who makes excuses in this world.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:38 PM
"looks like it might be time to start eating sprouts grown on the window seal of your little communist apartment"


sprouts have feeling MAAAAAN

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Goldcurrent
reply to post by NotAnAspie

It's a philosophy on life brother.

There are those that do.

There are those that don't.

You can whine all you want but life doesn't owe you anything. You have to figure out what you can offer the world or else wallow in pity.

If no one gives you a job, go out and create one!

Sounds difficult?

Well so did coming to this country with nothing, tilling a barren land, living in mud homes and farming the homestead, with no electricity, or modern machinery.

This is what grandfather did, to come to this continent and CREATE a life for his family and ancestors.....

If you think your life is hard, think of the pioneers. They just DID what they had to. To build this fine continent.

Again. I have done every dirty job under the sun. I feel sorry for no one who makes excuses in this world.

i'm not complaining about the quality of my life, smarty. i'm complaining about a dumb line from a movie that is being used that only screams one thing. you have NO idea how the capitalist system works partnered with our crazy laws. When some take more than what they deserve/need, there will ALWAYS be the class that has next to nothing. that's just MATH, guy... and don't call me brother. My boobs really hate that.

Why is the economy collapsing? ask yourself that one question. if you cannot see where the ends will never meet then there is no point in trying to explain it to you. There may very well be a lot of jobs out there, but there will NEVER be ENOUGH. Unless people are free to grow their own food, build their own house minus all these stupid regulations and actually OWN their own property minus ridiculous property taxes... it just aint gonna happen and they don't WANT it to happen. The way they want it is for there to always be that deficit at the end.

can't you see everybody driving around using up resources to get to some stupid little job across town that doesn't pay their bills? That is completely illogical. necessary travel is completely understandable but in every town across America here are people just wasting resources to do bullcrap work that they could do from a computer at home even though the job itself isn't even a necessary one/just pushing more paper.

how do you think any of this is going to equalize itself across the board? IT'S NOT.

there will ALWAYS be the unemployed and there will ALWAYS be the underpaid... so you might as well just let them come in this thread and bitch to their hearts content and keep your damn Yoda comments to yourself, Mr gold coin avatar trolling for comments.

edit on 19-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed

Originally posted by TruckDriver69

Originally posted by HamrHeed
reply to post by TruckDriver69

The only problem is that you reach "maximum capacity" quick.
but yeah, if you have no goals then proceed..
or... I mean, if your goal is to drive a truck for 20 yrs to buy a mediocre home.,.

Wow, this exemplifies the attitude today! No creativity or out of the box thinking!

So you think driving truck is a mediocre profession that will give you a mediocre lifestyle? How about learning to drive the truck then buy your own? Then you have your own business making more than most white collar professionals!

Dead end job!
I know your type!

Bro.. I was half serious but yeah, it's a different game if you own a rig. I know a few truckers and they don't make enough to live FREE.
Not to mention the strange shifts but I digress.. I suppose it;s not "dead end" but in my view it is. Because.. I would try to hit every road runner if I were king of the road

Those guys you know must have a lot of child support or alimony....You can live in your truck and they are pretty nice today if you get a good one. The only way to do that is be a good driver and not hit every road runner you see!
That was a good one! I used to tag the orange barrels once in a while late at night... Just whip my trailer and fling those suckers into the ditch..

Most new OTR rigs are like condos and if you are single you are way better off. If you are young, no education and very little prospects, you can really bank some cash doing this. Maybe ride out the bad times in one of these and then go to school full time with your savings if that is your goal.

I drove truck for 10 years before I went back to school for I.T. and now I work with Dynamics CRM making a bit over 70k. Funny thing is, I didn't go to school for CRM. It was all self taught on the job and burning countless nights in front of a computer.

I still keep my CDL current in case I need to go run down "road runner" again...

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
"looks like it might be time to start eating sprouts grown on the window seal of your little communist apartment"


sprouts have feeling MAAAAAN

They also have a lot of protein... stem cell type proteins. they are interesting little things but Americans like their beef... even though it is absurd at the amount of resources it takes to raise cattle, but each to his own and that is another topic.

hell, if I get desperate enough I'll just eat some dandelion greens.
food isn't one of my problems. I can hardly stomach the food I do have.

my problem is people... people are freaking crazy!

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:59 PM
there will ALWAYS be the unemployed and there will ALWAYS be the underpaid... so you might as well just let them come in this thread and bitch to their hearts content and keep your damn Yoda comments to yourself, Mr gold coin avatar trolling for comments.

edit on 19-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

I will let them bitch to their hearts content.

But maybe some just need a kick to get started.

I agree that our system has been corrupted, our manufacturing base-shipped offshore, Wal-Mart killed the mom & pops, etc. etc.

But corporations are created by PEOPLE. Jobs are created by PEOPLE. OP is one of these PEOPLE.
Hence; create, build, offer services, do anything to be of value to your society.

I see too many leeches, and people who think that what they do is of actual importance.

I have no qualms with people venting, but I am offering a simple solution.

Think for yourselves, offer SOLUTIONS, and be USEFUL somehow. Again, nobody owes you anything. Be creative and find solutuons.

Attitude is a great start.

No one wants to hire a whiner.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Well that sure would be a problem working in a society, be it civilized or not. It seems your take is, we are all nuts!
Sorry about that man...

No one said humanity was perfect. I find most of the humans I run into tolerable for the most part. At least tolerable enough to get my pay check and run home to the wife so she can spend it all and I have to go back again the next week...

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

Starred & Flagged and the other thread that says there are tons of jobs is wrong.

Jobs that pay squat, that will allow bosses to bully you that is if you are under 40 and good looking.

My job of 16 years and 16 "exceeds expectations" with a accuracy rate of 98% was outsourced to India.

At 58 and a woman I was making 48,000 a year with OT 52,000.

If it weren't for my husband having a good job I would be homeless.

for you and

If you are young and willing to take frap pay and tons of bullying and abuse and willing to kiss @ss yeah there's a frappy job for you just waiting.

Me, I'm enjoying life, I would at this point rather be homeless than go back to work for the abusing twitch I still nightmare about (without 1/2 a Valium before bed).

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Goldcurrent

This is a good point. I wish I had that extra kick to start my own business. Between fear of failure and fear of not providing for my family I have been lucky enough to make most of the right moves as an employee working for business owners.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 09:07 PM
how in the world are people supposed to think for themselves when you got people trying to constantly kick start them psychologically. this is EXACTLY the kind of crap i'm talking about. people won't stay the hell out of other people's heads and it's completely unnecessary. if you have enough time to sit around try to psychologically "kick start" people into action with stupid lines from movies than you clearly do not have enough to worry about. your priorities are mixed up, just like this system. THAT is the problem, there is no natural flow anymore. People are tied into a web in which some of them can barely move. you're not cutting through a damn one of those unnecessary vines, you are just padding your own ego because maybe life has just been too simple for you and you just don't know what's like for others.

my problems with jobs have ALWAYS been crazy ass people who think they know stuff. this is exactly what is wrong with our stupid government. it's all simple and cut and dry to them. the current situation has simply got people locked in in a lot of ways... and I'm not even talking about the imaginary grid... people don't even realize how much they suffer simply from people all across america yacking on their cell phones right now. with all the crap in our airwaves because of how our system is all connected by a bunch of people who think they run things by yacking about it all day and watching it all on TV... I'm surprised EVERYBODY doesn't have cancer or some EMF related illness.
edit on 19-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

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