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Weird And Unknown Creatures

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:03 PM
Okay, so I admit I got sucked into the You Tube abyss this morning. It doesn't happen very often because normally I hate sitting down and watching an online video....I'd much rather read about it than watch it.

However, in this case you truly do have to watch the video to see the pictures of these creatures...sorry. Good news is, the vid is only 2 minutes long, so it won't be too painful for others who'd rather read than watch.

For those at work, no sound is necessary to see the pictures of the, um, "things".

Some of the pictures have long-since been debunked, such as the "fish men" or mermaids or whatever they claimed they were. If memory serves, I belive these were shown to have been made up of parts which were "sewn" together. (They are at 1:21 & 1:30 in the video)

Also, I think one of the chupacabra photos (at 0:26 in video) has been said to be a dog with mange.
But I thought a big fat, "What the hell??" when I saw the chupacabra photos at 0:22 & 0:30.

Same thought when I saw the nastiness at 1:41 in the video. It looks sort of like a horshoe crab, but that's not a horshoe crab. If I remember correctly, I think it was found in a sewer somewhere, maybe Russia? Somewhere in Europe? I don't remember exactly, but I do remember the workmen who found it said there were more than one and were extremely disturbed by their finding. I saw the photos of it a while back when they first reported it, but I don't know if anybody ever determined what they are. Regardless, the pictures of them made me gag because it reminds me of something out of the movie "Alien". They're like sperm with shells (ga-ROSS).

Anyway, take a look and see what you think.
Please share any knowledge or additional info you may have on any of these images.
edit on 18-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

Guess it would help if I linked the video

edit on 18-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Mostly fakes and proven frauds. Mixed in with odd real animals that are known.

When I see a Doug Higley creation in a clip......its the click to dump it.

Anyone who wants to start on crypto needs to put in a year or so researching circus gaffs over the last couple hundred years.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:20 PM
Fur-less raccoons.
Deep sea fishes and invertebrates.
Fakes made for sideshows.

That covers most of it.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Shadowalker

Yeah, some of them are fake photos.... But i can asure you chupa-cabra is like 80% real. He is connected to other cryptids such as sasquatch and mothman. That's why no one found a body yet. Anyway, cool vid bro.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Frocharocha

"stupid GIRL" is a "bro"?

To the OP
Some of these pics are known creatures, though they are indeed weird. Some of them are obviously fakes. Others I'm on the fence about. Still I like watching these types of videos just for the entertainment so thanks SIS! lol

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by Frocharocha

"stupid GIRL" is a "bro"?

To the OP
Some of these pics are known creatures, though they are indeed weird. Some of them are obviously fakes. Others I'm on the fence about. Still I like watching these types of videos just for the entertainment so thanks SIS! lol

Ha ha, yeah, most people will assume someone is a dude on ATS unless their avatar or user name says otherwise. I guess he was thrown off by the awesomeness of the shark-riding raptor armed with machine guns and dynamite.

Contrary to the other members' comments above, I'm not a total idiot, and yes, I agree that there are a few that may be photoshopped and there are a few that have been long-proven frauds.

My questions were concerning the identification of the creatures I specifically noted in my OP, and any input regarding a few others that I've never seen before-- regardless whether they are simply an identified, but odd looking species.

The members who posted above act like I'm a total retard for not ever having seen the "mixed odd real animals that are known," and then they don't even bother to identify it or share their obvious trove of knowledge on the subject.

edit on 18-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Frocharocha
reply to post by Shadowalker

Yeah, some of them are fake photos.... But i can asure you chupa-cabra is like 80% real. He is connected to other cryptids such as sasquatch and mothman. That's why no one found a body yet. Anyway, cool vid bro.

"80% real"? WTF.

And he is connected to other cryptids.. In the same way that they don't exist prehaps?

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Is there a way to copy a single frame from the video & so I can post it on my thread as a picture?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by mee30

LOL, i don't even saw stupid girl name. Anyway, i suposse you guys laughed your asses off with my reply.

#Thain Esh Kelch

80% is my percentage of possibilite on the existence of this being. The chupa-cabra showed some cool feats in it's sights that suggest they are conected with other cryptids.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Yeah the background music is usually the giveaway that said video is but a slideshow of manipulated images.

Case and point... who has ever drawn a big red circle in Paint over an image with matching arrow sign.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 01:17 AM
The only one that caught my eye was the horse-shoe crab like creature. I would like to know more about it, but I'm not going to hold my breathe for that.
I think it may be an entirely different species, but then again I have no idea.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 07:08 PM
The horsehoe crab one is the only real one. I've seen horeshoe crabs that looked like that, not as big but deep in the ocean who knows how big that stuff gets?

The rest of that stuff is Star Wars lightsaber fake.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 10:48 PM
thanks for the video, I had not seen any of these clips before

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:07 PM
Some of those marine inverts/fish are real, but a lot of those are cut-and-sewn fakes or photoshopped.

And that thing isn't a horseshoe crab, it's a triops.

Did anyone else have those as pets when they were a kid? I sure did.

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