posted on May, 18 2012 @ 02:33 PM
We've all done research and know places to look for more.
The next step is to make it easy for other people to look at it.
These days it seems people are starting to wonder if something is wrong, as I'm getting a lot more cases of people ACTUALLY listening to me talk
about these problems.
Methods to spread information:
1) Have a set of information ready to post anywhere you can online. Make a website using google sites that walks asleep people through quotes and
links from the laws on the senate website we all know about. Have some philisopical tidbits like knowing a definitive source such as Gutmachers'
"Abortion, 10 years of progress" showing 400 million worldwide abortions in 10 years, and therefore why WOULD WE NOT have a satanic influence in our
governments. Another one I use is from the bible which half the people would maybe appreciate:
When Jesus was tempted in the Desert in the gospels and satan offered him the world's kingdom's Jesus didn't say he was lying but that he should
only worship God. So it implies satan has deep influence by owning the world's kingdoms, thus governments, and thus again it points to satanic
influence in governments which is what people are so hard pressed to believe. Use other information that you would have believed on the first day you
started to look at conspiracies yourself. Remember, you can only say things people would believe like links to government websites they can click and
look up themselves quite easily, since your working with asleep people.
At the bottom of your website offer a link to another website with information maybe from Anon's Operation Hiroshima which has a few juicy articles
right off the bat if you look for them that you can offer a link to and quote the interesting parts and tell them wehre to look for it hwen they
click the link. You have to make it easy for them, but once you've written it all down the hard part is done. And at the end of your website that
talks about true conspiracies, now that they followed you that far offer ways for them to do the same thing your doing. Tell them to do this very
thing, and tell them to get another email account no one is familiar with and email their entire contact list one at a time a canned message. Offer an
example for them so more poeple will actually do it.
2) Go to any and all websites posting a comment that would get some people interested in your link, work with common sentiment. If it's a foxnews
news board your commenting on say 'more proof obama wants to do X from the white house website' and offer the link to your website that says just
that. It's hooking the fish here.
Make a word file where you write down all your fishhook lines and links down with notes like 'for republicans' 'for democrats' 'for mtv fans'
Then go through messages boards and just post these hook lines for 20 minutes a day every day anonymously as you can.
3) Go to political forums where people are already pissed off, like, yes, Glenn Beck's forum or a tea party forum. They are ripe for the picking
possibly more often than the general public.
4) Pay 20 bucks a month to google for advertisement space on their search engine.
Google -> more -> even more -> google ads
I got a thousand people to look at a religious rant I made for 30 bucks a month, it's not much at all. Plus you can use a gift card that has a
psudoname attached to it for the payments.
5) Every time you see a good idea / explination of a conspiracy copy and past it into a word file, and when it gets to be the size of a booklet spend
an hour every saturday fixing it up just enough that you can make a pdf out of it useing free software and email it to all your contacts with a email
that they dont' know is yours. Get a new email account and sign up for spam, then return spam to them with the booklet attached.
In short, spend 20 miintues a day working at making this stuff easy enough to understand that you can just send a link, an email etc. on message
boards. People are ALL OVER the internet and they are beginning to wonder if something is up ENOUGH that you can pull them in if you've prepared
something for 2 weeks. It's going to do a LOT MORE GOOD than spending all your time on ATS or whatever. If we all did that, we'd have an awake and
aware public. Not to mention, tell other people on ATS to do this kind of stuff, since it's fine if you do it but it's better if you convince two
other people to do it along with you.