posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:39 AM
hello again.'
it went so well with my last request for help so i figured il post this one also.
This is from the same home as the head in my previous post.
allright, this is what i believe, it is an icon made of wood, it depicts mary with the jesus child. on the other half it depicts saint george the
and the three bystanders, perhaps they are the three wise men.
i might be wrong but what is interesting to me is wher foldable icons like this come from.
i bought this one and one that is almost identical to this one, only it is smaller, about half the size.
this one is a little bit bigger than a postcard when folded.
and the reason i believe its old is that it smells just like it does in really really old wooden churches with lots of wallpaintings.
so if anyone knows what this is i will be very happy.
and if the mods dont like this thread, then im sorry and youre welcome to remove.