posted on May, 19 2012 @ 11:12 AM
How come every time something like this happens everyone get's into an argument about Democrats and Republicans and Liberals, right-wing and
left-wing etc? THEY ARE ALL AGAINST US!
Next election the Republican's will win and then the Democrats will be the big enemy (once again) as the pendulum swings back and forth using our own
ignorance and the stand that it swings from.
The Democrat and Republican framework is based on nothing but a divide and conquer plan. Reading the posts all the way back....tell me it doesn't work
like a charm!
Geez. who cares about political parties. You had better be MORE worried about what the NDAA is and who is REALLY pulling the strings as opposed to
which little politically evil brother voted for it. Better be looking more towards the Rockefellers on this one.
edit on 19-5-2012 by Phenomium
because: (no reason given)