Why are a lot of the posts saying this is absolute garbage, blah blah blah, it's all been debunked a hundred times, blah blah blah, this is complex
disinformation? Reallllllly?
I just watched this 3 hour documentary, and my thought are this: there is some serious implications in this video that need to be scientifically
tell me:
why does NASA say they have no reason to investigate these claims, because they are 30 years old?
Why are there shadow anomalies?
Why is there a visible line on the horizon in all footage showing what could be a vertical wall as a back drop?
Why are the perspectives of the cameras angles off? For example, the cameras strapped to their chests are aimed down at the astronauts but the
reflection in the visor shows a straight on shot?
how come on footage of astronauts in low earth atmosphere, the reflection of the sun is extremely small, but on the moon the sun appears as a huge
glowing ball, indicating a large light source?
why do shadows clearly get longer as the astronauts move toward the (artificial?) light source, when this is not possible under natural lighting.?
What's with the letter "c" on one of the moon rocks?
why are the image crosshairs behind objects?
why are hills and mountains in the background seeming to be reused in different images and videos, with mountain features and craters proven to have
been in places they shouldn't be?
how did they get through the van allen radiation belts?
why are video's on the lunar module where astronauts are suppossed to be 200,000km away from earth show blue light pouring in through the windows?
why is there no crater on the moon from the lift off of the lander, when it has been shown rockets on earth that hover above the ground cut a large
crater into gypsum rock,
the chemical reaction from the lift off of the LM from the moon should create a red gas, in a vaccuum, this gas would be compressed and spread out
over a large and even area, the footage of the lift off is pathetic, even though it is apparently lifting a 2,500 pound module
on apollo 11, the first time man touches down on the moon in the history of man, the astronauts are on the radio and as the LM approaches the moon at
a high velocity, there voices remain calm...they are extremely boring considering what is occurring
I could honestly go on forever, I respect the fact that some posters firmly believe the opposite as voiced in the documentary. But c'mon people, there
is a lot of anomalies that NEED to be reviewed IN DEPTH so we can end this. If this conspiracy is true, then in my mind, most conspiracy theories are
likely true, as this proves how easily people can be fooled by media and authoritative figures like NASA. NASA claims that NO OTHER LIGHTING was taken
up for the pictures, but there HAS TO BE artificial lighting in some of the photos, as the documentary proves IMO.
this is an important issue in my mind, but it's laughed at by skeptics for some reason. GIve me a break I'm 26 years old, I have no reason to believe
this crap. I can understand people who experienced this on TV, but I have no investment in this and have no reason to believe any of this until I see
proof. The motivation for deception exists, the footage to me looks like a set, I see no reason to believe that we've been out of low earth orbit, at
least not in the public realm.
edit on 17-5-2012 by 11:11 because: (no reason given)