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What's the point of SHTF options when experts are saying Fukushima will destroy all!!!

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Im just wondering whats the point of bug out bags, escape routes, seeds, gardening, etc, when there alot of experts saying that pretty much the whole Northern Hemisphere is screwed and will pretty much be inundated with radioactive elements that will kill off everything.

Sure we can move to the Southern Hemisphere, but for alot of people, that's not an option.

Shouldn't all the posts here be all about getting to the Southern Hemisphere?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 02:46 PM
Simple...Because they could be wrong. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

No second line required, but added just because.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 02:53 PM
Because if you think about it, all radiation is, is a chemical particle. On the periodic table of elements from you guessed it, Chemistry class.

Since everything is composed of chemicals, everything can be counteracted with other chemicals.

All we would really need is to pour another chemical into the ocean to counter act the radioactive chemicals already dumped in there and the ocean and moon would take care of the rest.

Simple really, not all hope is lost, we used our brains to get into this mess, we just need to use our brains to get out of it.

And super charged Vitamin C or an ultra sound machine may be able to do it.

But all I have are theories, I can't figure this problem out without the right scientific equipment.

I think there is a solution to every problem, we just have to work and think hard enough.
edit on 18-5-2012 by Quickfix because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Quickfix
Because if you think about it, all radiation is, is a chemical particle. On the periodic table of elements from you guessed it, Chemistry class.

Since everything is composed of chemicals, everything can be counteracted with other chemicals.

All we would really need is to pour another chemical into the ocean to counter act the radioactive chemicals already dumped in there and the ocean and moon would take care of the rest.
edit on 18-5-2012 by Quickfix because: (no reason given)

I don't think it works quite like that.. Whatever your thinking about dumping in the ocean(if such thing exist) to counteract radiation would probably screw it up more..

Radiation is also more like extra electrons bouncing around from broken atoms.. its not a chemical on the periodic element

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by dominicus

What experts? ATS? Michu?

The sun could explode before I reach the end of this sentence...... nope, guess I better keep preparing in case the "experts" are wrong yet again.

This week the "experts" gave us a 40% chance of rain on Monday, 20 on Tuesday, and then clear. It proceeded to storm heavily on Monday, and Tuesday morning we had a 40% chance of rain, with 20 on Wednesday. It proceeded to storm heavily. Then on Wednesday, I woke up to a 40% chance of rain, and it stormed heavily in the afternoon. It is finally clear, only 4 days later than they expected.
If they can't get a 24 hour forecast correct, why do we trust them on anything?

Fats are bad, no wait, those are essential, carbs are bad, no wait, those are essential, unless you are allergic to gluten, no wait, it isn't the gluten, because organic oatmeal doesn't cause the same reaction, maybe it is something else. Smoke more, it helps with a cough, but wait it also causes cancer. Drink out of aluminum cans, they are safer and last longer, but wait, they might cause Alzeimers, except, if you smoke, the nicotine might carry away the aluminum toxins, but then the cancer again. DAMN THE EXPERTS!

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:05 PM
it would appeal too those ,,at the top of the food chain,, too be able too, bet,,like there was no tomorrow.

risk vs unknown
scientifically Fucushima was supposed too go BIG BOOM,,asta lavista,,ELE,boom,,scientifically,,
it didnt.
question is ,,when?
earthquake ,,,vegas odds, are what??
nuclear explosion,,,odds on favorite,,
contained in time ,,
BEFORE,,it goes BIGBOOM,,,
well,,those kind of odds,,,might make a man,,wonder.

What's the point of SHTF options when experts are saying Fukushima will destroy all!!!
the point is ,,collaterall damage is too be expected,,



posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Nephlim

I don't think it works quite like that.. Whatever your thinking about dumping in the ocean(if such thing exist) to counteract radiation would probably screw it up more..

Radiation is also more like extra electrons bouncing around from broken atoms.. its not a chemical on the periodic element

It actually does work like that.

(below contains evidence on Vitamin C and Fukishima workers)

(Uranium is radioactive and is on the periodic table)

I said radiation because there are tons of forms of radiation, so i was being general.

You can't take a non-harmful chemical and dump it somewhere, for it to cause harm, its harmless. Its non radioactive, how are you going to make a situation worse when there is pools of radiation being pushed into the ocean daily, that's as worse as it gets.

Edited to add: Newtons first Law, Every action has an equal and opposite re-action. Add chemicals to the equation and, every chemical re-action has an equal and opposite re-action. It's actually fairly simple chemistry if you think about it.

edit on 18-5-2012 by Quickfix because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

Because if you think about it, all radiation is, is a chemical particle. On the periodic table of elements from you guessed it, Chemistry class.

What symbol on the periodic table stands for radiation?

Radiation is not a particle, it is energy. Plutonium may be a particle, but the radiation it emits is not a particle.

Adding something like Vitamin C to the Ocean is not the same as adding it to your diet. Vitamin C might flush out of your body fairly quickly (although it is possible to overdose), but the Ocean is not your body. Adding Vitamin C would change the pH of the Ocean, and it would affect some lifeforms favorably and some infavorably, and it would change the ecology of the ocean. Look at the terrible effects of Nitrogen on water ecosystems. Nitrogen is fairly harmless to a person as well, and it is an essential element in soil, and it occurs naturally, but it is also a terrible pollutant with terrible consequences when it gets out of balance.

Sorry, but these solutions are rarely simple or....... "QuickFix"es.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:15 PM
Fukishima will never destroy all. Radiation can corrupt cells and eventually kill them but life always finds a way.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by dominicus

That was the point of a thread I started a few weeks ago....ATS Thread

I agree with you OP....

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Quickfix

What symbol on the periodic table stands for radiation?

Radiation is not a particle, it is energy. Plutonium may be a particle, but the radiation it emits is not a particle.

Adding something like Vitamin C to the Ocean is not the same as adding it to your diet. Vitamin C might flush out of your body fairly quickly (although it is possible to overdose), but the Ocean is not your body. Adding Vitamin C would change the pH of the Ocean, and it would affect some lifeforms favorably and some infavorably, and it would change the ecology of the ocean. Look at the terrible effects of Nitrogen on water ecosystems. Nitrogen is fairly harmless to a person as well, and it is an essential element in soil, and it occurs naturally, but it is also a terrible pollutant with terrible consequences when it gets out of balance.

Sorry, but these solutions are rarely simple or....... "QuickFix"es.

Read my previous post, and you will get your answer.

And trust me, i would rather risk trying to fix it with science then just letting it be.

If oil can destroy the gulf and fish/shrimp start to have no eyes, what do you think the massive amount of radiation would do?

It's also why I stated i do not have the science equipment, but it should be easier to find out, once you have the first step in the right direction.

Oh and just so you know, its impossible for humans to OD on Vitamin C, its why we can handle 25,000 Milligrams of IV vitamin C from hospitals.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

% for chances of rain or what fats are good or bad for me are really nothing compared to depleted uranium, cesium, and all the crap thats coming out of Fukushima. All 4 of those plants are sitting on an active fault line, nobody there really knows what do, none of MSM is talking about it, and the odds really dont look good.

If I was a betting man, I'd move to the southern hemisphere.

Weather and fat compared to fukushima is like comparing apples and sausages

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:26 PM
Hey, don't start questioning whether your prepping hobby is necessary. It's an inexpensive pastime compared to going on a cruise ship and getting food poisoning or having the ship hit a rock in the ocean. Take a few cans of your stock and go camping in the woods for a few days to show you how fun it is to prepare. The woods will relax you and the thoughts of Fukushima will disappear. After that you will fear skunks and bears like normal people do.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

Vitamin C overdose symptoms.

You can overdose on anything, including pure water. It happens fairly frequently. For Vitamin C, it would take many grams of Vitamin C to actually die, but there are plenty of adverse affects from longterm exposure.

It is still irrelavent to the Radiation cure. Sure, there are scientific avenues we should be exploring. We should be building a wall around the entire place at this moment, and pumping concrete, and creeping ever closer to the core, and building lead plates to lower and entomb in concrete once we are close enough. That would be a simple, and low-tech solution.

There is absolutely nothing we can add to the oceans to make any difference, and attempting to do so would have so many adverse and unknown consequences that it scares me to even have someone mention it!

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by dominicus

I agree. But, it was more of a dig at all the so-called "experts."

I haven't seen any experts making outrageous warnings about Fukishima accept on ATS. I watch the radiation detection levels here in my state, and there hasn't been any significant change since Fukishima. Our Nuke plants did detect the Fukishima radiation after the tragedy, and they continue to detect it, but not in high levels.

It is certainly a potential tragedy, but so is the economy, and the government, and weather, and the sun, and every space object that approaches. Most of us will meet our doom behind the wheel of a car or at the hands of our estranged lovers long before we need to worry about Fukishima.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

chemicals can be radioactive, but there is no chemical that is called radiation. radiation is more like a property of a chemical. Uraniaum, plutonium etc, are all radioactive chemicals..

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:31 PM
What even makes you think radiation is dangerous?

Let alone the miniscule amount from Fukishima?

Shouldn't you already be dead from the tests in the 1950s?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

When you ingest too much vitamin C you get to be friends with Bernie Butt. It's pretty hard to OD on vitamin C unless you're stubborn or disillusioned.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Yes, but there are often more serious side-effects for the ones you call "stubborn."

The people most at risk for this type of vitamin overdose are ones who consume vitamin c supplements on a daily basis. ...

Minor symptoms include a strong smell during urination, bloating or gas, nausea, and an upset stomach. One might also experience sores on the inside of their mouth.....

In a more severe case of overdose one might notice the following symptoms: the development of kidney stones, a greater need for oxygen, and deficiencies in B vitamins as well as copper. These symptoms usually only show up in more severe cases in which at least 6,000mg of vitamin c has been consumed, or when someone takes a large amount of vitamin c and other vitamins or minerals.....

If vitamin c overdose is left too long, it can lead to many long term complications, such as kidney disease, diabetes, and hypoglycemia. Many of these complications are irreversible or difficult to treat,

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so our bodies are pretty efficient at passing it through, but it is an extra stressor on the kidneys, liver, and digestive track, and it does change our pH to a more acidic level, and in combination with other ailments such as diabetes or circulatory problems, it can be very serious.
edit on 18-5-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

they continue to detect it
potential tragedy

sorry thats a dicotamie(?)
if they are cont. too detect, then potential,
cannot be used.

Something too do with future/past tenses.

One way denotes in the present as in reality.

must be the,,,,,or it could just be ,,,ya sorry,


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